Скачать презентацию We are the world Even at school Скачать презентацию We are the world Even at school


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We are the world – Even at school ELT Forum 2014 Presentation by Zuzana We are the world – Even at school ELT Forum 2014 Presentation by Zuzana Hardoš Kurnasová CS Lewis Bilingual High School

Table of Contents Global Studies at CS Lewis Bilingual High School Activities for your Table of Contents Global Studies at CS Lewis Bilingual High School Activities for your classroom Challenges (Accepted) Resources for teachers

Global Studies at CS Lewis HS Since 2006 – regular English course Freshmen – Global Studies at CS Lewis HS Since 2006 – regular English course Freshmen – Globalization and Challenges Sophomores – Stereotypes, migration, nationalism Juniors – Human rights and repressive regimes

Inspiration no. 1 - Freshmen Social Issues Project A video reportage of max 10 Inspiration no. 1 - Freshmen Social Issues Project A video reportage of max 10 minutes Requirement: Interview at least 2 people Structure: intro to the topic, interviews, conclusion Extra: Subtitles Working w/ English Background info on the topic Subtitles Presentation in class

no. 2 - Sophomores Refugees In-class activity Foreigner in Slovakia Photos of refugees Look no. 2 - Sophomores Refugees In-class activity Foreigner in Slovakia Photos of refugees Look at your country, act as if you were an English speaking foreigner Write a journal about your experience stories Asylum Committee 1 asylum Combines: Research In-Class Role Play

no. 3 - Juniors Human Rights Investigator's Log Work with UDHR in class Learn no. 3 - Juniors Human Rights Investigator's Log Work with UDHR in class Learn the principles of summarizing at home: HR violations in the last (2) weeks – (4) countries Skills Reading news articles Finding reliable sources Working with UDHR – practical understanding of Human Rights Writing a report/log – summary + HR violations Back in class – small presentation + discussion

Challenges Longer-term projects Keeping up with the news Finding the background info to the Challenges Longer-term projects Keeping up with the news Finding the background info to the activity/topic Discussions Asking good questions Controversial topics vs own opinion

Why accept the challenge? The students bring the world into the classroom Why accept the challenge? The students bring the world into the classroom

Activities Resources Výchova k tolerancii hrou by Dušan Ondrušek, Dana Potočková and Juraj Hipš Activities Resources Výchova k tolerancii hrou by Dušan Ondrušek, Dana Potočková and Juraj Hipš – excellent inclass activities Človek v ohrození films from Jedensvet Festival and accompanying material Multi-Kulti na školách by Nadácia Milana Šimečku http: //nehejtuj. sk/ Universal Declaration of Human Rights (plain language) Visiting Albatros Island http: //www. thiagi. com/ http: //www. storyofstuff. com/ http: //www. globalfocus. org. nz /? page=Publications. And. Reso urces Documentary films on http: //mediastorm. com/ http: //www. understandingprej udice. org/ Books by Keri Smith

Informative Resources Freedom House, Amnesty International, Brookings Institute, Carnegie Endowment for Peace, Human Rights Informative Resources Freedom House, Amnesty International, Brookings Institute, Carnegie Endowment for Peace, Human Rights Watch, International Crisis Group Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) esp. their Interactives & Backgrounders, Foreign Policy (magazine), Stratfor, European CFR Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, The Atlantic, Slate, The Browser, Policy Innovations Magazine The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, BBC, PBS Frontline, MSNBC, Al- Jazeera English scholar. google. com (scholarly peer-reviewed articles)