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Walton County, Florida Proposed Budget FY 2010 -2011
The BCC work force is divided into nine divisions and departments operated under a County Administrator System. Board of County Commissioners County Attorney Lynn Hoshihara County Administrator Lyle Seigler Assistant County Administrators Shirl Williams and Gary Mattison Finance Division Bill Imfeld Human Resources Brady Bearden Public Works Starsky Harrell Development Services / Planning Gerry Demers Citizen Services Ken Little Emergency Response Brian Coley Department of Corrections Stan Sunday Public Safety Matt Douglass Tourist Development Dawn Moliterno
Millage Process Schedule Fiscal Year 2011 July 1, 2010 Property Appraiser certifies the taxable value to taxing authorities (“Day 1” of schedule) July 15, 2010 Budget Officer submits tentative budget to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) By August 4, 2010 Taxing authorities advise the Property Appraiser of: (1) Proposed millage rate (2) Rolled – back rate (3) Date, time, and place of public hearing on the tentative budget By August 24, 2010 Last day for Property Appraiser to mail Notices of Proposed Property Taxes (TRIM Notice) to taxpayers (include public hearing information) September 13, 2010 Public Hearing by BCC to receive citizen input and answer questions concerning the adoption of the tentative budget and proposed millage rate (SW Annex Santa Rosa 5: 01 pm) September 23, 2010 Advertisement of proposed budget and notice of public hearing at which Board intends to adopt a final millage and final budget September 27, 2010 Public hearing by BCC to receive citizen input and answer questions concerning the adoption of the final millage and final budget (Courthouse De. Funiak Springs 5: 01 pm) October 1, 2010 Fiscal Year Begins
Property Values Fiscal Year Walton County Property Value 2007 -2008 Highest Year $17, 398, 812, 895 2010 -2011 $11, 457, 498, 231 Change in $ $5, 941, 314, 664 Change in % -34. 15%
Constitutional Offices n Clerk of Courts n Tax Collector n Property Appraiser n Supervisor of Elections n Sheriff’s Department
Constitutional Officers 2010 Budget 2011 Recommend Change From 2010 FTE’S FTE Changes Clerk of Courts 1, 970, 983 1, 932, 635 (38, 348) 62 - 10. 5 Tax Collector 1, 977, 633 1, 983, 118 5, 485 28 0 Property Appraiser 1, 892, 482 1, 800, 000 (92, 482) 32 -1 Supervisor of Elections 642, 293 640, 392 (1, 901) 7. 25 -. 75 Sheriff 16, 727, 757 16, 705, 535 (22, 222) 232 +8 Totals 23, 211, 148 23, 061, 680 (149, 468) 367. 75 - 4. 25 Bailiffs were transferred to Sheriff’s Department from Courts Code Enforcement Officer was transferred to Sheriff
Tourist Development Council n TDC - Administration n Beach Area n Beach Re-nourishment n New Product Development n Autumn Tides n Emerging Markets
Tourist Development Council 2010 Budget 2011 Recommend Change from 2010 FTE’S FTE changes TDC Administration 4, 800, 541 4, 691, 354 (109, 187) 32 +1 Beach Area 1, 394, 800 1, 307, 650 (87, 150) Beach Re Nourishment 2, 467, 408 2, 420, 899 (46, 509) New Product Development 1, 326, 493 1, 275, 324 (51, 169) Autumn Tides 993, 873 1, 020, 208 26, 335 Emerging Markets 1, 147, 766 0 Totals 12, 130, 881 11, 863, 201 (267, 680) 32 +1 Beach Re Nourishment includes Grants
Board of County Commissioners n BCC n County Administration
Board of County Commissioners 2010 Budget 2011 Recommend Change From 2010 FTE’S FTE changes BCC 4, 675, 574 4, 833, 290 157, 716 14 County Admin. 402, 556 689, 435 286, 879 7 +3 Workers Comp Accounts 59, 000 0 Transfer Out 3, 756, 565 2, 836, 399 (920, 166) Totals 8, 893, 695 8, 418, 124 (475, 571) 21 +3 BCC increases due to operational funding of EDA In 2010 this was a roll forward of unspent Senior Center capital outlay. 1 FTE transferred from Human Resources and 2 from Construction Management into County Administration.
