- Количество слайдов: 14
WEEKEND JOURNAL #15 V Left Column (must be completely filled): What did you do this weekend? V Right Column (make comments concerning…) Think of when, where and how God was (was not) involved in your weekend? Why was He, or why was He not? 3/19/2018
Nahum “Comfort/Consolation”
The Latter Prophets Prophet Date Obadiah 840 -830 Joel 830 -820 Jonah c. 760 BC Assyrian Captivity 722 Amos 758 -750 Hosea 760 -710 Isaiah 740 -690 Micah 735 -700 Nahum 661 -612 (II Kgs 21 -23) Zephaniah 630 -620 Fall of Nineveh 612 Habakkuk 607 Jeremiah 625 -585 Lamentations 585 -580 Ezekiel 593 -570 Daniel 606 -530 Haggai 520 -519 Zechariah 520 -480 Malachi 430 -420 Relationship to Babylonian Exile Pre-Exilic Post-Exilic
Background NAHUM=“comfort” NAHUM= Hometown = Elkosh (Elkoshite 1: 1) Location = uncertain Audience Southern Kingdom/Judah – 100 yrs. after the Assyrian Captivity Assyria / All the Nations – God doesn’t play favorites/Judgment applies to all nations equally Time Period During the reigns of Manasseh, Amon, and Josiah (II Kings 21 -23) 661 -612 BC est. Contemporaries Zephaniah, a young Jeremiah, and possibly Habakkuk Duration Unclear – estimate 20 years
MY BEST RESPONSE Explain the importance of fixing something that is broken. 3/19/2018
Key Word: Doom Major Themes Israel and Judah’s Sin In the Background – Manasseh (The last straw for the southern kingdom) The Character of God “Jealous, avenging, and wrathful” (1: 2) “Slow to anger and great in power” (1: 3) Will not leave the guilty unpunished “Good, a stronghold in the day of trouble” (1: 7) Judgment of Assyria The capitol of Nineveh destroyed in 612 B. C. “Bloody city, completely full of lies and pillage” (3: 1) Restoration 1: 15 -2: 2 – Destruction of Assyria / Deliverance of Jacob
Factoids At this point in history Assyria is at the peak of their world power They have destroyed Samaria Scattered the 10 Northern tribes Nearly taken Judah as well during Hezekiah’s reign (701 B. C. ) A coalition of Babylonians, Medians, and Scythians was formed – Two year siege of Nineveh before the Tigris river overflowed/walls broke down to let in the invading forces This is a little over 100 years after Jonah preached repentance to Nineveh Idolatry back in full-force (1: 14)
“The Great City” Founder: Nimrod (Gen 10: 11) Population: 600, 000 est. Walls: 8 miles surrounded the inner city 100 ft high / 3 chariots could ride abreast Towers 100 ft higher than the walls Mote: 150 ft wide / 60 ft deep - surrounded the city Circumference: 60 miles Strength: Could sustain a 20 year siege
Structure Destruction Decreed (1: 1 -2: 2) Principles of Judgment/The Lord’s Kindness and Sterness (1: 1 -8) Destruction of Nineveh decreed (1: 9 -14) Deliverance of Judah (1: 15 -2: 2) Destruction Described (2: 3 -13) Nineveh’s destruction described in detail (2: 3 -13) Destruction Deserved (3) The crimes/sins deserving destruction (3: 1 -7) The comparison with No-amon (Thebes) (3: 8 -11) The strongholds are weak (3: 12 -15) The leaders are weak (3: 16 -19)
God does not play favorites! The only way to be delivered from God’s wrath is to be in Christ (1 Thess. 1: 10; 5: 9)
No Fortress of your own construction will ever deter God’s Judgment
Don’t Presume upon the Grace of God Nineveh was spared a little over 100 yrs prior to this