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Wales Dementia Care Training Initiative 2011 -2012 Dr. Michelle O’Brien, & Hannah Jelley, Wales Dementia Service Development Centre, Institute of Medical and Social Care Research, Bangor University
Wales’s National Vision for Dementia - 2011 • MMm Our long term vision is to create ‘Dementia Supportive Communities’. To do this requires a change in attitudes and behaviours towards dementia at all levels of society, which reflect the challenge of demographic change and the impact of dementia.
The work of preparing a Wales Dementia Action Plan started in 2008 4 priority areas were published in 2010: 1. Improved service provision through better joint working across health, social care, the third sector and other agencies; 2. Improved early diagnosis and timely interventions; 3. Improved access to better information and support for people with the illness and their carers, including a greater awareness of the need for advocacy; 4. Improved training for those delivering care, including research. Also the Wales Dementia Service Development Centre, Bangor University, have received funding for the Dementia Care Training Initiative during 2010 -11 and 2011 -12
Background to the Wales Dementia Care Training Initiative • Funded by the Wales Government (WG). • Response to work undertaken by the Wales Government between 2008 -10 in developing the National Dementia Action Plan for Wales • In order to act upon the improvements needed for the care of people with dementia and their carers, the National Action Plan outlines many of the training and development opportunitie for staff working with older people
What is Dementia Cymru Care Training Initiative? National Dementia Action Plan for Wales, Priority Section 4 : Wales will deliver a well trained and empowered workforce across all sectors, including carers and family members, that will support and champion people with dementia and their carers through improved training and best practice, and service innovation. Priority Section 4 outlines a number of actions, including: • Develop a training package for primary care, with reference to doctor’s cases in relation to diagnosis, case management, knowledge of end of life issues, and awareness of secondary services. • Dementia Awareness Training for staff working within health and social care sectors. • Dementia training for staff involved in the provision of Telecare services. • Training for third sector staff, and volunteers. • Increase training for staff working within general hospitals.
What is the Dementia Care Training Initiative? • NICE-SCIE (2006) Guidelines on Dementia 1 emphasise the importance of training and development for every member of staff that works with or has contact with people with dementia. 1. NICE-SCIE Guideline on Dementia: supporting people with dementia and their carers in health and social care (CG 42, 2006).
Main objectives of the Initiative To increase dementia training opportunities in Wales, as well as developing expertise in dementia training, so that we in Wales support improvements in attitudes, skills and awareness of those who provide care and support to a numbers of people with dementia in Wales.
Introducing the Team Project Leaders– • Professor Bob Woods, Dementia Services Development Centre (DSDC) of Wales, Bangor University. • Dr Christina Maciejewski, Practice Development Unit, Older Persons Mental Health Service, Cardiff and Vale Health Board. Training Officers – • Joan Woods, Training Officer, DSDC Wales. • Gill Coleman, Training Officer, DSDC Wales. • Debbie Linnard, Training Officer, Practice Development Unit, Older Persons Mental Health Service, Cardiff and Vale Health Board. Research Staff – • Dr. Michelle O’Brien, DSDC Wales, Bangor University. • Hannah Jelley, DSDC Wales, Bangor University. Administrative Staff– • Catrin Hughes, DSDC Wales, Bangor University. • Stacey Brinton, Practice Development Unit, Older Persons Mental Health Service, Cardiff and Vale Health Board.
Background to the Wales Initiative Based on three key observations: a. Evidence based dementia training illustrates that single training sessions don’t lead to changes in the care experience that people with dementia and their carers receive 3. b. The need for additional input and support. c. Support for staff to practice what they have learned d. Emphasis is on transformational learning – improving practice, and training that has a positive effect on the quality of care as well as the quality of life of people with dementia. 3. Lintern, T. , Woods, B. , & Phair, L. (2000 b). Training is not enough to change care practice. Journal of Dementia Care, 8(2), 15 -17.
Background to the Wales Initiative • Many good quality packages available. • Limited training budgets, lack of time to undertake training, the wide geographical distribution of training providers, and their ability to run regular training due to the low numbers undertaking and completing dementia training. • We need to increase the uptake and effective use of good quality modern training
Proposed Activities • Phase 1 – Establish and maintain a data-base of dementia training courses, training resources, and training providers in Wales. www. dementiatrainingwales. co. uk
Proposed Activities • Phase 2 – Identify gaps in available courses and resources, and undertake any development work.
Proposed Activities • Phase 3 – Increase the benefits of dementia training in Wales • ‘Train the Trainers’ Module – accredited by the OCN • Core training resources also being developed from this group of trainers: a) ‘Working with people with dementia and their families’ –OCN accredited certificate programme has been developed by the Dementia Services Development Centre, Wales, University of Wales. b) Fundamentals of Care and Us (FOCUS) –OCN accredited programme has been developed by the Practice Development Unit, Older Persons Mental Health Service, Cardiff and Vale Health Board. c) Training for general hospitals d) Primary Care Services
Proposed Activities • Investment in ‘Train the Trainer’ programmes, including the accredited 2 -day module ‘Understanding How to Deliver Dementia Care Training in Wales’. • Improve and maintain dementia training by supporting ‘dementia champions’ within dementia care settings in Wales • Establish a network of dementia champions that will continue beyond the funding of the enterprise
The key groups identified for training and development are: • Staff in care homes • Staff working with people with dementia and their families within the community, including Telecare staff • Staff working with dementia within mental health services • Primary Care staff including General Practitioners
The key groups identified for training and development are: • Staff in general hospitals • Family carers • Health care assessors and their teams
Dementia Care Training for Care Home Staff and Domiciliary Workers Advice on training strategies and training resources
Extensive number of dedicated training days, as well as short training sessions provided by the Training Officers and Associates of Wales Dementia Service Development Centre Sessions have been planned to address awareness and understanding of dementia; the relationship between dementia and delirium, communicating with people with dementia, and acknowledging and responding to the needs of people with dementia.
‘Staying Home Alone’ • Training course developed specifically for care in the community staff
Dementia Cymru Champions Continuous support for a network of ‘champions’ – staff working within care homes and domiciliary settings, who have a specific role to highlight the needs of people with dementia within their care settings, and who have undertaken specific training in caring for people with dementia
‘Train the Dementia Care Trainer’ An accredited 2 -day ‘train the trainer’ course to equip staff who have appropriate previous understanding and experience, to train others in dementia care 100 staff who work within health and so ial care sector have so far attended this training
Contact us Dr. Michelle O’Brien – m. obrien@bangor. ac. uk or 01248 383188 Hannah Jelley – Research Support Officer – h. jelley@bangor. ac. uk or Catrin Hughes, Administrator – c. d. hughes@bangor. ac. uk or 01248 383050 Professor Bob Woods – b. woods@bangor. ac. uk enquiries@dementiatrainingwales. co. uk