- Количество слайдов: 16
Web-service Based Human Resource Recruitment by Using Matchmaking Decision Support Gilbert H. L. LUK Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering Hong Kong University of Science & Technology hlgluk@ust. hk Dickson K. W. CHIU Ho-fung LEUNG Senior Member, IEEE Dickson Computer Systems Hong Kong Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering Chinese University of Hong Kong kwchiu@acm. org, dicksonchiu@ieee. org Mortgage DSS lhf@cse. cuhk. edu. hk 1
Introduction n Effective decision making often requires disparate information from heterogeneous sources Current ineffective platform support for information integration Case Study: Human resource recruitment n n n Increasing cost (esp. for professionals) => important decision to management Different job natures => Multi-domain knowledge Different sources of applicants – intranet, websites, agencies Different information format – application form, letter, CV (paper and electronic) Tedious and time-consuming process Studies how the application of Web service technologies helps Mortgage DSS 2
Typical Hiring Process Mortgage DSS 3
e-HR System Overview Mortgage DSS 4
Dataflow of e-HR Mortgage DSS 5
e-HR System Architecture Mortgage DSS 6
UML Concept Model for e-HR Mortgage DSS 7
Web Service Operations Mortgage DSS 8
Profile Request and Response Mortgage DSS 9
XML DTD for Profile Mortgage DSS 10
Example Weight XML Mortgage DSS 11
Ranking Profile Components Offer A Offer B Expected Years of experiences 3 5 4 Salary 10000 13000 12000 Availability 1 0. 5 1 Profile Components Offer A Offer B Weight Years of experiences (3 – 4)/4 = -0. 25 (5 - 4)/4 = 0. 25 8 Salary (12000 – 10000)/12000 (12000 -13000)/12 = 0. 166 =-0. 083 5 Availability (1 -1) /1 = 0 3 Mortgage DSS (1 – 0. 5) / 1 = 0. 5 12
Ranking - Result Profile Components A B -0. 25*8 = -2 0. 25*8 =2 8 0. 166*5= 0. 833 -0. 083*5= -0. 415 5 Availability 0*3=0 0. 5*3= 1. 5 3 Total Score -1. 166 3. 085 Years of experiences Salary Mortgage DSS Weighting 13
Summary § § Web services and agents integrates disparate information to facilitate decision support Attempts to address real-life problems: complexity of contracts and decision Value added service from end-users’ perspective Web Service Architecture (WSA) § § provides an efficient channel to communicate among parties in the business processes extend the value of current legacy systems less paper exchange more automated and accelerated processes Mortgage DSS 14
Future Work § § § Further enhancement and automotion of the mortgage application workflow Reach a state of paperless and all-in-one stop for recuitment Enhance the current built-in raking function: pattern recognition and data mining techniques Abstracting the experience gathered from our case study to a higher level methodology and meta-model Application of ontologies Mortgage DSS 15
Question and Answer Thank you! Mortgage DSS 16