Welcome ! CKM 2006 Sponsors Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research in Priority Areas, “New Developments of Flavor Physics” Inoue Foundation for Science Nagoya University 21 COE Program “The Origin of the Universe and Matter (ORIUM)” Nagoya University
CKM 2006会議の成功を 前略 色々と配慮にとんだお誘い有難う御座います。 しかしながら、この日は機構長としての仕事が有り 18:30まで京都に居る必要が有り、名古屋に行く 事は不可能です。 会が成功理に進行する事を期待しています。 皆様によろしくお伝え下さい。 益川 敏英
Some Practical Information
Workshop Schedule
Workshop Sites Hall-A and D Noyori Conference Hall-C Hall-B Noyori Materials Science Laboratory Hall-C Graduate School of Environmental Studies You can find the CKM poster at each entrance. We are Here!
Wireless LAN • Wireless LAN in Hall-A, C and D – 802. 11 b/g / DHCP – SSID: CKM 2006 – WEP key: 2 FAE 1 E 0687 (sin 2 f 1 Equals to 0. 687) – Ports are restricted: ssh, www, pop 3, imap are OK! (Details are written in Final circular) • NO WLAN is available in Hall-B. • We have no computer rooms for participants.
How to upload your talk Presentations are beamer only! Speakers are requested to upload one’s own file a day before the presentation. We support PDF and MS power point formats. A PC is available in each room for presentation. Please note that no personal laptops are allowed for presentations. If you cannot upload files for some reasons, please come to the LOC office on the 1 t floor of the Noyori Conference Hall. • Click “login” at the top left of the agenda page. the user name and the password are written on the workshop program distributed. • Two red icons appear at the left of the talk titles. Click the right icon (“submit material”). • The “Add new material” window appears. Select “Slides” for the Type. Choose the file by clicking “Browse”. Click “Submit”.
Food and drinks • No food and drinks in all halls, except for the 1 st floor of the Noyori Conference Hall. • Please do not enter BI-NAP café (near the entrance), unless you buy something there. • No smoking inside buildings.
Lunch • Several cafeteria and restaurants on campus. – Cafeteria are very crowded by 13: 00 or so. • Also some restaurants and stores near campus. • See campus and restaurant maps.
Workshop Photo We have a plan to take a picture! @12/15 (Fri) 10: 40 Please pay attention to our announcement after plenary session.
Banquet Friday evening, 18: 30~ (following the session plenary-5) At 1 st floor of the Noyori Conference Hall.