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Welcome! First Grade Orientation September 26 th, 2017
Who Are We? Team of Teachers Ms. Camp Mrs. Nguyen Mrs. Salazar Mrs. Padilla Mrs. Gottfried Ms. Espino Free powerpoint template: www. brainybetty. com 2
Our Goals Help each child be successful by: • Providing a fun and safe learning environment • Developing meaningful relationships • Meeting individual needs • Small group instruction • Creating partnerships with parents Free powerpoint template: www. brainybetty. com 3
Curriculum, Year at a Glance
Reading / Language Arts • Weekly phonics lessons – word studies in whole/small groups; guided reading, independent work in stations. • Writer’s Workshop – whole group/mini-lessons, individual conferences, guided writing and sharing. • High Frequency Words- Words will be listed weekly on our class website, students should be able to spell any words in the same family. Free powerpoint template: www. brainybetty. com 5
Home Readers • Appropriately leveled books will be coming home in the next few weeks. This will account for the reading that your child should do nightly. • Work with your child on fluency and comprehension. • Until that time, your child may read favorite books from home, or you may read to them. • Sign reading log nightly. Free powerpoint template: www. brainybetty. com 6
Developing Number Concepts • Provides children with ways to internalize concepts while creating a foundation for what they will learn in years to come. • What the “math routine” looks like: Number talk, guided math, mini lesson, math stations, closure/share. Free powerpoint template: www. brainybetty. com 7
Science • Students are taught to be observant, investigative, and to ask “how? ” and “why? ” • Hands-on experiments • Our class will visit the science lab periodically. A request for volunteers may occur from time to time. Free powerpoint template: www. brainybetty. com 8
More academics… • Computer lab twice a week (Thurs. 12: 30 -1: 15 & Fri. 8: 30 -9: 15) • Library- bi weekly check out (Week A Thursday 1: 00) 15 minute Open check out (Week B Thursday 10: 30) Please make sure your child returns their books on Wednesdays. • Art, Music, and Physical Education on a 6 day rotation – 1 -PE, 2 -PE, 3 -Music. , 4 -PE, 5 -PE, 6 -Art. – Wear sneakers for P. E. – Wear shorts under dresses/skirts all the time Free powerpoint template: www. brainybetty. com 9
Homework The rumors are true. . Homework has been taken away from all grade levels. I will be checking reading logs and dreambox weekly and rewarding students who choose to do extra work at home. Dreambox is an adaptive program please do not help.
How will I know how my child is doing? • Daily behavior chart & “Goal Sheets”- please check and empty out folder daily and sign at least once a week!!! Please return “goal sheets” and other important forms. Any parent communication or money should be put in a labeled envelope in their folders, not in the backpack or their pockets!!! • Folder should come to school and go home every day. • Progress reports every 4 weeks. • Report cards every 9 weeks. Free powerpoint template: www. brainybetty. com 11
Learning Progressions • • • CCISD started implementing a new way of assessing and grading last year. Teachers assess and give grades based on a child’s progress. It shows parents exactly where their child is and where they need to be, based on the 9 weeks that we are in. Teachers use these clear cut learning progressions to better meet the individual needs of students. Students are able to identify their own strengths and weaknesses and set goals for themselves. Parents are able to understand what’s expected of their child at each level in every subject and will be in a better position to support their child in achieving these expectations. The report cards will provide parents with more specific information about their child’s growth and achievement. Free powerpoint template: www. brainybetty. com 12
What if my child is struggling ? • As concerns arise, you will be informed by email, phone, or parent conference. • A student success team will be formed if necessary, to create a plan to address individual needs. Free powerpoint template: www. brainybetty. com 13
