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Waste. MINZ 2007 – Hamilton Castle. Bin Multi Compartment Kerbside Collection Andrew Slack – Project Manager (Contract) - Palmerston North City Council Glen Castle - Easy Workz Design Noel Burgess – IPSCO Ltd
Project Team • Andrew Slack – Project Manager – TBL Solutions • Glen Castle – Castle Bin Design - Easy Workz • Noel Burgess – Castle Bin Collection – IPSCO Ltd
Agenda • Waste Minimisation and Recycling Drivers in Palmerston North • Household Recycling Collection Trial • Castle. Bin Design Features • Castle. Bin Collection
Part 1 Waste Minimisation and Recycling Collection Drivers in Palmerston North
Waste Minimisation Drivers in Palmerston North 1. Closure of Awapuni Landfill on 31 st January 2007 and significant long term increase in waste disposal costs 2. 3. Replacement of City Enterprises (old technology) collection fleet Current manual collection using shopping bags leads to staff injuries and significant litter issues. Waste and recycling services are core services of the Council and a significant weekly interface between Council and household. Opening of Awapuni Recycling Centre and Long Term Partnership with Fullcircle to increase recycling in general Adoption of Waste Minimisation Plan in November 2005 by Council Over 40% of waste deposited into Awapuni was paper and plastics which are key materials in existing recycling collection Separation of glass in kerbside collection 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Waste Minimisation Plan - 2005 The Palmerston North has a number of goals under its Waste Minimisation Plan 2005: 1. Strategy 1 – Maintain a comprehensive and effective rubbish collection and disposal service 2. Strategy 2 - Increase Recycling 3. Strategy 3 – Establish a Resource Recovery Facility with a community focus 4. Strategy 4 – Provide hazardous waste disposal facilities where possible 5. Strategy 5 – Provide environmental education 6. Strategy 6 – Adopt a disposer pays policy 7. Strategy 7 – Support a waste minimisation levy 8. Strategy 8 – Take a leadership in waste minimisation in the community
“Going Greener” Goals 1. Establish recycling industrial park powered by renewable energy. 2. Increase domestic recycling rate from 30% to 50% by 2012 3. Implement Waste Minimisation Plan
Key Factors in Kerbside Recycling Collection There a number of key factors in kerbside recycling collection: 1. Ease of use 2. Health and safety in collection 3. Collection volume, sort time and frequency 4. Cross contamination of material and source separation 5. Environmental factors – wind, rain, animal damage etc. 6. Household acceptance
Recycling Trends in New Zealand There a number of trends in recycling in New Zealand: 1. Move away from waste disposal to resource recovery 2. Move to wheelie bins for collection – Auckland, Christchurch, Timaru South Taranaki etc 3. Long term Council contracts and partnerships with businesses 4. Service levels and costs have increased. 5. Recycling is an area where a Council can make a positive contribution to general environmental awareness.
Part 2 Recycling Collection Trial Andrew Slack – TBL Solutions (Contract to Palmerston North City Council)
Objectives of Kerbside Recycling Trial Strategy 2 of the WMP has the overall objective of increasing recycling in Palmerston North. One of the main factors driving recycling collection volumes is household acceptance of the kerbside collection system. Consequently the Council has undertaken a series of household acceptance trials. The objective is to select the best overall system for Palmerston North looking at a 10 year life span.
