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Weighing Your Options Weighing Your Options

Credit Check n While students advance with their class, they should have earned 12 Credit Check n While students advance with their class, they should have earned 12 credits to be on track to graduate in 2018.

Weighing Your Options § 24 months to earn not only 23 credits to obtain Weighing Your Options § 24 months to earn not only 23 credits to obtain a Pleasant Valley High School Diploma, but also earn college credit, licensure or certificate awards.

Weighing Your Options Specific Credit Requirements n 4 years or 4 credits of English Weighing Your Options Specific Credit Requirements n 4 years or 4 credits of English n n n 1 Semester of a writing course and 1 semester of a Literature course 4 years or 1 credit of Wellness 4 years or 1 credit of Service Learning 3 years or 3 credits of Math 3 years or 3 credits of Science 3 years or 3 credits of Social Studies n n n One year of Modern US History (1 credit) One year of World History (1 credit) One semester of Am Government (0. 5 credit) n n n Consider enrolling in AP Government One semester of Economics (0. 5 credit) a prerequisite for AP Econ. 1 year or 0. 5 credit of Health 1 semester or 0. 5 credit of Technology 1 semester or 0. 5 credit of Expressive/Technical Arts

Weighing Your Options § § What path is your student considering? § 4 and Weighing Your Options § § What path is your student considering? § 4 and 2 year college § Consider potential transfer and reverse transfer credits and academy opportunities § Certificate program completion while in HS § Job shadows Apprenticeship § Job shadows § Academies § Internships Military § Job shadows § ROTC through the Davenport Schools Work § Multi-Occupational Cooperative (MOC)

Weighing Your Options 1. Does your students grades and test scores support their academic Weighing Your Options 1. Does your students grades and test scores support their academic goals? 2. Does your students course selections match their career goals? 3. Does your students work ethic and study habits match their career goal? 4. Did you know that your student has 3 semesters remaining to impact their GPA for college admission?

*Regents Admission Index (RAI) To be guaranteed automatic admission into Iowa, ISU or UNI *Regents Admission Index (RAI) To be guaranteed automatic admission into Iowa, ISU or UNI a student must score 245 points based on the following: n ACT x 3 n GPA x 30 n HS core courses x 5 (math, science, English, Social Studies and World Language) http: //www. regents. iowa. gov/RAI/norank. html

Weighing Your Options Grade Point Average (GPA) q Weighted grades are given for honors Weighing Your Options Grade Point Average (GPA) q Weighted grades are given for honors & Advance Placement (AP) classes q Enroll in classes that will help you meet your goals and academic strengths. q All Pleasant Valley awards are determined from your GPA (includes National Honor Society, All Conference Awards. ) *Academic Awards are based on GPA. q GPA is determined at the end of each semester. Class Rank q Is NOT released by PV for college admission Core courses that DO NOT count towards admissions to a 4 year college or university are designated in your course book with an (^)

So, what should your student sign up for? Classes that give them options! Do So, what should your student sign up for? Classes that give them options! Do Not enroll in classes based upon who you/they think is going to be teaching the course.

Weighing Your Options Plan for both their Junior and Senior Years by knowing: What Weighing Your Options Plan for both their Junior and Senior Years by knowing: What are the HS prerequisites needed to take a college class or an academy? Example: AP Language/Comp requires successful completion of *Eng 9 & 10 or instructor approval.

Weighing Your Options In the vocational area they must take: Auto Maintenance before AUT-115 Weighing Your Options In the vocational area they must take: Auto Maintenance before AUT-115 Shop Safety Top Chefs before HCM-100: Sanitation & Safety Child Development before ECE-243 Early Childhood Guidance Art 1 and Ceramics and pass with a minimum Bbefore Advanced Ceramics

New Courses n n n. PLTW Computer Science Applications (CSA) 10 -12 PLTW Digital New Courses n n n. PLTW Computer Science Applications (CSA) 10 -12 PLTW Digital Electronics 10 -12 Micro Computer Applications ONLINE 10 -12 HIS-118 W Civ II: Early Modern HIS-119 W Civ III: The Modern Period

Weighing Your Options Finally, before registering for classes: 1. Check that they have the Weighing Your Options Finally, before registering for classes: 1. Check that they have the correct core classes. English, Math, Social Studies and Science for BOTH semesters. 2. If they are planning to attend an elite/highly selective 4 year school, have they enrolled in our most rigorous courses? 3. If they are planning on going to a 4 year college is the core class an approved class? Look for the (^) 4. If they are planning on attending a 2 year college, can you complete part of your program while in HS? 5. If they are unsure what they want to do, take core classes and electives that keep their options open. Choose courses, not teachers!

Portal Instructions n 1 st Semester n n n n Literature/Writing Gov/Econ Math Teacher Portal Instructions n 1 st Semester n n n n Literature/Writing Gov/Econ Math Teacher Recommendation Science Teacher Recommendation. *Adv Strength or HC Elective (with permission) n 2 nd Semester n n n n Literature/Writing Gov/Econ Math Teacher Recommendation Science Teacher Recommendation *Adv Strength or HC Elective (with permission)

Final Step n Registration Portal will open on Tuesday, January 19, 2016 and close Final Step n Registration Portal will open on Tuesday, January 19, 2016 and close February 12, 2016 at 5: 00 pm n Counselors will meet with students during their World History classes on January 21 -22, 25 -27, 2016 for course selections.

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