Скачать презентацию Washington State Report to National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Скачать презентацию Washington State Report to National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation


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Washington State Report to National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program Presented By: John Schelling, Earthquake Washington State Report to National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program Presented By: John Schelling, Earthquake Program Manager Washington State Emergency Management Division November 18, 2008

2007 Accomplishments Washington State Emergency Management Division ($307, 300 Funding Received) § The Broadcasters 2007 Accomplishments Washington State Emergency Management Division ($307, 300 Funding Received) § The Broadcasters Tsunami Emergency Guidebook was updated and distributed throughout all of Seattle and to 95% of coastal broadcasters (Developed in 2006 - Updated annually) § Continued Installation of All-Hazard Alert Broadcasting (AHAB) Sirens in coastal communities (6 installed in 2007). § Seven (7) social science survey’s have been completed overall and two (2) have been completed in 2007. These products are used to identify effectiveness of warning messages and program materials. § Seven (7) tsunami ready communities thus far and one application is pending approval. § FEMA Integrated Emergency Management Course (IEMC) and exercise was conducted with over 100 players using a Cascadia event tsunami as the scenario disaster. § Continuing to work with WA Department of Natural Resources to publish Bi-monthly issues of Tsu. Info Alert.

2007 Accomplishments Washington State Emergency Management Division ($307, 300 Funding Received) § NOAA Weather 2007 Accomplishments Washington State Emergency Management Division ($307, 300 Funding Received) § NOAA Weather Radios have been provided in ALL public/tribal facilities and many businesses within the hazard zone. § Supported the Tsunami Certification Program at the University of Washington. § Completed evacuation maps for Shoalwater Bay Tribe which are consistent with NTHMP requirements. New maps in Aberdeen/Hoquiam will be updated based on new DNR liquefaction study. § Continued to work on private land agreements for evacuation of populated areas within the inundation zone that have minimal high ground. § Updated the “Disaster Response Guidebook for Hotels and Motels on Washington’s Coast” and provided training/materials to lodging establishment managers and employees.

Washington State All-Hazard Alert Broadcasting (AHAB) Network OPERATIONAL (49) l Aberdeen l Bay Center Washington State All-Hazard Alert Broadcasting (AHAB) Network OPERATIONAL (49) l Aberdeen l Bay Center l Cape Disappointment l Copalis Beach l Diamond Point l Fort Worden l Grayland (2) l Hoquiam l Ilwaco l Island County l La Push (Quileute Tribe) l Long Beach l Lower Elwha l Lummi Nation (2) l Mc. Alder l Mc. Millin l Neah Bay (Makah Tribe) In Progress (8) l Ilwaco l Moclips l Aberdeen l Long Beach l Ocean City l Ocean Park (4) l Ocean Shores (4) l Orting (3) l Puyallup (2) l Pacific Park l Port Angeles l Port Townsend (2) l Sandy Point l Seattle (3) l Seaview l Sumner l Surfside l Taholah (Quinault Nation) l Tokeland (Shoalwater Bay Tribe) l Westport (3) l Camp Murray (Controller) l Point Roberts l Hoh Reservation l Shoalwater Bay l Sekiu 96 AHAB’s are needed along the coast 49 are operational 39 of 49 are satellite linked

Preparedness Information Products Preparedness Information Products

Issues Encountered by Washington State Emergency Management Division All Hazards Alert Broadcasting System (AHAB’s) Issues Encountered by Washington State Emergency Management Division All Hazards Alert Broadcasting System (AHAB’s) § Maintenance Social Science Survey’s § Implementing suggested changes within communities (buy-in) Broadcasters book § Keeping it current Tsunami. Ready § Tsunami. Ready funding § Getting communities to apply Tsunami Evacuation Maps § Maintaining products current § Funding Modeling/Mapping § Obtaining money for the Worst Case Distant Scenario mapping of Long Beach, Ocean Shores, Westport, Port Angeles, and Neah Bay. Bi Monthly Publication of Tsu Info Alert § Input from states § Involving new NTHMP states § Not being utilized as a resource center as it was originally designed to do

PREVIOUS CONTRACTING WITH NOAA/PMEL NOAA/ NTHMP Modeling Funds withheld from EMD Disbursement Washington State PREVIOUS CONTRACTING WITH NOAA/PMEL NOAA/ NTHMP Modeling Funds withheld from EMD Disbursement Washington State Emergency Management Division Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL)

CURRENT CONTRACTING WITH NOAA/PMEL NOAA/ NTHMP WA Emergency Mgt. Division You can’t get there CURRENT CONTRACTING WITH NOAA/PMEL NOAA/ NTHMP WA Emergency Mgt. Division You can’t get there from here. Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL)