Structure of Recycling Trial The sample size was 350 households from a population of 27, 500. This sample size is predicted to provide around a 5% margin of error. Each trial area was split into 3. Each trial was run for 12 weeks - 3 weeks on shopping bags (control period) and then 3 weeks on each of 3 new methods 3 Weeks RC WB CB CB RC WB WB CB RC Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Shopping Bags
Trial Areas in Palmerston North The following areas were included in the recycling trial: 1. Waterloo Crescent – 120 households 2. Ashhurst – 70 households 3. Maxwells Line – 160 households 4. Total Sample Size = 350 Households 5. The last trial week ended 7 th December 2006
Recycling Collection Options – Glass Focus GLASS IS DIFFERENT – IT DOES NOT LIKE COMPACTION OR EXCESSIVE HANDLING High Quality Glass – Mix, Compact and Break (30%) – Expensive Sorting – Low Quality Glass Collection Options Single Stream Glass Collection Kerbside Sorting Drop-off Bottle banks Co-mingled Glass Collection Multi Co-mingled Separate Bin Collection Compartment Bin Split Bin Waste & Recycling
Multi Criteria Analysis Recycling Collection Multi-Criteria Analysis 1. Environmental Factors 2. Community Factors 3. Economic Factors Environmental Factors 1. Recycling Volumes 2. Glass Recovery Rates 3. Pest and /Wind Control Community Factors 1. Convenience and ease of handling 2. Litter Control 3. Health and Safety (Collection and Household) Economic Factors 1. 2. 3. Overall capital investment On-going operating costs Relative Collection Cost 4. Relative Sorting/Processing Cost 5. Glass Cross Contamination 6. System Wear and Tear • MORE THAN LOWEST SHORT TERM CONTRACT COST • The Palmerston North City Council has used a multi-criteria analysis to determine that a separate glass collection using bottle banks and/or bins is the best long term solution for glass collection.
Recycling Methods 4 kerbside recycling methods were trialed: 1. Shopping Bags (weekly) 2. 2 x Recycling Crates (weekly) 3. 240 litre Standard Wheelie Bin 4. 240 litre Castle (Multi Compartment) Wheelie Bin
Shopping Bags – Current System • Current system • Nearly phased out in NZ • Weekly manual system with health and safety issues • City Enterprises trucks need significant re-investment • Not much scope to increase volumes • Time for change?
Recycling Crates – Most Common in NZ • Most common system in New Zealand • Trend is to replace with commingled wheelie Bins • Weekly Collection • Volume is limited • Material is sorted on street with health and safety issues
Wheelie Bin – Rising Trend in NZ • Most common system worldwide • Move to wheelie bin in NZ – Auckland, Christchurch, Timaru etc • High penetration already in Palmerston North ($200 plus per week) • Flexible and automated pick-up • Fortnightly • Leads to increased participation and volumes due to convenience • Has problem of cross (particularly glass) contamination
Castle Bin – Prototype Invented in Palmerston North • Invented in Palmerston North by Glen Castle and PNCC recycling team • All advantages of standard wheelie bin system • Additional advantage of source separation and reduced post-processing costs
Questionnaire Format • Current recycling behavior? • Current wheelie bin use? • Do the new methods increase recycling? • System preference - user-friendly - mobility - tidiness • Comments
Trial Results Households Strongly Prefer Wheelie Bins for Recycling • 90% households prefer either the Castle Bin or Standard Wheelie Bin for recycling
Results – Household Questionnaire • 50% said a new system would increase their recycling • 10% of participants were completely new recyclers • 30% used a wheelie bin in some way and 12% had a green waste bin only
Results – Household Questionnaire • There was very low support (2%) for the current shopping bag system and crate system (9%). • There was considerable enthusiasm for change • The householders wanted a tidy system protected from the environment • Households like convenience of wheelie bins • There were quite a few serious fans of the Castle. Bin
Trial Results Recycling volumes from alternative recycling systems are increased • 60% (Waterloo Crescent) to 80% (Maxwells Line) increase in recycling weights
