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Welcome ASTM International & Committee F 37 Developing International Sport Aircraft Standards 1
About ASTM International 1 108 years of developing standards in an open forum for standards development 2
ASTM International’s Primary Objective … is to be the foremost developer and provider of consensus standards, related technical information, and services having globally recognized quality and market relevance. 3
The ASTM International Standards Development Process n Developing Voluntary, Full-Consensus Standards for Materials, Products, Systems & Services World-Wide through Direct-Member participation n ASTM International Has Approximately 12, 000 Standards Used Internationally n ASTM International Standards Reflect the Most Current Technology Because they are Living Documents that are Continually Revised n Over 31, 000 Members from 123 Countries Participate on ASTM International Committees; Users from 175 countries 4 4
ASTM International: The Power of Partnership n n All stakeholders involved Neutral forum Consensus-based procedures Private and public sector cooperation EXAMPLES: Aircraft manufacturers • Federal agencies Pilot associations • Insurance professionals Health professionals • Trade associations Financial organizations • Academia 5
140 Technical Committees n A 01 on Steel, Stainless Steel, and Related Alloys n D 01 on Paint n D 02 on Petroleum Products and Lubricants n D 20 on Plastics n E 50 on Environmental Assessment n F 04 on Medical Devices n F 15 on Consumer Products n F 24 on Amusement Rides and Devices n F 37 on Light Sport Aircraft n F 38 on Unmanned Air Vehicle Systems n F 39 on General and Utility Category Aircraft Electrical Wiring Systems 6
Time Frame for Developing Information n n Complexity of the job Urgency of needs Time devoted by members Utilization of new informational technologies n ASTM’s average standard development time is 13 months – 18 months (newer committees average lesser times) n F 37 developed 5 standards within 9 months, and a total of 26 standards over 30 months 7
Focus on F 37: Purpose n Purpose: • To support regulatory standards needs • Within 20 months [of May 2004] provide increase in safety by defining standards for regulatory reference addressing LSA presently operating without guidance • Set world standards for recreational aircraft operations 8
Focus on F 37: Management Direction n Implementation / Phases to Achieve: • 1. Standardize minimum safety, performance, and flight proficiency requirements • 2. Install standard controls for QA - ensuring aircraft conform to design criteria • 3. Support QA with acceptance tests / procedures requiring completed aircraft to meet reported performance • 4. Roadmap the future of LSA by developing additional standards that continue to build a safe LSA environment beyond those initially envisioned • 5. Maintain currency and relevancy of standards 9
F 37 Snapshot n F 37 Snapshot • • 230 Members 26 Published standards; 6 drafts Over 18 countries participating Users and adoptions in dozens of countries 10
F 37: Non-US Participation 11
Standards Compliance ASTM Light Sport Aircraft Standards Compliance Overview 12
Demonstrating Compliance ASTM Standards are available for: n Airplane n Glider n Lighter than Air n Powered Parachute n Weight Shift n Reciprocating Spark Ignition Engines n Airframe Emergency Parachute 13
Accepted ASTM Consensus Standards Consensus Standard Topics [See Note 1] Airplanes Gliders [See Note 2] Lighter Than Air Powered Parachutes Weight Shift Control Gyroplanes 1 Design and Performance F 2245 -04 or -06 F 2564 -06 F 2352 -05 F 2355 -05 a F 2244 -05 F 2317/F 2317 M-05 2 Required Equipment F 2245 -04 or -06 F 2564 -06 F 2352 -05 F 2427 -05 a F 2243 -05 F 2457 -05 3 Quality Assurance F 2279 -03 or -06 F 2279 -06 F 2449 -05 F 2353 -05 F 2240 -05 F 2448 -04 4 Production Acceptance Tests F 2279 -03 or -06 F 2279 -06 F 2449 -05 F 2356 -05 a F 2242 -05 F 2447 -05 5 Aircraft Operating Instructions F 2245 -04 or -06 F 2564 -06 F 2352 -05 F 2427 -05 a F 2243 -05 F 2457 -05 6 Maintenance and Inspection Procedures F 2483 -05 F 2483 -05 7 Identification and Recording of Major Repairs and Major Alterations F 2483 -05 F 2483 -05 8 Continued Airworthiness F 2295 -03 or -06 F 2295 -06 F 2415 -05 or -06 F 2354 -05 b F 2241 -05 a F 2425 -05 a 9 Manufacturers Assembly Instructions [Kit builders only] F 2563 -06 F 2563 -06 Wing Interface Documentation N/A N/A F 2426 -05 a N/A NOTE 1: Numbered topics are specified by the rule. NOTE 2: Gyroplanes are not eligible for a special light-sport airworthiness certificate. 14
There are four basic steps to be completed for an aircraft to comply with Special Light Sport Aircraft standards. n Produce Aircraft n Produce Documents n Establish Authority n Declare Compliance 15
STEP 1 – Produce Aircraft n Design, manufacture and test an aircraft meeting the LSA definition using the relevant ASTM standards. 16
STEP 2 – Produce Documents Produce documents and manuals per the relevant ASTM standards covering: n n n n Design and Performance Required Equipment Quality Assurance Production Acceptance Aircraft Operating Instructions Maintenance and Inspection Procedures Identification and Recording of Major Repairs and Major Alterations Continued Airworthiness 17
