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WARRANTY CERTIFICATE Place for attachment of cash and puchase receipt Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan Model: subject to mandatory completion Serial number: subject to mandatory completion Date of sale: subject to mandatory completion SELLER: Name of the Selling Organization subject to mandatory completion Telephone number of the Selling Organization subject to mandatory completion optional completion Address: The product has been received in good condition. I have read and agree with the warranty terms. I hereby agree to follow the requirements set out in the SELLER'S SEAL instruction manual and warranty certificate (signature of the Buyer) (surname, middle name of the Buyer) Attention! Please demand full completion of the warranty certificate! Warranty certificate is not valid in case of improper or incomplete filling, without the Seller's and Buyer's signatures. Cash and purchase receipts must be attached to this Warranty Certificate.
Supplement to the Instruction Manual Dear Customer! Thank you for buying Philips TV * TV set is a technically sophisticated product. Provided that the product is handled with due care and used in accordance with the safety operation rules, it will reliably work for you many years. When handling your TV set, try not to cause any mechanical damage thereto, avoid ingress of foreign objects, liquids, insects, etc. , during the entire service life which is 5 years from the manufacture date. ** If, when handling your TV, you detect that functional parameters of the product differ from those set out in the instruction manual, please contact the Information Centre ***. for competent advice. Warranty term stipulated for this product is one (1) year from the date of sale of the TV set. This warranty is issued by the Importer (LLC "TPV Vision Eurasia" 127083, Moscow, 8 Marta st. , 1, bld. 12). in addition to the constitutional and other rights of the consumers, and shall not in any way restrict them. To install and connect your TV set, we recommend you to apply to the Authorized service centers specializing in provision of this kind of services, which will carry out all the necessary work on reimbursable basis. Additional information is available from the Information Center. These warranty conditions apply only to the products supplied with complete identification information (model and serial number), which have been purchased solely for personal, family, household and other needs not related to business activities, and intended to be used in strict accordance with the Instruction manual, and are applicable in case if your TV set is recognized defective due to faulty materials or workmanship. Warranty service shall not cover the product which has become defective due to: 1. Violation by the Customer -improper use, storage or transportation of the product. 2. Actions of third parties: repairs done by unauthorized persons and (or) due to introduction of unauthorized structural alterations or circuit design changes which have not been approved by the manufacturer, including any changes in the software. 3. Deviation from state technical standards (GOST) and standards of power supply, telecommunication and cable networks; improper installation and connection of the product; connection of the product to another product which is connected to power supply though HDMI, VGA, DVI and SLART - connections. 4. Force majeure event (acts of God, fire, lightning, etc. ); The Warranty does not cover consumable parts and accessories including but not limited to: power supply devices (batteries), headphones, casings, connecting cables and other items that have limited service life. . All replaced faulty or defective parts, components of the product shall become property of the Manufacturer. Importer to the territory of the Russian Federation and organization authorized to accept claims: - LLC "TPV CIS" 196626, the Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg, Shushary settlement, Moskovskoye highway, 177 A . * PHILIPS -is a trademark owned by company Koninklijke Philips NV, which is used by TP Vision Netherlands BV under the license agreement. ** Date of manufacture of your TV and the Manufacturer can be identified by the serial number of your TV set (ЗЗxx. ГГННхххххх), where ЗЗ is Manufacturer's code : UZ - LLC "TPV CIS" 196626, the Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg, Shushary settlement, Moskovskoye highway, 177 A YN – «Vestel Elektronik A. S. » Organize Sanayi Bolgesi, Manisa, Turkey ZH – «TP Vision Hungary Limited Liability Company» , 8000 Székesfehérvár, Holland fasor 6, Hungary FZ – «TPV Display Polska Sp. Zo. o» , Ul. Zlotego Smoka 9, 66 -400, Gorzow Wikp, Poland ГГ – year; НН - week number, x – any symbol. Addresses of Service centers in the Republic of Belarus: 1. CJSC "CTI", Minsk, Korola St. , 26, phone (017) 210 42 48 2. ACC "Patio", Minsk Kharkovskaya st. , 76, phone (017) 256 19 58 *** For more information, please contact the Information Center: 8800 220 -00 - 04 (toll-free calls in Russia) 8 2000 -00 -04 10 800 (toll-free calls in the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan from fixed-line phones) Working hours: from 9 -00 to 21 -00 (daily, Moscow time) Online: www. philips. ru