Washington State Emergency Management FY 09 Funding Request Task (Activity) Name NTHMP Performance Metric(s) Washington State Emergency Management FY 09 Funding Request Task (Activity) Name NTHMP Performance Metric(s) (from Strategic Plan) Supported Task 1. 1: Contract with NOAA/PMEL to complete modeling for a Seattle Fault generated tsunami in Lake Washington. § Determine the potential inundation zones for Task 1. 2: Host a series of focus groups to evaluate tsunami models developed under Task 1. 1 and potential impact to current evacuation sites and evacuation policy. § Determine the potential inundation zones for Task 2. 1: Conduct town hall meetings in tsunami prone communities with Emergency Managers, local officials, and land use planners. § Develop decision support tools for non-mapped coastal regions using the established guidelines by 2012. § Tsunami inundation maps that support informed decision making in tsunamithreatened communities emergency responders to better visualize and plan for potential impacts. § Promote integration of tsunami inundation research into building codes and land use planning. Amount of Requested Funds $70, 000. 00 $2, 000. 00

Washington State Emergency Management FY 09 Funding Request Task (Activity) Name NTHMP Performance Metric(s) Washington State Emergency Management FY 09 Funding Request Task (Activity) Name NTHMP Performance Metric(s) (from Strategic Plan) Supported Task 2. 2: Print and distribute double-sided fact-sheets developed by USGS for coastal communities. These products detail the socioeconomic effects and potential damage to building stock. § Determine applicability of economic and loss Task 2. 3: Conduct annual multi-county test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and All Hazard Alert Broadcast (AHAB) radios in multiple counties. § Conduct an annual end-to-end Task 2. 4: Hold four State/ Local Tsunami Work Group meetings to discuss budgets, status of on-going projects and other related efforts by NTHMP and local officials. § Develop decision support tools for estimation tools (e. g. HAZUS) by 2010. § Promote integration of tsunami inundation research into building codes and land use planning. communications test of the U. S. Tsunami Warning System emergency responders to better visualize and plan for potential impacts. § Develop guidelines for mitigation, preparedness, and education programs. Amount of Requested Funds $25, 000. 00 $1, 000. 00 $5, 000. 00

Washington State Emergency Management FY 09 Funding Request Task (Activity) Name NTHMP Performance Metric(s) Washington State Emergency Management FY 09 Funding Request Task (Activity) Name NTHMP Performance Metric(s) (from Strategic Plan) Supported Task 2. 5: Conduct two § Develop decision support tools for coastal workshops on the emergency responders to better visualize new tsunami resistant design and plan for potential impacts. guidance (ATC 64 and FEMA § Promote the integration of tsunami P 646) as tool for tsunami inundation research into building codes and vertical evacuation. land use planning. Task 2. 6: Continue to promote Map your Neighborhood in coastal communities by providing annual reproduction of Workbooks, DVDs, CDs, etc. § Promote development of tsunami emergency response procedures including collaboration among federal, state, and local agencies. § Support tsunami outreach efforts to coastal residents, media, coastal businesses, and tourism Task 2. 7: Continue to support the reprints of tsunami public education materials (evacuation brochures, media guidebook, hotel/motel guidebooks, etc. ) § Support tsunami outreach efforts to coastal residents, media, coastal businesses, and tourism. Amount of Requested Funds $1, 000. 00 $10, 000. 00 $30, 000. 00

Washington State Emergency Management FY 09 Funding Request Task (Activity) Name NTHMP Performance Metric(s) Washington State Emergency Management FY 09 Funding Request Task (Activity) Name NTHMP Performance Metric(s) (from Strategic Plan) Supported Task 2. 8: Continue to § Conduct evaluations to determine the complete social science effectiveness of tsunami education products surveys in tsunami and programs in 10 selected communities by communities that identify 2010. Repeat every 5 years with goal of awareness and preparedness improving the percentage of informed levels. citizens by 50%. Task 2. 9: Represent Washington in the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program. § Promote development of tsunami emergency Task 2. 10: Contact coastal hotels/motels in the tsunami inundation zone within Grays Harbor County and provide training/materials to staff. § Develop and distribute tsunami education response procedures including collaboration among federal, state, and local agencies. products for the tourist community (e. g. , hotels, cruises, and vacation rental homes) by 2011. Amount of Requested Funds $10, 000. 00 $8, 000. 00 $5, 000. 00