STEP 3 – Establish Authority Declarative system requires delegation of authority for certain areas such as: n Quality Assurance Administration n Satellite manufacturing, assembly, and distribution facilities n Safety monitoring and continuing airworthiness support n Overhaul and repair facilities n Level of certification for line maintenance, repairs, alterations, heavy maintenance, overhaul, major repairs and task-specific work 18
STEP 4 – Declare Compliance n Present aircraft and documents to aviation authority for a compliance review and an airworthiness inspection. 19
Design and Performance Compliance Overview n Production Testing • Flight • Structure • Design and Construction • Integrity of novel or unusual design feature • Materials • Fabrication Methods • Powerplant • Required Equipment 20
Design and Performance Compliance Overview Additional requirements for: Glider Towing n Minimum Climb Performance n Design and Construction n Flight Loads Water Loads n Design Weights and Center of Gravity Positions n Hull and Main Float Load Factors n Hull and Main Float Takeoff Conditions 21
Design and Performance Compliance Overview n Engine Design and Manufacture n Airframe Emergency Parachutes n Propellers n Canopies 22
Quality Assurance Program Compliance Overview Manufacturers of LSA shall develop a Quality Assurance Program including: n n n Program Administration Quality Assurance Manual Quality Assurance Record Revision System Annual Audits 23
Quality Assurance Program Compliance Overview n Engineering and Manufacture • Record of Compliance • Configuration Control • Production Documentation • Special Processes n Quality Assurance Inspections n Production Acceptance n Assignment of QA Duties and Responsibilities 24
Safety Monitoring Plan Compliance Overview n Continued Airworthiness Support • Assignment of Duties • Manufacturer’s Responsibilities • Owner/Operator Responsibilities n Determination of Corrective Action n Notice Of Corrective Action n Discontinued Airworthiness Support 25
Continued Operational Safety Monitoring of a Light Sport Aircraft n The standard sets out the duties of both the manufacturer and the owner/operator of a LSA as it relates to continued operational safety. n The standard sets out a method for determining when a manufacturer may issue a “mandatory” bulletin. n If the issue does not qualify for a mandatory bulletin, then the standard allows for two other types of non-mandatory notices to be issued. 26
Types of Notices n SAFETY ALERT for notifications that require immediate action. (FAA final rule asked for this term to be changed to “SAFETY DIRECTIVE”) n SERVICE BULLETIN for notifications that do not require immediate action but do recommend future action. n NOTIFICATION for notifications that do not necessarily recommend future action but are primarily for promulgation of continued airworthiness information; e. g. revisions to the maintenance manual. 27
Safety Monitoring Plan Compliance Overview Operational Safety Risk Assessment Procedure • Used to determine appropriate corrective action based on level of safety effect and safety risk factor. 28
Safety Risk Factor = (a) x (b) x (c) + (d) + (e) + (f) (a) = Safety Effect: Catastrophic = (4) Hazardous = (3) Major = (2) Minor = (1) (b) = Operational Use: For hire = (2) Personal = (1) (c) = % Use by Population: >75 % For hire = (4) >50 % For hire = (3) >25 % For Hire = (2) <25 % For Hire = (1) (d) = Number of Occurrences: 5+ = (3) 3 to 5 = (2) 1 to 3 = (1) (e) = Events vs. Population: 10 %+ = (2) 1 %+ = (1) 0. 1 % = (0) Less than 0. 1 % = (-1) (f) = Time between Events: Over 3 years = (-1) Over 2 years = (0) 1 to 2 years = (1) Less than 1 year = (2) 29 Version 1. 1 29
Safety Monitoring Plan Compliance Overview 30
Continued Operational Safety Monitoring of a Light Sport Aircraft n The standard also establishes the requirements for the support of a product should a manufacturer no longer be able to support the product. 31
Aircraft Operating Instructions Compliance Overview n General Information n Normal Procedures n Airplane Systems and Description n Aircraft Ground Handling and Servicing n Operating Limitations n Required Placards and Markings n Weight and Balance information n Performance n Supplementary Information n Emergency Procedures 32
Aircraft Operating Instructions Compliance Overview n Each aircraft shall include a handbook n All flight speeds will be in CAS 33
Major Repairs and Alterations SLSA n Only the manufacturer can approve major repairs and alterations on Special Light Sport Aircraft (NO FAA involvement, NO 337’s) n Manufacturer must provide all instructions and specifically designate who can perform the change. n Manufacturer, NOT the FAR’s, provides instructions on how to document change in the aircraft records. 34
Section 5 ASTM LSA Standards as used by Civil Aviation Authorities 35
U. S. FAA System of Airworthiness for LSA under ASTM Standards No production certificate or type certificate is used in this system. Compliance is enforced on an as-needed basis. (So far)
Australia CASA n The definition of LSA is slightly different than FAA. For instance, CASA defines LSA as having a max stall speed of 45 kts at gross and a Vne of no more than 135 kts. There is no max cruise speed. n CASA has not created any airman certificates specifically to match LSA. 37 37