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Water pollution Water pollution

PLAN 1. 2. Water pollution 3. Crisis water PLAN 1. 2. Water pollution 3. Crisis water

Impotance of water Impotance of water

1. The importance of water for human life. 1. The importance of water for human life.

 Functions of Water in the Body Water is essential to body's temperature regulation, Functions of Water in the Body Water is essential to body's temperature regulation, keeping it cool through perspiration. Water flushes out toxins and wastes.

What will happen if water is less in our body? Excessive thirst Fatigue Headache What will happen if water is less in our body? Excessive thirst Fatigue Headache Dry mouth Little or no urination Muscle weakness

Factors that influence water needs Exercise or engage in any activity that makes sweat; Factors that influence water needs Exercise or engage in any activity that makes sweat; we need to drink extra water to compensate for the fluid loss. Environment. Hot or humid weather can make us sweat and requires additional intake of fluid. When we have fever, vomiting or diarrhoea, our body loses additional fluids.

How Much Water is needed daily? We need to dri at least enough water How Much Water is needed daily? We need to dri at least enough water daily nk to replace the water that the body normally loses through perspiration, waste removal We will lose more water, and need to replace more water, if it is very hot outside; we exercise vigorously, drink a lot of caffeinated or alcoholic beverages, have a fever, or are losing water through vomiting or diarrhea.

 We need at least 2 quarts, or 8 -10 (8 ounce) glasses of We need at least 2 quarts, or 8 -10 (8 ounce) glasses of water daily; this is the minimum. If you exercise, especially in hot weather, we should increase this to 34 quarts.

Tips on Drinking Enough Water Start your day off by drinking 1 -2 glasses Tips on Drinking Enough Water Start your day off by drinking 1 -2 glasses of water every morning. Keep a water bottle handy Drink pure water; tap water or bottled water.

 Drink water before you feel thirsty. Avoid juices which are high in sugar Drink water before you feel thirsty. Avoid juices which are high in sugar content. Adding lemon or lime to water. Drink no-calorie flavoured water.

2. Water pollution 2. Water pollution

Causes of water pollution 1. Industrial waste 2. Sewage and waste water 3. Mining Causes of water pollution 1. Industrial waste 2. Sewage and waste water 3. Mining activities 4. Marine dumping 5. Accidental Oil leakage 6. Burning of fossil fuels 7. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides

1. Industrial waste Many industries do not have proper waste management system and drain 1. Industrial waste Many industries do not have proper waste management system and drain the waste in the fresh water which goes into rivers, canals and later in to sea. The toxic chemicals have the capability to change the color of water, increase the amount of minerals, also known as Eutrophication, change the temperature of water and pose serious hazard to water organisms.

2. Sewage and waste water The sewage and waste water that is produced by 2. Sewage and waste water The sewage and waste water that is produced by each household is chemically treated and released in to sea with fresh water.

3. Mining activities Mining is the process of crushing the rock and extracting coal 3. Mining activities Mining is the process of crushing the rock and extracting coal and other minerals from underground. 4. Marine dumping The garbage produce by each household in the form of paper, aluminum, rubber, glass, plastic, food if collected and deposited into the sea in some countries.

6. Burning of fossil fuels Fossils fuels like coal and oil when burnt produce 6. Burning of fossil fuels Fossils fuels like coal and oil when burnt produce substantial amount of ash in the atmosphere. 5. Accidental Oil leakage Oil spill pose a huge concern as large amount of oil enters into the sea and does not dissolve with water.

8. Leakage from sewer lines A small leakage from the sewer lines can contaminate 8. Leakage from sewer lines A small leakage from the sewer lines can contaminate the underground water and make it unfit for the people to drink. 7. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides When it rains, the chemicals mixes up with rainwater and flow down into rivers and canals which pose serious damages for aquatic animals.

9. Global warming 10. Leakage from the landfills When it rains, the landfills may 9. Global warming 10. Leakage from the landfills When it rains, the landfills may leak and the leaking landfills can pollute the underground water with large variety of contaminants. An increase in earth’s temperature due to green house effect results in global warming.