Supporting students through Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) • At Ralph Parr Elementary we believe that students should be Prepared, Aware, Respectful and Responsible at school, at home, and in their communities. P- Prepared A- Aware R- Respectful R- Responsible Our school implements the PBIS framework for behavior. PBIS is not a program or a curriculum. It is an approach to creating a safe and productive learning environment where teachers can teach and all students can learn. The process focuses on improving a school’s ability to teach and support positive behavior for all students. We have a unified set of school expectations. You will see these expectations posted throughout the school and your child will be learning them throughout the year. The next slide is our Parr Matrix with expectations for students. Expectations are reinforced with students daily throughout our building. Each day, students participate in Class Meetings that building community in classrooms. Our CCISD Core Values and Parr Expectations are reinforced throughout each day. Our Patriot Pledge reinforces these expectations as well. In addition, students earn Parr Bucks throughout their day for showing outstanding Parr behavior. These Parr bucks can be cashed in for classroom and schoolwide incentives and are never taken away from students punitively. Free powerpoint template: www. brainybetty. com 14
Parr Matrix Free powerpoint template: www. brainybetty. com 15
Behavior Expectations Core Values *Trustworthiness *Responsibility *Respect *Fairness *Caring *Citizenship First Grade is on a “E, S, N, U system” You will see this daily in your child’s folder. Free powerpoint template: www. brainybetty. com 16
E, S, N, U Breakdown • 0 -3 reminders =E for day • 3+ reminders =S for day, core value will be noted in folder and further explanation may be on notes sheet behind calendar. • 6+=N email or phone call from teacher about day. • 9+ or office referral=U, phone call from teacher or office about day. • A goal sheet may be established with a child after several days of the same choices. This is a tool created to help a child and teacher set a goal to work on a specific behavior or choice they may be struggling with. If you see one come home, please discuss, sign, and return. Teacher checks back on goal after a few more days. Free powerpoint template: www. brainybetty. com 17
Patriot Assemblies • Held at the end of each 9 week period on the day after report cards are sent home at 8: 20 AM in the gym. • Awards given for patriot behavior and perfect attendance.
How to earn the Patriot Award • The patriot award is for students who are working at modeling core values. We feel that it is important that just like academics, this should be looked at as a progression as well. • 1 st 9 weeks- 4 or less S’s (at least 3 E’s in their core values) • 2 nd 9 weeks-3 or less S’s (at least 4 E’s on core values) • 3 rd 9 weeks-2 or less S’s (at least 5 E’s on core values) • 4 th 9 weeks-1 -0 S’s (All 6 E’s on core values). (No N’s or U’s any of the 9 weeks) Free powerpoint template: www. brainybetty. com 19
Logistics of First Grade What, Where, and When…
Morning Procedures • Doors are unlocked at 7: 45 a. m- School will begin promptly at 8: 00. Breakfast is served beginning at 7: 45 a. m. • The tardy bell rings at 8: 15 a. m. Any student who arrive in the classroom after 8: 15 a. m. must go through the office to obtain a tardy slip. Free powerpoint template: www. brainybetty. com 21
Dismissal Procedures • Car riders will only be dismissed from the front of the school. Please use your car tag with your child’s name on it. • Please wait patiently in line. Students will not be released to parents who walk up to the front; you will have to go in and sign them out. • For the safety of the children, students will not be allowed to walk across traffic to parents parked in the parking lot. • Students who walk or ride bikes exit the building by the cafeteria. • Transportation Changes- if you need to change the regular departure method of your child, please put it in writing and send it to your child’s teacher at the beginning of the school day. I cannot accept the word of a first grader, or an email. If you have an emergency arise that requires a last minute change, please call our office and follow up with a faxed/scanned request and a copy of your driver’s license (or the authorized pick-up person). All changes to transportation must be made by 2 PM for your child’s safety. Children cannot be checked out early after 2: 45. Free powerpoint template: www. brainybetty. com 22
Nurse Information *Nurse Burke • All medication must be brought to the nurse (even cough drops) • Students who are ill or seriously injured prior to the school day should be kept home until improved (fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication) or released by a physician. Please do not send ill or injured students to school to be diagnosed by school personnel. Conditions requiring exclusion from school include: • • • Temperature of 100° or more Vomiting or has vomited during the night Rash or skin infection other than poison ivy Diarrhea Contagious diseases or infestations - including but not limited to scabies, impetigo, conjunctivitis, live lice, and varicella • Keep a change of clothes in your child’s backpack for accidents. Change according to season Free powerpoint template: www. brainybetty. com 23
