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We are 1 44 We are 1 44

2 45 2 45

Jonah 1: 1 -3 Context is foundational to rightfully and faithfully dividing the Word Jonah 1: 1 -3 Context is foundational to rightfully and faithfully dividing the Word of God! 1. Written between 8 th and 3 rd century B. C. 2. Author not specified, but Jonah himself was likely the foundational source of this book. 3 46

Jonah 1: 1 -3 3. The book of Jonah is one of 12 books Jonah 1: 1 -3 3. The book of Jonah is one of 12 books of the Minor Prophets. 4. The purpose of the book is to engage the readers, both Jew and Gentile to think deeply of the compassionate character of God and to bring about self-reflection of their own compassion. 4 47

Jonah 1: 1 “Now the word of the LORD came to Jonah the son Jonah 1: 1 “Now the word of the LORD came to Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, ” • He is the God who initiates – Romans 3: 10 -11 – “The secret of the quest lies not in our brilliance but in His grace. ” Os Guiness 5 48

Jonah 1: 1 Who is Jonah? 1. A prophet of God – “Visionary” or Jonah 1: 1 Who is Jonah? 1. A prophet of God – “Visionary” or “Seer” • One who has the ability to see things that God wanted in the present and/or future. • Example: 1 Samuel 9 – “To announce” • One whose job was to be a spokesman. • Example: Exodus 7: 1 6 49

Jonah 1: 1 Who is Jonah? 2. “Dove” – Hosea 7: 10 -11 – Jonah 1: 1 Who is Jonah? 2. “Dove” – Hosea 7: 10 -11 – Silly and Senseless 3. “Son of Amittai” – Son of my Faithfulness – God remains faithful even as Jonah does not 7 50

Jonah 1: 1 Who is Jonah? 4. From Gath-Hepher – Town outside of Nazareth Jonah 1: 1 Who is Jonah? 4. From Gath-Hepher – Town outside of Nazareth in the tribe of Zebulun 5. Prophesied during the reign of King Jeroboam II(782 -753 BC) – 2 Kings 14: 23 -25 8 51

Jonah 1: 1 -3 2 Kings 14: 26 -27 Compassion: Sympathetically looking upon plight Jonah 1: 1 -3 2 Kings 14: 26 -27 Compassion: Sympathetically looking upon plight / distress and desiring to alleviate it – Jonah experienced God’s compassion firsthand for the people of Israel – Jonah is a spokesman and vessel for God’s mercy and compassion 9 52

Jonah 1: 2 “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and call out against Jonah 1: 2 “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and call out against it, for their evil has come up before Me. ” 1. Emphatic Command! GET UP!! – A call to immediate action – The God who initiates is also the God who motivates! 10 53

Jonah 1: 2 “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and call out against Jonah 1: 2 “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and call out against it, for their evil has come up before Me. ” 2. Nineveh – “Great City” • Great City of Power • Great City of Size • Great City of Sin 11 54

Jonah 1: 2 “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and call out against Jonah 1: 2 “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and call out against it, for their evil has come up before Me. ” 3. God is calling Jonah to go to proclaim judgment upon it. 4. Evil = “Ra’ah” = Disaster 12 55

Jonah 1: 1 -3 Go and Preach A Great Commission – Jonah is given Jonah 1: 1 -3 Go and Preach A Great Commission – Jonah is given a Great Commission to go forward and to preach of God to these pagan Ninevites. 13 56

Jonah 1: 3 “But Jonah rose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of Jonah 1: 3 “But Jonah rose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the LORD. He went down to Joppa and found a ship going to Tarshish. So he paid the fare and went on board, to go with them to Tarshish, away from the presence of the LORD. ” – This is a TRAGIC “But” 14 57

Jonah 1: 1 -3 Where, How, What and Why Where? – Joppa • Port Jonah 1: 1 -3 Where, How, What and Why Where? – Joppa • Port in Philistia – Tarshish • Located west across the Mediterranean Sea • Place of Affluence/Riches – 1 Kings 10: 22; 22: 48, Ps. 48; Ps. 72 15 58

Jonah 1: 1 -3 16 59 Jonah 1: 1 -3 16 59

Jonah 1: 1 -3 17 60 Jonah 1: 1 -3 17 60

Jonah 1: 1 -3 Where, How, What and Why What is he running away Jonah 1: 1 -3 Where, How, What and Why What is he running away from? – The Presence of God – You can’t run from God! • Psalm 139: 7 -10 • Genesis 3: 8 18 61

Jonah 1: 1 -3 Where How What and Why? 19 62 Jonah 1: 1 -3 Where How What and Why? 19 62

Jonah 1: 1 -3 Why did Jonah try to run away from God and Jonah 1: 1 -3 Why did Jonah try to run away from God and His command? 1. His knowledge of God’s character 2. Jonah hated Nineveh 20 63

Jonah 1: 1 -3 Do you want what you deserve from a Holy and Jonah 1: 1 -3 Do you want what you deserve from a Holy and Righteous God? Do you want others to get what they deserve from a Holy and Righteous God? 21 64

Jonah 1: 1 -3 WE ARE JONAH 22 65 Jonah 1: 1 -3 WE ARE JONAH 22 65

Jonah 1: 1 -3 Application Are you running from God today? 23 66 Jonah 1: 1 -3 Application Are you running from God today? 23 66