- Количество слайдов: 19
Welcome Eagle Parents 2012 - 2013 Grace Nanney – Language Arts Alex Glass – NC History and Science Jim Cox - Math
Mrs. Nanney Graduated as NC Teaching Fellow from East Carolina University in May 2011. Began teaching at Tucker Creek in April 2011 Licensed to teach Language Arts (6 -9 th grades), Reading (K-12 th grade), and Social Studies (6 th-9 th grades). I grew up in Pamlico County and thoroughly enjoy this area of eastern NC! Grace. nanney@craven. k 12. nc. us
Mr. Glass… • Born in London. . Ohio • Degree in Biology from Ohio Northern University • Attended University of Ulster in Northern Ireland my Junior year • Eagle Scout and current Scoutmaster/Cubmaster of Troop and Pack 412 • Active at The Sanctuary in Newport on Hwy. 70 • Have been teaching at TCMS since 2001 • Certified to teach Science and NC History …and family! Mary Helen, Cooper(5), Ian(8)
Eagles Math Mr. Cox Teaching is my 3 d Career Navy Business (Fortune 100 Company) Teaching Education U. S. Naval Academy 1974 (BS, Physical Oceanography) U. S. Naval Postgraduate School 1986 (MS, Financial Mgt) Marymount University 1994, MEd (Secondary Education) I am dual certified, math and science 6 – 12 grades I am married, with 2 daughters in college (I still remember the 8 th grade vividly)
Science Matter, Energy Earth History Structure and Function Ecosystems Genetic Variation Molecular Biology NC History Integrated with PBL An overview of the States history
Ms. Nanney’s Language Arts Class th 8 Grade Curriculum: Reading Skills Reading Comprehension Writing Skills Grammar Spelling Elements of Literature
Follows Common Core State Standards Equations Geometry Proportions Pythagorean Theorem Slope Linear Equations Functions I am the “guide on the side, not the sage on the stage”.
A lot of material to cover Every day builds, no days off All assigned work is due, even if sick There is not time for bad conduct disruptions Calculator – Should I buy one?
Eagles will be working throughout year with NC Museum of Art Collaborative effort between core courses and art We spent three days in Raleigh at orientation/training We have a number of core lessons that will culminate in a piece of art There will be a field trip to NC Museum of Art during Spring Break Our goal: Put a TCMS project “On the Wall” Wall
Engrade: Post grades and communications Available 24 x 7 Parental Accounts Wiki: We provide information to students and you (Homework) Email and Phone are OK We prefer Engrade!
Thank you very much for all donations that you have made so far!! Boxes of Kleenex (our most pressing need) Pencils Rolls of Paper Towels Tennis Balls (used are ok) Pens Printer Paper (ream)
Assignments Engrade and Computing Guidelines (copies of 1: 1 Paperwork Expectations for conduct Late Work Policy
Emphasis on both Monitored at School and County Level Read AR daily Even if goals are met, they still read AR during AR They can bring AR books from home Nook/Kindle are OK, (reading only) www. arbookfind. com AR is not about liking, it is about doing Acc Math a key part of Math/Algebra Acc Math assess for both knowledge and effort
Do not expect of count on extra credit. It is unlikely it will be given We adhere to our late work policy If Each class is a little different, but no homework = 0 you have questions or mitigating factors, contact us via ENGRADE. We probably can resolve it DO NOT WAIT until last days of quarter to get in late work Grades are always due before the end of the quarter Speaking of Grades…. .
Before we get started there a lot of forms. **** Parent Acknowledgment Page ****1: 1 Laptop Agreement Student Code of Conduct Addendum Eagles Computing Guidelines **** Engrade and Wiki Technolgy Fee We have distributed copies of all forms The Eagles Wiki also has the forms for download Download the forms Read and Sign Return Signed Forms to Homeroom Teacher Laptop User Fee ($40. 00) to Ms Anderson in Office Before we distribute laptops we need forms and fee and Engrade
WIKIs Eagles and a Wiki for Each Subj Engrade Google Earth Power Algebra Math. XL As well as open office word process, graphics, and spreadsheet Math will use computers 90%+ Language Arts/History/Science 50% Integrated Project Based Learning All apps are “on line” Any computer can be used to access online apps
The stringent and almost stifling security IS FOR THE PROTECTION OF YOUR CHILD Every key stroke is recorded (our laptops, too!) There are filters and blocks at the county If students bypass filters, their keystrokes are still recorded THE COMPUTERS ARE FOR SCHOOL WORK ONLY That means: No games, inappropriate sites, social networking Random checks of history are routine Offenders will be caught. It is inevitable. Without a computer it will be near impossible to pass math. All data on the computer is the property of the school
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