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Washington Traffic Records Committee Creating & Coordinating a Shared Vision for Traffic Records 2006 Washington Traffic Records Committee Creating & Coordinating a Shared Vision for Traffic Records 2006 Traffic Records Forum August 1, 2006

Washington State Exposure population registered vehicles licensed drivers vehicle-miles traveled (millions) 7, 000 60, Washington State Exposure population registered vehicles licensed drivers vehicle-miles traveled (millions) 7, 000 60, 000 55, 000 6, 000 45, 000 40, 000 4, 000 35, 000 30, 000 3, 000 25, 000 OFM, DOL, WSDOT Source: 2, 000 1984 1994 2004 20, 000 VMT (in millions) 50, 000

The Case for a Permanent Traffic Records Program Ø Washington State public safety agencies The Case for a Permanent Traffic Records Program Ø Washington State public safety agencies recognize the need for improved data for problem identification. Ø Washington State’s accountability model for state government is extremely data-driven. Ø Multiple agencies individually implementing some form of data improvement projects. December 8, 2003 3

Groundwork for Traffic Records Ø Washington State Traffic Records Assessment § Conducted in November Groundwork for Traffic Records Ø Washington State Traffic Records Assessment § Conducted in November 2003 § Provided over 60 recommendations Ø Full-time Traffic Records Coordinator § Hired in February 2004 § Employed by the WA Traffic Safety Commission § Acts as permanent Co-Chair of Washington’s TRC December 8, 2003 4

Post Assessment Activities Ø 6 months of discovery interviews § Confirmed assessment findings § Post Assessment Activities Ø 6 months of discovery interviews § Confirmed assessment findings § Provided an opportunity for the full-time coordinator to understand Washington’s Traffic Records System Ø Washington State Traffic Records Resource Manual § Modeled after the NHTSA Traffic Safety Information Systems Guidelines document § Inventories Washington’s systems and agencies § Serves as a useful tool for defining which systems are included in “traffic records” December 8, 2003 5

Solidifying a Committee Ø Determined Participants § Identified agencies with administrative or contributive responsibilities Solidifying a Committee Ø Determined Participants § Identified agencies with administrative or contributive responsibilities for TR System components § Assessed agency organization to determine most appropriate representation Ø Established an Executive Oversight Group § One Executive-level representative from each participating agency § Provides policy direction and program oversight for traffic records initiatives December 8, 2003 6

Washington’s Governance Structure for Traffic Records Washington Traffic Safety Commission (Agency Directors, Secretaries, and Washington’s Governance Structure for Traffic Records Washington Traffic Safety Commission (Agency Directors, Secretaries, and Association Representatives) Quarterly Meetings Policy Direction Permanent e. TRIP Operations Governance Team Program Oversight Council (Executive Personnel representing each component of Washington’s Traffic Records System) Quarterly Meetings Executive Leadership Team Quarterly Meetings Business/Technical Managers Team Monthly Meetings Recommended Strategies & Projects for implementation Traffic Records Workgroup December 8, 2003 (Managers, Technicians, Data Users, and Collectors representing each component of Washington’s Traffic Records System) Monthly Meetings 7

Educating Stakeholders Ø Developed Educational Materials § Created a standard presentation to increase understanding Educating Stakeholders Ø Developed Educational Materials § Created a standard presentation to increase understanding about traffic records § Included various visual aides and diagrams to increase understanding § Provided presentations to everyone who requested and even those who didn’t December 8, 2003 8

What are Traffic Records? Collision data Driver Licenses Fatality Reporting Citations & Adjudication Washington What are Traffic Records? Collision data Driver Licenses Fatality Reporting Citations & Adjudication Washington Traffic Records System Vehicle Information Location & Roadway Information Injury Data Motor Carrier Information

Setting Direction Ø Organized assessment recommendations into 6 categories Ø Correlated discovery interview results Setting Direction Ø Organized assessment recommendations into 6 categories Ø Correlated discovery interview results with recommendations Ø Developed TRC Mission & Goals

The Washington Traffic Records Committee enhances transportation safety through coordinated projects to provide more The Washington Traffic Records Committee enhances transportation safety through coordinated projects to provide more timely, accurate, integrated, and accessible traffic records and safety data.