Building Department n Building
Building Department 2010 Budget Building 961, 819 2011 Recommend 712, 884 Change from 2010 (248, 935) FTE’S FTE changes 9 1 FTE transferred to Code Enforcement and 3 eliminated -4
Department of Corrections n Inmate Canteen
Department of Corrections 2010 Budget 2011 Recommend Change from 2010 FTE’S FTE changes Corrections 5, 163, 830 5, 090, 556 (73, 274) 69 +2 Canteen 151, 177 201, 835 50, 658 1 0 1 FTE transferred from Emergency Admin Response and 1 from Parks and Recreation for Booking Specialist Increase in Machinery & Equipment for a inmate work crew van a kiosk, and medical equipment. Increase building for storage.
GIS/Information Resources Department n GIS
GIS 2010 Budget GIS 2011 Recommend Change from 2010 FTE’S FTE changes 440, 094 382, 366 (57, 728) 6 -1 1 FTE transferred to Public Works
Planning/Development Services Division n Planning/Development Services n Code Enforcement
Planning/Development Services 2010 Budget Planning/ Development Services Code Enforcement Totals 2011 Recommend Change from 2010 FTE’s FTE changes 1, 771, 236 1, 405, 434 (365, 802) 18 - 5. 75 396, 466 341, 310 (55, 156) 5 -1 2, 167, 702 1, 746, 744 (420, 958) 23 - 6. 75 Planning / Development were consolidated for FY 2011. . 75 FTE transferred to Public Works 1 FTE transferred to Animal Control and 4 eliminated 1 FTE transferred to Sheriff from Code, 1 from Building to Code.
Public Works n Roads and Bridges n Landfill/ Small Counties Grant n Parks n Facilities Maintenance n Custodial
Public Works 2010 Budget 2011 Recommend Change from 2010 FTE’S FTE changes Public Works 19, 339, 133 19, 015, 959 (323, 174) 155 - 2. 25 Landfill 11, 957, 500 12, 036, 966 79, 466 14 0 882, 653 783, 083 (99, 570) 12 -2 1, 777, 848 1, 518, 593 (259, 255) 15 -3 420, 625 357, 052 (63, 573) 9 -1 34, 377, 759 33, 711, 653 (666, 106) 205 - 8. 25 Parks Facilities Maintenance Custodial Totals Public Works 2 FTE transferred to Legal, 1 transferred to Planning, 1 eliminated, . 75 transferred from Planning, and 1 transferred from GIS. Construction Management and Facilities Maintenance were consolidated. The 2 FTE’s in Construction Management were transferred to County Admin and 1 FTE was eliminated. In Parks 2 FTE’s were transferred to Recreation in Citizen Services Landfill increases due to the purchase of an excavator. 1 FTE transferred from Custodial to Human Resources.
Machinery & Equipment for Roads and Bridges n n n 6 Yard Wheel Loader 307 Excavator 140 H Motor Grader Tractor & A Boom Mower
Emergency Services Division Emergency Response - Administration n Paramedic/Fire Rescue n Telecommunications n Fire Control n Aid to Other Fire Departments n
Emergency Services 2010 Budget 2011 Recommend Change from 2010 FTE’S FTE changes Emergency Services 209, 632 0 (209, 632) 0 -3 Paramedics Fire Rescue 7, 771, 991 7, 508, 295 (263, 696) 76 -2 Telecommunications 67, 409 65, 670 (1, 739) 1 0 Fire Control 32, 791 0 Aid to other Fire Depts. 368, 329 354, 554 (13, 775) 8, 450, 152 7, 961, 310 (488, 842) 77 -5 Totals * Includes one grant funded position. 2 FTE’s transferred from Emergency Services Admin to Animal Control and 1 to Corrections. 2 FTE’s transferred from Paramedic Fire to Animal Control. Telecommunications was transferred from Finance to Emergency Services.
