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Webcast April 23, 2012 1
Webcast Topics: v Overall Agency Updates v Standards Update v Course Codes v College & Career Readiness Delivery Plan ü Persistence to Graduation Tool v Proficiency Delivery Plan ü CIITS v Educator Effectiveness Update v Policy Updates Send questions to Robin. Chandler@education. ky. gov 2
Agency Updates • April 19 Superintendents’ Webcast mms: //video 1. education. ky. gov/Super_4 -19 -2012 • Special Education Services • KDE Summer Training Calendar • New Video for Unbridled Learning To access video, visit Unbridled Learning page on KDE website and click on the link near the top of the page. • New Video – Kentucky Chamber on importance of academic standards http: //www. kychamber. com 3
Standards Update 1. Leadership Networks • Summer Meetings • ISLN/KLA Joint Meeting June 18 -19 • Galt House (Louisville) • Theme: Sustaining Highly Effective Teaching, Learning, & Assessment Practices • Year 3: Sustainability • 2 fall/2 spring meetings • Refining implementation • Emphasis on leading/coaching at all levels • Carefully consider your representatives 4
Standards Update 2. Next Generation Science Standards • First public draft by early May • Anticipated completion by December 2012 3. Social Studies Standards • Public Review in Fall 2012 • Anticipated completion by December 2012 4. Addenda to “Developing Quality Open Response and Multiple Choice Items for the Classroom” now posted! (See KDE ‘teaching tools’ webpage) 5. Implementation Rubric: Performance Metrics 5
Course and Assessment Alignment Course Code Update 2012 -13 Kentucky Uniform Academic Course Codes Districts may contact Robin Chandler at (502) 564 -9850 or robin. chandler@education. ky. gov with questions pertaining to course content. 6
KEES Regulation Changes and Course Codes The Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority program regulation 11 KAR 15: 090 has been modified to specify that only one cooperative education course per academic year will count for purposes of satisfying yearly KEES curriculum requirements. Districts may contact Megan Cummins at (502) 696 -7397 or mcummins@kheaa. com with questions pertaining to KEES eligibility. 7
End of Course and Course Codes Courses that trigger end of course assessment at the high school level are listed within the course code list but a list can also be found on the Kentucky Uniform Academic Course Code List home page. http: //www. education. ky. gov/kde/instructional+resour ces/curriculum+documents+and+resources/uniform+ac ademic+course+codes. htm 8
Teacher Certification and Course Codes It is important to note that the certificates listed are the ones that fit ALL of the parameters for a specific course – there may be other certificates that can teach it with slightly more restrictive parameters. Districts may contact the EPSB Division of Certification at (502) 564 -4606 or dcert@ky. gov with question pertaining to certification. 9
Proficiency Plan Update CIITS • CIITS Professional Learning Catalog • Training and Support Materials • Sharing of Instructional Materials • Meeting Performance Measures Expectations: Quarterly Cycle 10
Race to the Top 3 End of SY SY The percentage of educators who… 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 Create and publish lesson plans 20% 50% 75% through CIITS Performance Measures Use Assess Admin module to create assessments Use School and District Data module to view key performance indicators and create reports to make decisions impacting teaching and learning Participate in formal online or face-toface professional learning experiences on the use of CIITS to increase knowledge of how to implement highly effective teaching and learning in the classroom 25% 50% 75% 30% 55% 85%
Race to the Top 3 End of SY The percentage of educators who… 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 Performance Measures Access professional learning opportunities through the PD arm of Educator Development Suite (EDS) 25% 50% 75% Were evaluated as exemplary under the common statewide evaluation system 5% 10% 20% Were evaluated as accomplished or developing under the common statewide evaluation system 75% 70% Were evaluated as ineffective under the common statewide evaluation system 20% 15% 10%
College/Career Readiness (CCR) Delivery Plan Update The Persistence to Graduation Tool (Pt. GT) and the Persistence to Graduation – Evidence-Based Strategies Toolkit are part of the Persistence to Graduation Strategy in KDE’s College and Career Readiness Delivery Plan. CCR Delivery Plan: http: //www. education. ky. gov/NR/rdonlyres/1535662 E-CB 4 E-4 B 26 A 9 A 3 -408 FE 0105 C 7 F/0/CCRDelivery. Plan. Tof. Aincluded. pdf 13
Persistence to Graduation Tool (Pt. GT) § Supports schools in meeting the mandates of SB 1 and the Commonwealth Commitment to College and Career Readiness § Available in the Kentucky Student Information System (KSIS), Infinite Campus § Identifies students who may be “off track” for graduation (early warning indicator system) § provides critical student level data to identify specific students in need of additional intervention/support § provides a complete list of students based on the weighting of indicators and the filtering functionality built into the tool 14
Persistence to Graduation Evidence-Based Strategies Toolkit • Provides resources to assist with identifying appropriate strategies and interventions • Schools analyze data from the Pt. GT • align needs of the student with effective strategies that have the greatest potential to support the student • provide targeted interventions http: //www. education. ky. gov/KDE/Instructional+Resources/College+ Career+Readiness+for+All/Persistence+To+Graduation+Toolkit. htm 15
Educator Effectiveness Update 2012 -13 Detailed Timeline May 2012 Data Collection and Analysis District feedback -Revise Training June – July (Ext. Field Test) Evaluation System Training Observer training – Inter-rater reliability and certification Focus on meaningful feedback August - December 54 districts extended field test – – January 2013 Original 54 Scaling to full implementation 120 district leadership team meetings February – May 54 districts continue scaling 120 district leadership team training on PGES June – July State leadership team training for all districts August Full Evaluation System Cycle Scaling Criteria Training on the Principal Evaluation System Readiness and Preparation (remaining 120 districts) Statewide pilot implementation Local district scaling to full implementation 17
Field Test Overview PURPOSE – The purpose of the field testing process is to determine in authentic settings the usability, feasibility, and appropriateness of the various measures and instruments designed to implement the Teacher Growth and Effectiveness System. – The purpose of the field test is NOT to determine actual individual teacher effectiveness. This system is composed of multiple measures of teacher effectiveness each having unique instrumentation tracking to the various standards in the Teacher Growth and Effectiveness Framework. 18
Training Design – The agenda for each training site will be structured the same for the morning sessions but will differ during the afternoon to provide training specific to the multiple measure assigned to each training site. Multiple Measures # of Districts # of Schools Student Growth 21 48 PGP/Self-Reflection 29 98 Student Voice 13 137 teachers 3, 900 students 19
Kentucky Superintendent Network Meetings • April 19 – Lexington (KEDC, KVEC, SE/SC) • April 26 – Lexington (OVEC, CKEC, NKCES) • April 27 – Bowling Green (GRREC, WKEC) Next Teacher Effectiveness Steering Committee Meeting • June 13 -14 - Frankfort 20
Policy Updates 2012 Regular Session – Enacted Legislation • • • SB 24 – School Entrance Age SB 38 – Career and Technical Education SB 43 – Certificate of Attainment SB 95 – Summer Learning Camps HB 37 – Districts of Innovation HB 69 – Response to Intervention (RTI) 21
Questions? E-mail robin. chandler@education. ky. gov 22