Effects of Water Pollution Groundwater contamination from pesticides reproductive damage within wildlife in ecosystems. Effects of Water Pollution Groundwater contamination from pesticides reproductive damage within wildlife in ecosystems. causes Sewage, fertilizer, and agricultural run-off contain organic materials that when discharged into waters, increase the growth of algae, which causes the depletion of oxygen.

Old Roofs can cause pollution if they are not properly maintained. If water is Old Roofs can cause pollution if they are not properly maintained. If water is being held on roofs the water can become polluted and then run down the home and cause more pollution to the water table. Swimming in and drinking contaminated water causes skin rashes and health problems like cancer, reproductive problems, typhoid fever and stomach sickness in humans. Which is why it’s very important to make sure that your water is clean and safe to drink.

 Industrial chemicals and agricultural pesticides that end up in aquatic environments can accumulate Industrial chemicals and agricultural pesticides that end up in aquatic environments can accumulate in fish that are later eaten by humans. Fish are easily poisoned with metals that are also later consumed by humans. Ecosystems are destroyed by the rising temperature in the water, as coral reefs are affected by the bleaching effect due to warmer temperatures. Additionally, the warm water forces indigenous water species to seek cooler water in other areas, causing an ecological damaging shift of the affected area.

Water pollution causes flooding due to the accumulation of solid waste and soil erosion Water pollution causes flooding due to the accumulation of solid waste and soil erosion in streams and rivers. Human-produced litter of items such as plastic bags and 6 -pack rings can get aquatic animals caught and killed from suffocation. Oil spills in the water causes animal to die when they ingest it or encounter it. Oil does not dissolve in water so it causes suffocation in fish and birds.

10 THOUGHT PROVOKING FACTS ABOUT WATER POLLUTION 3. Over half a billion people live 10 THOUGHT PROVOKING FACTS ABOUT WATER POLLUTION 3. Over half a billion people live in areas where they consume and rely on polluted water for their survival 4. Large ships such as transportation vessels and cruise ships are a large contributers to the current condition of water pollution 1. Locations such as Bangladesh, India and China are suffering from high levels of water pollution with limited options for disposing of toxic chemicals/materials which threaten the lives of the people living in these areas 2. Poorly contained toxic materials such as garbage, fertilizer and poisonous chemicals can be picked up by the rain or running water and make its way into local rivers, lakes and the ocean without being treated or filtered 5. Many of today’s fertilizers and pesticides carry toxic chemicals that can spill into the ocean, sewage drains, lakes and rivers harming marine life and the animals that drink the water

6. It is estimated that as many as 100, 000 marine mammals are killed 6. It is estimated that as many as 100, 000 marine mammals are killed every year by pollution 7. In areas that are highly polluted the opportunities of getting lung cancer, heart disease and other life threatening ailments is significantly higher

The massive oil spill that was caused by British Petroleum (BP) in the year The massive oil spill that was caused by British Petroleum (BP) in the year 2010 caused over 1, 000 animals to die. Many of them were on the endangered species list. According to UNICEF, more than 3, 000 children die every day all over the world due to consumption of contaminated drinking water. Pollution is one of the biggest killers in the world, affecting over 100 million people. Lack of proper sanitation in water leads to diseases like cholera, malaria and diarrhea. At least 320 million people in China do not have access to clean drinking water

The Ganges River in India is one the most polluted rivers in the world The Ganges River in India is one the most polluted rivers in the world with sewage, trash, food, and animal remains. According to United States Environmental Protection Agency (U. S. EPA) estimates, 1. 2 trillion gallons of untreated sewage, stormwater, and industrial waste is dumped into U. S. waters annually. About 700 million people globally drink contaminated water. Aquatic animals face an extinction rate of five times more than that of terrestrial animals. Over 30 billion tons of urban sewage is discharged into lakes, rivers and oceans every year.