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Web Sites for Your Small Business Omaha Web Solutions can develop, host, register, and submit your web site at a price you can afford. We will work with you to create the level of web site customization that your budget can support. Pricing
Web Site Design n Custom Graphic Design n Web Hosting n E-Commerce n Search Engine Submission n Omaha Web Solutions can provide the total web site package. You Can chose the level of involvement you wish. Pricing
Web Site Design can be done in many ways A Boiler Plate Web Site need not be unattractive, but it can be inexpensive. It can also be primarily text or graphic. Omaha Web Solutions uses Microsoft Front. Page 2000 to develop Boiler Plate (theme) Web Sites. We take the standard boiler plates that Microsoft provides and customize them to your business. We can adjust the standard Boiler Plate for color schemes, logo’s etc. Omaha Web Solutions will include any documents you desire on your web site. We will also suggest the more standard pages that the customer expects to see. Pricing
Web Site Design can be done in many ways A Combination of Graphics and Boiler Plate works for some intermediate type Web Sites. When Combining Boiler Plates and Custom Graphics, the best of both worlds can be achieved. Web site continuity can be achieved and still present a unique web site image. Pricing
Web Site Design can be done in many ways A full Graphic web site will catch the attention of the potential customer like no other site can. Full Graphic web sites are the ultimate in design. You get the exact design you are looking for that will represent your business in the most unique and favorable way. To develop full graphic Web Sites in addition to Front Page we use Dreamweaver, Flash, & Fireworks software packages. Pricing
Forms and Hit counters can be added to any Web Site n n Contact Feedback Appointment Form Hit Counters and Detailed web activity using Forms are a standard part of most web sites today. The form can be as simple as a contact form (that provides a sales lead) or more complicated such as an appointment form. Typically the form results are emailed to your business for you to respond, but they can also be put into an on line database or faxed directly anywhere. Hit counters provide a simple feedback as to how much activity that your web site is receiving. More detailed information is available through Webtrends. Pricing
Custom Graphics can be incorporated into any web site. n n Logos Flash Videos Pictures Line Art We can create and add custom graphics to any web site. A boiler plate type web site can include as many graphics, pictures, flash videos that you desire. There is an extra charge for the customization of any graphics. Pricing
Web Hosting We can work with all forms of web hosts Our host n Your host n Personal web space n We use virtual web hosting for our host. This means we have purchased a large block of web space for our use and we resell it to our customers. Our web space is located in Omaha, NE and is served by multiple internet connections. Pricing
E-Commerce Your Internet Merchant Account n Miva n Verisign n E-Commerce is basically an on-line store that can track inventory, secure payment (via credit card), and present your products to your customers in an on-line environment. Pricing
Search Engine Submission n n Manual Search Engine Submission u Discoveromaha. com u Yahoo (now charges $199) t Google is still free u Excite (now charges $199) Computer Generated Search Engine submission u Using multiple submissions Omaha Web Solutions submits your web site to many search engines (30+). We will submit to any additional engines that you desire. The larger search engines have started charging to list sites (but typically have a side engine that does not charge). There never is a guarantee that a search engine will place your site or how high the placement will be. Pricing
Set Up Costs n n n Set up costs of a typical 5 page Boiler Plate site with pictures, logo, and non copyrighted graphics start at $150. Set up costs for a full graphic web site with similar characteristics start at $800. As with any product available for purchase there never is an upper limit for either type of site. Set up cost vary greatly from one site to the next and it is very difficult to give much more than a ballpark figure. Typically as the web site is being developed many more features are added than removed. So when we add features the estimate we originally provide may need to be altered. Pricing
Monthly Hosting Fees n n n Monthly hosting fees for Boiler Plate Web Sites are just slightly less than those for graphic sites. However, maintenance costs are much higher for graphic sites than they are for a similarly set up Boiler Plate Site. Graphic sites are suitable when the intended audience is sure to have a fast internet connection. Our Monthly hosting fees always include some maintenance time. For static sites we like to include at least a half hour of maintenance time. For larger sites the included time will be much longer. Basically your monthly hosting fee not only includes the actual cost to host your site, but our anticipated time that we will spend doing maintenance on your site. Pricing
Typical Web Sites Include n n n Introductory Homepage Contact Page Descriptive “About Us” Page Forms, Logos, Graphics, Pictures Documents of any kind Omaha Web Solutions will include any documents you desire on your web site. We will also suggest the more standard pages that the customer expects to see. Pricing
Our Boiler Plate Portfolio n Audubon Society of Omaha n The Bluebird Box n Bluebird Restoration of Wisconsin n Harold’s Square Coin Laundry n A-H Difference n AAA Midwest Laundry Equipment Pricing
Our Graphic Portfolio n Blair Sign And Design n Brian Anthony’s World Pricing
Contact Us Omaha Web Solutions Web Site n Omaha Web Solutions Email n Phone u Jim Mc. Lochlin (402)-933 -4638 u Chad Riehle (402)-553 -0759 n Pricing