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Wales Eye Care Conference 16 th September 2016
Developing the Workforce Karen Phillips Head of Orthoptic Services ABMUHB
Why develop the workforce? • Changing Technology – 1970 s – Ophthalmologists looking directly at eyes – Opticians providing glasses – Nurses looking after post op cataracts for 2 weeks on the ward. . .
Why develop the workforce? • Changing Demographics – Gone from “ 3 score years and 10” In 2016 combined UK life expectancy is 81. 2 years – In 50 years, from 1960 -2010, UK population increased by 10 million – 1974 >65 s =13. 8% 2014 >65 s =17. 7%
Why develop the workforce? • Changing Expectations – Government- guidelines/ policies – Public
2016 • • • NICE guidelines Professional guidelines National pathways Planned Care programmes Diagnostic and Treatment targets • Capacity and Demand time bomb
What to do? • More staff required • (More accommodation/equipment/financial input) • Affordable • Safe • Prudent Principles • “make the most effective use of skills and resources”
A multi disciplinary approach “working to the top of your licence”
Registered staff • Different professional groups with a range of entry point knowledge and skills • Post graduate courses • In house training • Local variation
What are we doing? • WG working group • Each non medical profession represented • Working to find an agreed level of practice, competency and accreditation of training for the professions • About to produce recommendations of standards and specific post graduate courses to reach these standards • Maintaining respect for areas where the professions have their own expertise
Example • To interpret an OCT for Wet AMD diagnosis and monitoring • WOPEC professional certificate in Medical Retina
Non registered Staff • Non registered staff (Health Care Support Workers) 41% of NHS workforce • Large numbers involved in ophthalmology care across Wales • Carrying out visual acuity testing, IOP measurement, OCT capture, perimetry etc • Varying quality of in house training provided
• Health Care Support Workers Framework has been developed as a skills and career framework • Levels 2, 3 and 4 with specific education requirements will need to be in place by 2017 • Great opportunity for us to up-skill our staff and improve our service • Clinical skills appropriate to the role and underpinned by their relevant accredited education
Next steps • We have already identified the tasks and competencies required by this staff group • We will need to develop appropriate courses to be delivered in house • Likely model will be the Agored Cymru qualification framework • Lots of good work already done on this in some Health Boards
Conclusion • Ophthalmology has undergone a massive technological change in the past 30 years • Demographics and expectations have added to this to produce a daunting level of demand • Wales is “on the case” developing a solution for a sustainable safe and professional workforce.
Any questions? karen. phillips 3@wales. nhs. uk