Aid to Other Fire Departments 2010 Budget 2011 Recommend Change Argyle Fire Department 69, 570 66, 968 - 2, 602 De. Funiak Springs Fire Department 88, 592 85, 279 - 3, 313 Liberty Fire Department 72, 975 70, 246 - 2, 729 Freeport Fire Department 137, 192 132, 061 - 5, 131 Reduced by the same 3. 74% as Paramedic Firefighter
Public Safety n Animal Control n North Walton Mosquito Control n State Mosquito Control Grant n Health Department
Public Safety 2010 Budget 2011 Recommend 2010 Change FTE’S FTE changes Animal Control 391, 073 674, 274 283, 201 8 +5 North Walton Mosquito Control 608, 751 605, 075 (3, 676) 7 0 North Walton State Grant 17, 500 0 Health Department 797, 960 0 Totals 1, 815, 284 2, 094, 809 279, 525 15 +5 In Animal Control 1 FTE transferred from Planning, 2 from Emergency Response Admin, and 2 from Paramedic Firefighter.
Office of the County Attorney n County Attorney
County Attorney 2010 Budget Legal 266, 881 2011 Change Recommend from 2010 324, 354 57, 473 FTE’S FTE changes 4 +1 2 FTE’s transferred from Public Works and 1 FTE transferred to Contracts.
Citizen Services Division n Citizen Services-Admin n PIO n Recreation Board n Freeport Pool n Contributions-Statute Required & Discretionary n Veteran’s Services n Soil Conservation n Agriculture/Extension Services n County Probation n Library Services n Housing and Urban Development
2010 Budget Citizen Services 2011 Recommend Change from 2010 FTE’S FTE changes Citizen Services 158, 549 147, 681 (10, 868) 2 0 PIO 112, 721 112, 435 (286) 2 0 REC Board 144, 610 163, 779 19, 169 1 +1 Freeport Pool 53, 783 50, 610 (3, 173) Statutory Required Org. 686, 500 0 Discretionary Org. 161, 775 137, 683 (24, 092) Veterans 160, 962 159, 705 (1, 257) 3 0 Soil Conservation 98, 795 96, 857 (1, 938) 2 0 Agricultural Center 301, 438 302, 043 (605) 8. 5 0 Probation 318, 849 321, 192 2, 343 5 0 Library 760, 110 728, 266 (31, 844) 15 -. 5 SUBTOTALS 2, 958, 092 2, 906, 751 (51, 341) 38. 5 +. 5 HUD 1, 756, 522 1, 885, 116 128, 594 3 0 Totals 4, 714, 614 4, 791, 867 77, 253 41. 5 +. 5
Citizen Services n n PIO transferred from BCC to Citizen Services during 2010. Recreation transferred from Parks to Citizen Services and 1 FTE transferred to Corrections. Freeport Pool transferred from Parks to Citizen Services. In Library reduction in use of Bookmobile reduces FTE’
Statutory Required Contributions Current Year Recommend Change HCRA 230, 000 0 Medicaid 400, 000 0 Baker Act 50, 000 0 Indigent Burials Totals 0 6, 500 686, 500 0
Discretionary Contributions 2010 Budget 2011 Request Recommend Change Shelter House 2, 000 5, 000 0 (2, 000) Families Count 12, 300 12, 610 12, 300 0 8, 300 10, 000 8, 300 0 10, 200 6, 834 (3, 366) 2, 670 12, 000 1, 789 (881) COPE Center 36, 955 30, 000 (6, 955) Walton County ARC, Inc. 20, 000 0 Walton County Council on Aging 33, 000 22, 110 (10, 890) Senior Center 25, 000 50, 000 25, 000 0 Tri-County Community Council 11, 350 15, 000 11, 350 0 161, 775 204, 765 137, 683 (24, 092) Child Care Services Chamber of Commerce American Red Cross Totals for Discretionary Contributions 2011
Human Resources n Human Resources
Human Resources Totals 2010 Budget Human Resources 2011 Recommend Change from 2010 FTE’S FTE changes 536, 582 443, 227 (93, 355) 7 0 1 FTE transferred from Custodial and 1 from the Clerk’s office. 1 FTE transferred to County Admin and 1 was eliminated.
