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Welcome and thank you for coming here today JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
Dr Liz Miller Research & Development Achievements Bio Medical Degree: Kings College London 1980 Qualificatiions: AKC, FRCS, MRCGP, DOcc Med, MSc, Member: Royal Society of Medicine, British Psychology Society Interests: Natural History, Art, Health 1997 Founder of Doctors Support Network 2008 Mind Mental Health Champion Career 1982 -1988 Neurosurgeon (first woman trainee in UK) 1989 -1993 Accident & Emergency 1994 - 2001 General Practitioner 2001 Occupational Health, working with employees of LFEPA, Aviva, JP Morgan, Accenture, Serco Research Neurosurgery - Head injury Salt balance in the brain Brain infection Occupational Health - Work Capacity & Mental healt Psychology - Mood and Mood. Mapping
Mood reflects someone’s view of the world Photoblog Harold Davies
Mood In ² Depression, ² Bipolar disorder, mood swings ² Post-traumatic stress, ADHD ² Problematic states of mind ² Addictions JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
Mood ² What do you understand by mood? ² Is mood different from emotion? ² Is mood different from positive thinking? JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
Mood ² Is it important how you feel? ² What affects how you feel? ² How ‘mood aware’ are you? JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
Mood ² How does mood affect you? ² Do your moods affect your behaviour and performance? ² Do someone’s moods affect the people around them? JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
Understanding Mood ² Mood is the deepest feeling we have ² Deeper than thoughts or emotions ² Notice it first when waking up ² Most of what we do, we do to feel better JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
Mood ² Everyone has a mood ² even if they are not aware of it ² Mood predicts behaviour ² e. g. good mood - good behaviour! ² Before approaching someone ² we naturally check their mood! JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
Understanding Mood ² We are biological creatures (still ; -) ² Mood, emotions, personality, thoughts, attitudes, health, sickness and breathing, blood pressure and life itself depends up on BIOLOGY JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
Where do moods come from? JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
George Bush’s brain JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
The Brain JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
Cerebral Cortex (outside crust) JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
Cerebral Cortex (outside crust) Cortex Thoughts Words Actions Learning Vision JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
Limbic System (soft centre) JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
Limbic System (soft centre) Limbic system Emotions Fear Anger ? Love JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
Brain Stem (central core) JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
Brain Stem (central core) Brain stem Mood Energy Wellbeing JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
Michaelango’s Cistern Chapel JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
Understanding mood ² Measuring and managing our own mood ² Reading other peoples’ moods ² Learning the keys of self management JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
Reading other peoples mood
Mood predicts behaviour JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
Mood predicts behaviour JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
People rarely talk about how they feel How are you? Fine
Mood ² Moods or emotions? JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
Understanding mood ² Two parts to mood How much energy you have How good or bad you feel JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
What is ? ? ? Mood = Energy + Wellbeing Miller Mood Map(c)
4 Basic Moods: Action, Stress, Depression, Calm Stress Depression Action Calm Miller Mood Map(c)
4 Basic Moods: Action, Stress, Depression, Calm Stress Depression Action Calm Miller Mood Map(c)
JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
Map your own mood JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
History of mood Galen (130 – 200 AD) ² Temperament JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
Make your word grid JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
Word list for Word Grid Afraid Agitated Alarmed Amazed Angry Annoyed Anxious Apathetic Argumentative Astonished At ease Blue Burned out Bushed Calm Cheerful Chirpy Confident Content Comatose Comfortable Composed Content Cool Delighted Depressed Despondent Detached Discouraged Disgusted Dismal Displeased Distress Disturbed Down Eager Ecstatic Edgy Elated Energized Enthusiastic Envious Exasperated Excited Exhausted Fazed Fine Frantic Frazzled Frightened Gentle Glum Glad Happy Harrassed Hate Hyper Hypnotic Hysterical Hyperactive Intense Intimidated Infuriated Irritated Joyful Laid-back Lethargic Light Livid Lively Listless Love Low Melancholy Nauseated Nervous On edge On fire Overjoyed Overtired Overwhelmed Overworked Panicked Patient Peaceful Pensive Perturbed Pessimistic Petrified Placid Playful Pleased Poised Pooped Quiet Rattled Reduced to tears Relaxed Restless Run down Sad Satisfied Scared Serene Sleepy Startled Stimulated Strained Stressed Strung out Sucked dry Tired Teased Tense Terrified Tranquil Troubled Unbothered Unconcerned Undisturbed Uneasy Upset Weary Worn out Worn down Worried Wound up
Words depend on their context Alice through the Looking Glass
Group mood ² A few members of the group determine the common mood – “leaders” ² Inclusive / exclusive mood ² Positive, negative, stressed or relaxed ² Group cohesion – strength of the common mood JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
Positive high energy mood?
Positive high energy mood?
Positive high energy mood?
The Apprentice teams Team A Team B JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
Benefits of a good mood Sick Unhealthy Healthy
Can I manage my mood? Yes! Managing how you feel makes the difference between success and failure There is always a reason for the way you feel You can change the way you feel
Mood Management The 5 key Influences on Mood
5 keys to mood Autonomy Health Environment Social Knowledge, skills, experience JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
Environment Short term strategies Long term strategies
Health Short term strategies Long term strategies
Social Short term strategies Long term strategies
Skills + learning + knowledge = life experience
What you learn Short term strategies Long term strategies
Autonomy Short term strategies Long term strategies
Self Surroundings Relationships Health What you know
The future - Reach our potential
The future Jamie’s Dream School
JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential
For further information liz@lizmiller. co. uk JULIAN CAMPBELL FOUNDATION Empowering young people to manage their wellbeing so that they can reach their full potential