Trial Results Relative sort time was 50% less for Castle. Bin
Trial Results Residual waste was 50% less for the Castle. Bin
Trial Results Recycling volumes from alternative recycling systems are increased • 60% (Waterloo Crescent) to 80% (Maxwells Line) increase in recycling weights
Castle Bin – Preferred Method (by Households) “The multi-bin was very easy to use and the street looked so much tidier on collection day. I went from two rubbish bags each week down to one which I assume meant I was recycling more” “The multi-bin was more user friendly than the wheelie bin…” “…the multi bin would probably make life easier as items are already separated” “…Our family really liked the separate compartments of the multi bin. It’s a winner!!” “I consider the multi bin to be the most economical as sorting will have generally been done by each household…” “Multi bin was by far the best. Its easier for the recycling people as well” “Loved the multi bin”
Castle Bin – Preferred Method (by Households) New Recycling Collection System Shopping Bags Dedicated Recyclers (30%) Possible Recyclers (40%) Unlikely and Never (30%) • The ease of use of MWB systems allows the recovery from the 40% possible recyclers to increase • Palmerston North has a goal to increase recycling to around 50% (compared to waste by weight) by 2012
Part 3 Castle. Bin Multi Compartment Recycling Collection Glen Castle – Easy Workz
Castle. Bin Summary • The Castle. Bin is a New Zealand invention. • It has an international patent for the bottom compartment. • Glass is collected in the bottom and kept in a separate non compacting compartment in the split truck. • The rest of the material is collected mixed and kept in a high compaction compartment in the split truck
Castle. Bin – Large Fortnightly Capacity Large Cardboard remains loose 6 Bags Paper And Cardboard 12 Wine bottles 24 Beer bottles 12 Steel Cans 12 Aluminium 24 Large Plastic bottles (uncrushed)
Castle. Bin Integrated System • Integrated Dual Compartment Bin and Truck and processing 170 Litres 80% - 200 kg/m 3 plus Compaction Paper Cardboard Plastics Metals 70 Litres Glass Only 20% Non Compacted – Glass Only
Castle Bin Injection Moulding • It is feasible to injection mould the Castle. Bin • Probably made in China • It will have RSID
Part 4 Castle. Bin Multi Compartment Recycling Collection Truck Noel Burgess – IPSCO Ltd
Castle. Bin Collection Vehicle - IPSCO • Noel Burgess • Design brief • One man operation • Maximise collection logistics • Reduce Health & Safety risks • Dual compartment body • Automated lifter operation • Absolutely NO cross contamination of product
Castle. Bin Collection Vehicle - IPSCO • One man operation 8 Dual control vehicle 8 In-cab controls • Maximise collection logistics 8 4 x 2 vehicle configuration 8 Maximum body capacity 8 Efficient lifter cycle 8 Full pack compactor system 8 Full eject discharge system 8 Minimum tare weight
Castle. Bin Collection vehicle - IPSCO • Dual compartment body 8 Split matches Castle. Bin 8 Glass on bottom with internal taildoor 8 Co-mingle material on top – includes volume of external taildoor 8 Full compactejector system in top compartment 8 Sweep function with full eject in bottom compartment • Lifter Operation 8 Multi axis Joystick control 8 Horizontal slide 8 Single cylinder vertical rotation 8 150 degree rotation to invert Castle. Bin into body
Castle. Bin Collection Vehicle - IPSCO • No Cross contamination 8 Castle. Bin remains vertical (upright) until the “top” of the cycle â No content spill 8 As the Castle. Bin is rotated, to discharge, a “Chute” is rotated out from the bottom compartment 8 Bottom compartment of the Castle. Bin has completely discharged before the top section starts (to discharge)
Castle. Bin Collection Vehicle - IPSCO • Reduce Health & Safety risks 8 No kerbside sorting 8 Minimal handling of Castle. Bin by operator 8 Multi camera CCTV system allowing the operator views â Down RHS of vehicle (when operated from LHS) â Rear view 8 Operator exits onto verge not into traffic 8 Body does not “tip” to discharge 8 External “audible alarms” for lifter operation, taildoor operation, reversing
For more information contact: Andrew Slack TBL Solutions Ph 021 267 1788 andrew. slack@tblsolutions. c. nz or andrew. slack@pncc. govt. nz