Absences • Send a note within 3 days of returning to school. (Please remember to include the child’s full name, the teacher’s name, and the dates and reason of absences. ) • Doctor note required for 5 consecutive absences. Free powerpoint template: www. brainybetty. com 24
• Shorts Dress for Success – Must be longer than fingertips when hands by side – Must be worn under dresses/skirts • Shirts – Cover midriff – Wear sleeves-no spaghetti straps – Tank tops allowed if layered with a shirt over or under it – Jersey’s allowed if wear a shirt under it • Shoes – No flip flops or shower shoes (need back strap on sandals) – Tennis shoes required for gym Please label all coats, backpacks, hats, jackets, lunchbox, etc. Free powerpoint template: www. brainybetty. com 25
• • Lunch Cost-$2. 35. Time- 11: 04 -11: 34. Money is kept in an account in cafeteria. They accept money online, cash, or checks made payable to CCISD Child Nutrition. Please send money to put in your child's account in advance or pay online. Contact cafeteria about holds on accounts, regarding snacks and special dietary needs. We will not be able to answer any questions regarding your child’s account. Additional snacks are available for purchase. However, your child’s account will deteriorate quickly when snacks are purchased. Please go online if you would like to block the amount of snacks your child is allowed to buy. Parents eating lunch with their child MUST sit at the visitor’s table located just inside cafeteria doors. Students are not allowed to have friends from any class join them at the visitor’s table. Please help your child memorize their pin numbers. It speeds up the lunch buying process tremendously! Free powerpoint template: www. brainybetty. com 26
Snacks • Your child brings their own snack every day, please write their name on it. • Please refrain from sending in anything containing nuts because of allergies. • Individually wrapped. • Snacks need to be a healthy choice. Examples: – Pretzels, goldfish, cereal, crackers, fruit snacks, baked chips, etc. Students are allowed to keep a bottle of water at their desk throughout the day. I ask that water bottles have a sports top to avoid spills. Free powerpoint template: www. brainybetty. com 27
Birthdays • Every child’s birthday is recognized. Summer birthdays can be celebrated in May. It is district policy that Birthday invitations are not to be handed out at school unless EVERY child receives one; or all boys or all girls. • You may bring individual treats such as store bought cookies or cupcakes to share with the entire class. Please refrain from sending cookie cakes. Candy is not allowed. These will be eaten after lunch or at snack time in the classroom. Parents are not allowed to bring birthday snacks of any kind into the lunchroom. Free powerpoint template: www. brainybetty. com 28
Teacher Communication • • • Class Website (updated weekly, please check!) E-mail: ccamp@ccisd. net Note in folder Phone Call (281 -284 -4100) Conference (2: 05 -2: 50 Mon, Tues, and Fri) Free powerpoint template: www. brainybetty. com 29
Miscellaneous • Book Orders- optional, sent home periodically. All checks made payable to Scholastic Book Clubs, or order online. No cash please. • Toys- Please check child’s backpack daily for toys. Toys are not allowed at school unless requested by a teacher for an activity or reward. Free powerpoint template: www. brainybetty. com 30
Visitors Make sure you have a valid drivers license when checking into the office. You will be stopped if you do not wear your badge. Free powerpoint template: www. brainybetty. com 31
Parent Helpers If you would be available to help out with events, field trips, parties, or can do tasks at home please let me know. I really appreciate all the help!! **If you would like to help out at the school or on field trips you MUST be registered as a volunteer through CCISD. Go to ccisd. net Free powerpoint template: www. brainybetty. com 32
Wish List • During the school year we will need various items for math, and science lessons, as well as items for our class store. • Please take time to read the website weekly, I will list all items needed. • Currently: Gel Pens, Playdough, Little Notebooks, Fun Pencils, Small Sharpeners Free powerpoint template: www. brainybetty. com 33
PTA • Please join to support our school. • PTA fundraisers directly help our school (playground equipment, instructional materials)- the first one will go home the second week of school. (Yankee Candle) • Box tops labels will be collected and class with the highest points gets a reward. Free powerpoint template: www. brainybetty. com 34
Things to Practice • • • How to tie shoes Birthdays Address Phone Numbers First and Last Name Lunch Pin Free powerpoint template: www. brainybetty. com 35
Go Patriots!! Free powerpoint template: www. brainybetty. com 36