Water object and streams stability estimation to change

Water object and streams stability estimation to change of parameters of habitat and anthropogenic regimes Dr. Fedorova Irina Viktorovna Hydrology Department

Stability of water objects Stability – ability of system to safe its parameters under internal and external loading Adaptive stability – possibility of system to adaptive to new conditions Regeneration stability – possibility of system to return back to original conditions Ecological well-being vulnerability –opposite of “stability”

1. Mark –index estimation of water object stability to change of parameters of habitat and anthropogenic regimes Water object – lakes, ponds, reservoir, etc. The aim is adaptation stability estimation Stability to: Changing of natural habitat parameters (temperature, illumination, biogenic elements content…); Increasing of eutrophication; Changing of water quality

There are three classification: Of morphometrical parameters (three parameters) Of hydrological regime (three parameters) Of water cycle (fife parameters) Each parameter has a personal index (from 1 to 5). Chose the index of parameters for your water objects. Sum indexes of each classification parameters give three categories 1. Mark –index estimation of water object stability to change of parameters of habitat and anthropogenic regimes ∑ indexes of parameters = category

Classification of morphometrical parameters of water objects sum of parameters is from 3 to 4 - The 1st category ; sum of parameters is from 5 to 7 - The 6th category ; sum of parameters is from 8 to 11 - The 11th category ; sum of parameters is from 11 to 12 - The 15th category . ∑ Tabl.1

Classification of hydrological regime of water objects sum of parameters is from 2 to 4 - The 1st category ; sum of parameters is from 5 to 7 - The 2nd category ; sum of parameters is from 8 to 11 - The 3rd category . ∑ Tabl.2

Classification of water objects cycle sum of parameters is 5 - The 1st category ; sum of parameters is from 6 to 8 - The 2nd category ; sum of parameters is from 9 to 14 - The 3rd category . ∑ Tabl.3

Marks estimation of water object stability to changing of physical-chemical, hydrological, trophic, and water quality parameters ∑ category → symbol and marks of a stability family (tabl.4) Tabl.4.1

Marks estimation of water object stability to changing of physical-chemical, hydrological, trophic, and water quality parameters ∑ category → symbol and marks of a stability family (tabl.4) Tabl.4.2

Marks estimation of water object stability to changing of physical-chemical, hydrological, trophic, and water quality parameters ∑ category → symbol and marks of a stability family (tabl.4) Tabl.4.3

Classes of water object stability ∑ category → symbol and marks of a stability family (tabl.4) Tabl.5

1. Mark –index estimation of water streams stability to change of parameters of habitat and anthropogenic regimes Water streams – rivers, small stream, water object with intensive cycling The aim is regeneration stability estimation Stability to: Changing of natural habitat parameters (hydrological parameters, water content, period of cycling, temperature increasing and etc. ); Increasing of eutrophication and loading

Classification of morphometrical parameters of water streams sum of parameters is from 3 to 4 - The 1st category ; sum of parameters is from 5 to 7 - The 2nd category . ∑ Tabl.6

Classification of water streams by a mean water character sum of parameters is from 2 to 5 - The 1st category ; sum of parameters is from 6 to 12 - The 2nd category . ∑ Tabl.7

Classification of hydrological regime of water streams sum of parameters is from 3 to 4 - The 1st category ; sum of parameters is from 5 to 7 - The 2nd category ; sum of parameters is from 8 to 9 - The 3rd category . ∑ Tabl.8

Classification of size and water content of water streams sum of parameters is from 2 to 3 - The 1st category ; sum of parameters is from 4 to 5 - The 4th category ; sum of parameters is from 6 to 7 - The 6th category . ∑ Tabl.9

Marks estimation of water streams stability to changing of physical-chemical, hydrological, and water quality parameters ∑ category → symbol and marks of a stability family (tabl.4) Tabl.10.1

Marks estimation of water streams stability to changing of physical-chemical, hydrological, and water quality parameters ∑ category → symbol and marks of a stability family (tabl.4) Tabl.10.2

Marks estimation of water streams stability to changing of physical-chemical, hydrological, and water quality parameters ∑ category → symbol and marks of a stability family (tabl.4) Tabl.10.3

Classes of water streams stability ∑ category → symbol and marks of a stability family (tabl.4) Tabl.11

Data for estimation #1 and # 2 # 1 – water object of North-west of Russia # 2 - water streams (river) of North-west of Russia Results: to carry our a class of stability (vulnerability) To answer for question: which parameters and their changing can increase (or decrease) of water object or stream stability

- Количество слайдов: 21