Courts n Circuit Court n Guardian ad Litem n County Court n Medical Examiner n State Attorney n Public Defender n Court Technology
Courts 2010 Budget 2011 Recommend Change from 2010 FTE changes 388, 305 23, 100 (365, 205) -6 1, 000 0 -1 73, 926 5, 600 (68, 326) Medical Examiner 200, 645 0 State Attorney 81, 500 0 Public Defender 16, 490 0 Court Technology 201, 000 0 Totals 962, 866 529, 335 (433, 531) Circuit Court Guardian Ad Litem County Court -7 Bailiffs were transferred from Courts to Sheriff’s Department
Finance Division n Office of Management & Budget n Central Purchasing n Grants n Contracts n Central Ambulance Billing
Finance Division Totals 2010 Budget 2011 Recommend Change from 2010 FTE’S FTE changes OMB 336, 568 339, 261 2, 693 4 0 Purchasing 478, 137 474, 459 (3, 678) 9 0 Grants 100, 954 131, 871 30, 917 2 0 Contracts 27, 079 83, 260 56, 181 1 0 Ambulance Billing 60, 000 0 1, 002, 738 1, 088, 851 86, 113 16 0 Totals 1 FTE transferred from Legal to Contracts. Telecommunications transferred to Emergency Services.
Recreation Plat Fees Interest Income Padgett Park Management Plan $ 35, 000 30, 000 720, 400 Balance Brought Forward will be the remaining 2010 budget balance brought forward in October 2010.
Sidewalk Fees Estimated amount to be collected in 2010: $ 0 Balance Brought Forward: 80, 000 Total Revenues: $ 80, 000
Local Option Gas Tax Estimated amount to be collected in 2010: $ 2, 096, 000 Transfer to CTT Fund: $ 2, 096, 000 These funds are restricted by State Statute for use in repairing and constructing roads and bridges, and for the purchase of equipment in support of those efforts. They are committed to the Accelerated Road Paving program, and will serve as a funding source for those costs. State of Florida Estimates.
Special Revenue Funds Criminal Justice Education Fund $50, 000 Crime Prevention Trust Fund $35, 000
Daughette MSBU Principal Due Interest Due Maintenance Cost Administrative costs Total $ 10, 000 1, 586 6, 600 5, 696 $ 23, 882
Imperial Lakes MSBU Principal $ Interest $ Other Current Charges $ Total $ 15, 433 17, 885 3, 750 36, 941
Four Mile Village MSBU Interest $ 8, 188 Other Current Charges $ 4, 115 Total $ 12, 303
Capital Projects Debt Service: Principal Interest Total Capital Projects $ 1, 335, 000 915, 000 $ 2, 250, 000
Summary n n n Taxable Value Current Year $ 13. 787 Billion Taxable Value 2010 -2011 $ 11. 457 Billion Current year’s rate: 3. 4076 mills Rollback rate: 4. 1458 mills Current year’s rate generates $7. 5 million less Rollback rate generates same dollars, but is. 7382 mills higher
FY 2011 Total Authorized FTE’s Department FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 BCC 15 15 14 14 Admin / PIO 5 5 6 7 GIS 8 7 7 6 Corrections/Canteen 68 68 68 70 Legal Services 5 3 3 4 Parks & Rec 16 15 14 12 Construction Management 3 3 2 0 Facilities Maintenance 19 19 16 15 Custodial Services 14 14 10 9 Public Works 156 154 157. 25 155 Landfill 14 14 North Walton Mosquito Control 7 7 TDC 30 30 31 32 Human Resources 8 7 7 7 OMB/ Finance 18 17 16 16 Citizen Services 40. 5 39 41. 5 Emergency Services 104 80 77 Planning/Development Services 50 46 29. 75 23 Animal Control 3 3 3 8 Building Department 28 24 13 9 611. 5 595. 5 537 526. 5 Total
FY 2011 Total Authorized FTE’s FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 71. 5 74. 5 72. 5 62 Supervisor of Elections 8 8 8 7. 25 Tax Collector 29 29 28 28 Property Appraiser 35 34 33 32 Sheriff 202 224 232 Circuit Court 6 6 6 0 County Court 1 1 1 0 352. 5 354. 5 372. 5 361. 25 Department Clerk of Court Total Walton County FTE’s FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 Walton County BCC 611. 5 595. 5 537 526. 5 Constitutional Officers 352. 5 354. 5 372. 5 361. 25 964 950 909. 5 887. 75 Total