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WDR Design Concept Requirements, approaches, & scenarios Version Date Prepared by 1. 0 李崇睿, crlee@gate. sinica. edu. tw First draft Dec 2012 Note 1
Weather Disaster Risk Repository (WDR) Data Sources Governme nt Agencie s, Researc h Institutes, etc. Open. ISDM Application System Climate Extreme and Weather Disaster Risk Database (WDR DB) Population & Vulnerability Database (PV DB) Climate Extreme & Weather Disaster Database (CEWD DB) Front-End Interface Support from IT component (Sub-projects 4 -6) Weather Disaster Risk Assessme nt under Climate Change NCDR Risk Management for Mitigation & Adaptation Strategies Sub-project 1 Disaster Risk Assessment for Flood & Mudslides
WDR Repository Concepts Risk Management for Mitigation & Adaptation Interface services Disaster Risk Assessment for Weather Disasters Interface services Filter, merging and visualization tools for weather disaster risk assessment & other scientific studies Weather Disaster Risk DB Population & Vulnerability Database (PV DB) Climate Extreme & Weather Disaster Database (CEWD DB) Access control services Data Sources Survey data Meteorological and pollution data GIS data 3
Components Scientific Data Survey Data (Meteorological Data & Pollution Data) (SES Data) GIS Data (KML files)
Existing DMIS Passive and Interactive 5
Data Sources (Official) Name Host Data Available (Y/N) Lang. UI format QPESUMS CWB Real time Y Java Plug-in API Single UI links with multiple data inputs. DBAR TTFRI Historical N Asp. net Webpage Users need to be authorized by TTFRI. DACET DAS, NTU Historical Y php Webpage Scheduled transfer server to RCEC, Academia Sinica. Air pollution database EPA Real time & historical Y j. Query Plug-in API Real time display. Historical data can be downloaded separately. GIS warehouse WRA Real time & historical Y Flex Plug-in API Need to contact WRA GIS warehouse COA Real time & historical Y but N Java Plug-in API Some are same as CWB data source. Password protected for some data. MOI Historical N Unknown Available data list MOI Historical Y but N Java Plug-in API GIS and Data warehouse Note Only provide appliacation. file number for Password protected for some data. 6 data
CEWD: Virtual Repository RADAR (NCU) Climate DBAR (TTFRI) DACET (RCEC) Changes (RCEC*) CEWD (Open. ISDM) SDB (NCU)
Structures of CEWD DB • (1) Basic meteorological data • (2) Databases related to extreme precipitation events • (3) Databases related to extreme temperature events • (4) Other relevant scientific tools and capability resources Data Type Name and content Host (1) Basic meteorological data General meteorological data & model prediction (a) (b) General meteorological data Atmospheric Research Database, historical meteorological data around East Asia Region 30 ground stations weather forecast Central Weather Bureau (CWB) Department of Atmospheric Sciences (DAS), National Taiwan University (NTU) 8.
Data Type Name and content Host (2) Databases related to extreme precipitation events Precipitation 395 automated precipitation stations CWB 237 stations Water Resources Agency (WRA), Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) 297 stations Irrigation Association 108 stations Taiwan power company 10 stations Civil Aeronautics Administration, MOTC 11 stations Air Force, R. O. C. Real-time Radar observation Taiwan radar databank, Radar precipitation observation National Central University River flow 330 stations WRA, MOEA 196 stations Taiwan power company Groundwater 845 monitoring wells WRA, MOEA Typhoon dropsonde observation website of Dropsonde Observation for Typhoon Surveillance near the TAiwan Region (DOTSTAR), Typhoon dropsonde observation DAS, NTU Typhoon model prediction website of Taiwan Typhoon and Flood Research Institute (TTFRI) TTFRI 9.
Data Type Name and content Host (3) Databases related to extreme temperature events Air quality 72 stations Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) Aerosol speciation 7 stations RCEC, AS • (4) Other relevant scientific tools and capability resources – (i) other international weather forecast and observation sources such as National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), USA, – (ii) other sources related to climate extremes and weather disasters such as website of NCDR, – (iii) the long-term planning of observation, weather forecast, and climate forecast in CWB, – (iv) the development of Typhoon forecast and quantitative precipitation forecast of Taiwan Typhoon and Flood Research Institute (TTFRI), – (v) the documentation of relevant projects supported by National Science Council (NSC) – (vi) the projection and diagnostic results of Taiwan climate model currently developed at RCEC, AS. 10.
