- Количество слайдов: 55
Week 5 IT 12 Awareness of order of time ‘First’ and ‘Afterwards’
Week 5 IT 12 Awareness of order of time - ‘First’ and ‘Afterwards’ • This teacher led activity aims to start the children thinking about time sequences: what comes first and what comes afterwards. • Each scenario begins with the appearance of two labelled pictures for the teacher to read to the children. • On the following slide is a question to cue the teacher as to what to ask the children. (The children are not expected to read this). • The children’s task is to decide if the event in question comes first or afterwards. • Teachers ask the children for an answer and click on the action buttons. • The next three slides contain the two-picture scenarios to be printed, cut and distributed to the children before you start. Children should place the pictures in the order of the events and paste them on the worksheet.
Week Answer sheet for IT 12 Page 1 Order the following picture sequences: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 IT 12 First Afterwards Name Date
Answer sheet for IT 12 Week 5 IT 12 Page 2 Order the following picture sequences: First 5. 6. 7. 8. Afterwards Name Date
Answer sheet for IT 12 Week 5 IT 12 Page 3 Order the following picture sequences: First 9. 10. 11. 12. Afterwards Name Date
Week 5 IT 12 Awareness of order of time - ‘First’ and ‘Afterwards’ Click on Action Buttons To be viewed as ‘Slide-Show’
Jamie washes. Jamie gets dressed.
1. Does he wash first, or does he wash afterwards? Jamie washes. First Afterwards
First Afterwards WELL DONE!!! Next question!
First Afterwards Try again!
Mike pulls on his socks. Mike puts on his shoes.
2. Does he put on his shoes first, or does he put on his shoes afterwards? Mike puts on his shoes. First Afterwards
First Afterwards WELL DONE!!! Next question!
First Afterwards Try again!
Tia cleans her teeth. Tia squeezes toothpaste on her brush.
3. Does she clean her teeth first, or does she clean her teeth afterwards? Tia cleans her teeth. First Afterwards
First Afterwards WELL DONE!!! Next question!
First Afterwards Try again!
Mark opens the fridge. Mark drinks the milk.
4. Does he open the fridge first, or does he open the fridge afterwards? Mark opens the fridge. First Afterwards
First Afterwards WELL DONE!!! Next question!
First Afterwards Try again!
Dad comes in. Dad closes the door.
5. Does he come in first, or does he come in afterwards? Dad comes in. First Afterwards
First Afterwards WELL DONE!!! Next question!
First Afterwards Try again!
They watch T. V. They push the plug in the socket.
6. Do they watch T. V. first, or do they watch T. V. afterwards? They watch T. V. First Afterwards
First Afterwards WELL DONE!!! Next question!
First Afterwards Try again!
Jacob opens the chocolate box. Jacob eats the chocolates.
7. Does he open the chocolate box first, or does he open the chocolate box afterwards? Jacob opens the chocolate box. First Afterwards
First Afterwards WELL DONE!!! Next question!
First Afterwards Try again!
Dad packs the car to go to Spain. Dad sits on the beach.
8. Does he sit on the beach first, or does he sit on the beach afterwards? Dad sits on the beach. First Afterwards
First Afterwards WELL DONE!!! Next question!
First Afterwards Try again!
Daniel gets his food. Daniel eats and drinks.
9. Does he eat and drink first, or does he eat and drink afterwards? Daniel eats and drinks. First Afterwards
First Afterwards WELL DONE!!! Next question!
First Afterwards Try again!
Julie opens the present. Julie gets the present.
10. Does she open the present first, or does she open the present afterwards? Julie opens the present. First Afterwards
First Afterwards WELL DONE!!! Next question!
First Afterwards Try again!
Claudio drops the ice cream. Claudio buys the ice cream.
11. Does he buy the ice-cream first, or does he buy the ice-cream afterwards? Claudio buys the ice cream. First Afterwards
First Afterwards WELL DONE!!! Next question!
First Afterwards Try again!
Jake kicks the ball. Jake scores.
12. Does he kick the ball first, or does he kick the ball afterwards? Jake kicks the ball. First Afterwards
First Afterwards WELL DONE!!! Next question!
First Afterwards Try again!
Can you think of more things we do ‘First’ and ‘Afterwards’?