Establishing Priorities Ø Created 7 high level objectives and accompanying strategies Ø Compiled a Establishing Priorities Ø Created 7 high level objectives and accompanying strategies Ø Compiled a “Projects Portfolio” to translate objectives into real-world projects Ø Established system benchmarks and identified quantifiable performance measures

Linking Washington’s Direction to the National Agenda Goals for Traffic Records Standards Technology Leverage Linking Washington’s Direction to the National Agenda Goals for Traffic Records Standards Technology Leverage technology and appropriate government and industry standards to improve the collection, dissemination, and analysis of traffic records data. Integration Coordination Improve the interoperability and exchange of traffic records data among stakeholders for increased efficiency and enhanced integration. Appreciation Provide an ongoing statewide forum for traffic records and support the coordination of multijurisdictional initiatives. Training Promote the value of traffic records data and encourage training opportunities to maximize its effectiveness as decision support. Objective #1 Objective #2 Objective #3 Objective #4 Objective #5 Objective #6 Objective #7 Replace paperbased data collection processes with automated electronic systems Reduce paper exchanges among traffic records systems and stakeholders Develop a statewide Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Registry Create a more accurate statewide system for roadway feature and event location Improve the timeliness, utility, and accessibility of statewide collision data Design a new Police Traffic Collision Report (PTCR) and citizen report (VCR) Enhance the structure and activities of the Traffic Records Workgroup and Oversight Council

Accomplishing Washington’s Objectives Through Coordinated Projects Objective #4 Objective #6 Create a more accurate Accomplishing Washington’s Objectives Through Coordinated Projects Objective #4 Objective #6 Create a more accurate statewide system for roadway feature and event location Replace paperbased data collection processes with automated electronic systems Design a new Police Traffic Collision Report (PTCR) and citizen report (VCR) Objective #2 Objective #3 Reduce paper exchanges among traffic records systems and stakeholders Develop a statewide Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Registry Objective #7 Objective #5 Improve the timeliness, utility, and accessibility of statewide collision data E-County Location Coding e. TRIP Web-based Citizen Collision Reporting WA-Trans WEMSIS Collision Image Access Collision Data Improvement Enhance the structure and activities of the Traffic Records Workgroup and Oversight Council PROJECTS Objective #1 PTCR Revision Mobility Collision Module TRC Website

Formalizing Structure for 408 Ø Solicited a statement of support from Governor Christine Gregoire Formalizing Structure for 408 Ø Solicited a statement of support from Governor Christine Gregoire Ø Developed a Memorandum of Understanding and charter Ø Created a website to disseminate program and project information Ø Created a comprehensive Washington State Traffic Records Strategic Plan

Creating a Comprehensive Strategic Plan Ø Brings together Washington’s Goals, Objectives, and Strategies Ø Creating a Comprehensive Strategic Plan Ø Brings together Washington’s Goals, Objectives, and Strategies Ø Provides a brief overview of Washington’s current system Ø Includes a comprehensive “Projects Portfolio”

Value of a Comprehensive Strategic Plan Ø Promotes collaboration and project coordination among agencies Value of a Comprehensive Strategic Plan Ø Promotes collaboration and project coordination among agencies Ø Provides critical information for policy makers to prioritize investments. Ø Outlines specific elements of the state’s approach to improving the traffic records system: • Goals & Objectives • Specific strategies • Prioritized Projects • Quantifiable Performance Portfolio Measures December 8, 2003 17

Washington’s Projects Portfolio December 8, 2003 18 Washington’s Projects Portfolio December 8, 2003 18

National Agenda for Transportation Safety (SAFETEA-LU) Governor’s Priorities December 8, 2003 19 National Agenda for Transportation Safety (SAFETEA-LU) Governor’s Priorities December 8, 2003 19

On-going Challenges Ø Securing sustained commitment from Directors and Deputy Directors Ø Technical & On-going Challenges Ø Securing sustained commitment from Directors and Deputy Directors Ø Technical & Managerial turnover creates “weak links” in collaboration Ø Established system benchmarks and identified quantifiable performance measures Ø Accountability

Valuable Contributions from Washington’s TRC Ø Provides a statewide forum for the creation & Valuable Contributions from Washington’s TRC Ø Provides a statewide forum for the creation & coordination of improvement projects Ø Evaluates and leverages technology & appropriate standards to improve traffic records Ø Establishes working/sharing relationships among system experts across multiple agencies

Additional Information http: //www. trafficrecords. wa. gov Chris Madill Washington Traffic Safety Commission (360) Additional Information http: //www. trafficrecords. wa. gov Chris Madill Washington Traffic Safety Commission (360) 570 -2493 cmadill@wtsc. wa. gov