Client App’s Applications VR Interfaces Web Services SPARQL-Query … Other interfaces VR Tools Data Sources Translation Tools Official DM Sources Event & Rule Definition Support Indexers Government Open data Event & Condition Monitor Data Validation Module Polling & Retrieval Services Data Update Module Ontology … Other Open data … Interfaces VR CORE Triple Store (links and cached Linked data) Rule Specs Publish/Subscribe Service IASS Other Tools Other Sources 11
Access Control • The concept for data access control - Execute data filter - Facilitate data fusion • The purpose of having an user interface for access control is to provide a platform with certain QAQC processing mechanism. 12
Distributed Database Management System Server-side Database SSO/AD System Administrator Network full permissions Server QPESUMS Database Server GIS Database DBAR Database 13
Access Control for PV: php. Admin Example from http: //www. reg. ca/faq/Php. My. Admin. Tutorial. html
Object Permissions Permission Description SELECT Retrieves rows from the database INSERT Add one or more new rows to a table or view UPDATE Changes existing data in one or more columns in a table or view DELETE Removes row from a table or view EXECUTE Executes a command string or character string TAKE OWNERSHIP take ownership permission on the entity VIEW DEFINITION lets a user see the metadata of the securable on which the permission is granted 15
Roles Changes with Time Government Agencies: CWB/ EOCs Sensitive Data Research Data General Data Mitigation Sensitive Data Research Data General Data Preparedness Sensitive Data Research Data General Data Response Recovery Selected Authorized Users Researchers / Analysts Sensitive Data Research Data General Data Mitigation Research Data General Data Preparedness Research Data General Data Response Recovery * A user might gain different accessibility with the change of phrase in a disaster event. 16
Possible Roles of a User in Typhoon Disaster Administrator Participates EOC Decision Making Analyst Analyzes Typhoon Related Data On Duty EOC consultant Reporting Personnel Off Duty Reports a Local Fresh Flood in Her Neighborhood Action Executor Cleans the Neighborhood with Other Volunteers *Access List → Role-Based Access Control 17
Role-Based Access Control Framework Static Separation of Duty Role Hierarchy Permission Assignment User Assignment Roles Users Objects Session Roles User Sessions Session s Operations Permission Dynamic Separation of Duty 18 Ferraiolo, D. F, R. Sandhu, S. Gavrila, D. R. Khun, and R. Chandramouli (Aug, 2001). ACM Transactions on Information and System Security, 4(3)
Single Sign On: shibboleth with Bitnami • http: //bitnami. org/ Bitnami is an open source project that produces open source installers or software packages for web applications and solution stacks as well as virtual appliances. Bitnami is sponsored by Bitrock a company founded in 2003 in Seville, Spain by Daniel Lopez Ridruejo. Bitnami stacks are used for installing software on Linux, Windows, Mac OS X and Solaris • http: //shibboleth. net/ Shibboleth is an open-source project that provides Single Sign. On capabilities and allows sites to make informed authorization decisions for individual access of protected online resources in a privacy-preserving manner.
Emergency Information Access n n Break-the-glass (BTG) extensions of existing access control models TIBS (Trustworthy information brokerage service) p Proactive upload of emergency information on POS’s Information release based on traceability and accountability Sources Information Scenario SOPs & DSA requirements analysis workflows p POS Handle requests & enforce release policies Filtered information Release and accountability causes Filters
Components of Information Broker Audit Record Event trackers Identity Record User Registration Policy DB PEP R Policy Management Admin Helper Audit Record R R R PDP P Policy DB Provider Audit Record A PIP P Policy DB PEP R R PDP RC 3 Admin Helper Provider ICC
IT Tool Expectations (1) • Different subsets of data and scientific tools may be required in different phases of disaster management; they will be coordinated accordingly and accessed through a single point of entry, with adequate access control based on different levels of privileges • Data from different sources with different degrees of precision and accuracy can be filtered by advanced technologies to ensure data quality to satisfy different requirements of operations or researches, according to different Quality Assurance (QA)/Quality Control (QC) protocols 22.
IT Tool Expectations (2) • These databases comprise of historical records, real-time monitoring, and model outputs, with different data formats – Adopt the fusion and visualization services to maximize the application of this integrated information repository – Convert current outputs in FORTRAN format to GISbased or Google-earth based format to facilitate the identification of the potential affected areas of climate extremes and weather disasters 23.
IT Tool Expectations (3) • Applying improved technologies of networking, feed, fusion, and mining to smooth the information flow in order to support disaster management, scientific researches, and public applications in a timely, effective, and efficient manner • A front-end interface will be established to allow easy access of all potential users from stationary or mobile devices to facilitate the usage of CEWD DB 24.
More IT tools • • • Data networking tools, Data feed tools Data fusion tools Data mining tools Data visualization tools accessibility with different devices 25.
Service Interface Main page Mockup Weather Disaster Risk Database User Name: Password: Log In Weather (CEWD DB) Social Vulnerability (PV DB) Register Forget Password Powered by Open. ISDM
Service Interface Mockup-Weather Extreme Weather Disaster Risk Database Welcome RCECRA Log Out Weather Social Vulnerability Heat Rain Data Owner Web Administrator Powered by Open. ISDM
Service Interface Mockup- Vulnerability Weather Disaster Risk Database Welcome RCECRA Log Out Map It Data Mode Map Mode Total Population Weather Social Vulnerability - County - Township - Village - Jun 2012 - Dec 2012 Age 65+ % Data Owner Age > 5 % Low Income Web Administrator Powered by Open. ISDM
Possible Service Application Scenarios • Location based App service for monitoring heavy rain current location along with social vulnerability indicators of the surrounding area. • App for query disadvantaged neighborhoods when heat wave strikes. Facilitate early warning for fatal weather events. Heat induce risk of heatstroke, heat cramps, and heat exhaustion…etc.
Final Products: Open Data • RDF of Temperature data • RDF of Precipitation Data • KML files of social vulnerability indicators.
Exchange Data Format – Net. CDF (*. nc) • Net. CDF (Network Common Data Form) is a set of software libraries and self-describing, machineindependent data formats that support the creation, access, and sharing of array-oriented scientific data (http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Net. CDF). • Many NSC funded data bases host mentioned that they will provide data in Net. CDF format in the future. Binary →ASCII (text-based)→Net. CDF 31