Washington State Emergency Management FY 09 Funding Request Task (Activity) Name NTHMP Performance Metric(s) Washington State Emergency Management FY 09 Funding Request Task (Activity) Name NTHMP Performance Metric(s) (from Strategic Plan) Supported Amount of Requested Funds Task 2. 11: Install tsunami evacuation and hazard zone signs in new tsunami communities and replace signs that have been damaged or stolen. § Ensure communities are prepared to respond during a tsunami event. § Reduction of Loss of life and property damage from tsunamis. $10, 000. 00 Task 2. 12: Support the development of agreements with private landowners and the State that allows citizens to evacuate on to private land during a tsunami and develop an unlocking gates system that will lead to high ground. § Ensure communities are prepared to respond during a tsunami event. § Reduction of Loss of life and property damage from tsunamis. $11, 000. 00 Task 2. 13: Conduct and publish a study to indentify potential locations of vertical refuges along the Long Beach Peninsula. § Ensure communities are prepared to respond during a tsunami event. § Reduction of Loss of life and property damage from tsunamis. $25, 000. 00

Washington State Emergency Management FY 09 Funding Request Task (Activity) Name NTHMP Performance Metric(s) Washington State Emergency Management FY 09 Funding Request Task (Activity) Name NTHMP Performance Metric(s) (from Strategic Plan) Supported Amount of Requested Funds Task 2. 14: Feasibility study § Ensure communities are prepared to with implementation to follow respond during a tsunami event. for local tribes to locate/install § Reduction of Loss of life and property caches of supplies that will be damage from tsunamis. situated at an assembly area for use during evacuation. $10, 000. 00 Task 2. 15: Continuation of § Reduction of Loss of life and property funding the Tsunami Program damage from tsunamis. Assistant position within the § Establishment of more Tsunami resilient Tsunami Program to ensure communities. that proposed work plan tasks § Ensure communities are prepared to are achieved within the respond during a tsunami event. proposed timelines. $68, 216. 40 Task 3. 1: Continue to install the All Hazard Alert Broadcasting( AHAB) Radios in areas of population along the coast. Effective and reliable Warning dissemination to citizens and visitors. § Annually increase local warning dissemination capabilities by 10%, based on the baseline established in 2010. § $139, 500. 00

Washington State Emergency Management FY 09 Funding Request Task (Activity) Name NTHMP Performance Metric(s) Washington State Emergency Management FY 09 Funding Request Task (Activity) Name NTHMP Performance Metric(s) (from Strategic Plan) Supported Task 4. 1: Partner with NWSSeattle/Portland to update media tool kit and provide annual training for broadcasters. § Support tsunami outreach efforts to coastal Task 4. 3: Provide NOAA Weather Radios for low income/special needs population in an at-risk tsunami community. § Task 4. 4: Work with NWSSeattle and Portland to identify tsunami communities eligible for Tsunami. Ready Program and support the application process. § residents, media, coastal businesses, and tourism Effective and reliable Warning dissemination to citizens and visitors. § Annually increase local warning dissemination capabilities by 10%, based on the baseline established in 2010. Establishment of more tsunami resilient communities. § Ensure communities are prepared to respond during a tsunami event. *Task 4. 2 is not applicable in FY 09. Amount of Requested Funds $5, 000. 00 $10, 000. 00 $2, 500. 00

Washington State Emergency Management FY 09 Funding Request Multi-State Projects Task (Activity) Name NTHMP Washington State Emergency Management FY 09 Funding Request Multi-State Projects Task (Activity) Name NTHMP Performance Metric(s) (from Strategic Plan) Supported Task 5. 1: Continue to support the publishing of the NTHMP Tsu. Info Alert publication. § Task 5. 2: Support the development of an NTHMP education Strategy/ Program. The purpose of the pilot multi-state T 3 Program is to train a cadre of professionals that are qualified to serve as Tsunami Public Education Instructors at the community level. § Develop decision support tools for emergency responders to better visualize and plan for potential impacts. Facilitate educational events. § Support tsunami outreach efforts to coastal residents, media, coastal businesses, and tourism. § Conduct evaluations to determine the effectiveness of tsunami education products and programs in 10 selected communities by 2010. Repeat every 5 years with goal of improving the percentage of informed citizens by 50%. Amount of Requested Funds $50, 000. 00 $195, 000. 00

Washington State Emergency Management FY 09 Funding Request Summary Ø Washington State Program Funding Washington State Emergency Management FY 09 Funding Request Summary Ø Washington State Program Funding $450, 216. 40 Ø Multi-State Project Funding $245, 000. 00 Ø Total Funding Requested from NTHMP $695, 216. 40