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Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Parish Council report for the Waldringfield Annual Parish Meeting Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Parish Council report for the Waldringfield Annual Parish Meeting April 2012 photo by airshots. co. uk

Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Members of the Parish Council: Ian Kay Chairman/Parish Liason Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Members of the Parish Council: Ian Kay Chairman/Parish Liason Committee/WALGA/Village Safety Group/Notice Board - Waldringfield Heath Alyson Videlo Vice Chair/Website/Village Safety Group/SNT liaison Frances Matheson Fairway Committee/Planning/Beach Colin Archer Tennis Court/Playing Field rep. /Notice Board - Cliff Rd Serena Gold Footpaths/Fairway Committee/Church Field Trust/Planning/Village Safety Group/Beach Bridget Rayner Village Hall rep/Police area tasking liaison/Planning Colin Reid Assistant Playing Field rep/Assistant Parish Plan coordinator Janet Elliot Parish Plan coordinator/Church Field Trust Neil Winship Emergency Planning Officer/Flood Warden liaison with PC All Councillors were elected in May 2011 Jean Potter Clerk & RFO/SALC rep Parish Council Appointees: Christine Fisher-Kay Ged Morgan John Smith Clive Underdown Tree Warden Flood Warden Deputy Flood warden Deputy Flood Warden Non-Parish Council Responsibilities: Alyson Videlo Neighbourhood Watch

Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Parish Council Elections Parish council elections were held on Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Parish Council Elections Parish council elections were held on 5 th May 2011. There were 11 contenders for 9 seats: Archer, Colin Michael Elliot, Janet Gold, Serena Caroline Kay, Ian Malcolm Matheson, Frances Rona Rayner, Bridget Reid, Colin Underdown, Clive Videlo, Alyson Jane Winship, Neil Wootton, Mark Ross Wright, Paul Martin Elected Elected Withdrawn Elected Many thanks to Mark Wootton and Paul Wright for their hard work on the Parish Council. The District Council (Nacton Ward) elections were held at the same time. Patricia O’Brian and Veronica Falconer were both re-elected

Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Council Meetings Council meetings are held on the 2 Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Council Meetings Council meetings are held on the 2 nd Tuesday of the month at 7. 30 pm in the Village Hall. Dates for 2012 are: 10 th January 14 th February 13 th March 17 th April (Annual Parish Meeting) 8 th May (Annual Parish Council Meeting) 12 th June 10 th July 14 th August 11 th September 9 th October 13 th November 11 th December All Parish Council meetings are open to the public and there is an opportunity at these meetings for residents to put information to the Council and ask questions.

Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Web Site Meeting dates and other information about the Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Web Site Meeting dates and other information about the Council can be found by following the ‘Parish Council’ link at the Waldringfield web site at: http: //waldringfield. onesuffolk. net/

Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Facts and Figures • 16 planning applications were dealt Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Facts and Figures • 16 planning applications were dealt with (last year: 19 applications). These included: • pontoon on beach • wind turbines at Foxburrow Farm • extension to Sailing Clubhouse • Many large public consultation exercises have been dealt with (LDF Core Strategy (again!), Waldringfield Quarry, National Planning Policy Framework, SCC cuts to services, East Anglia One offshore wind farm power cable route)

Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Local Development Framework 2006 Mar Visions & Objectives May Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Local Development Framework 2006 Mar Visions & Objectives May SCDC Election July SCDC Cabinet SCDC Full Council 2007 Feb 2008 Issues & Options Feb Further Issues & Options Aug Appropriate Assessment & Sustainability Appraisal Preferred Options Sept Consultation on AA & SA 2009 Dec Sep Updated Preferred Options Dec 2010 2012 2011 Nov Reviewed Core Strategy SCDC Full Council Pre-submission Core Strategy

Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Local Development Framework – Appropriate Assessment SCDC published an Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Local Development Framework – Appropriate Assessment SCDC published an updated version of its Appropriate Assessment in June 2011. This contained several serious errors, which Waldringfield PC pointed out in a letter to the SCDC Cabinet. . . • Factually incorrect statement that there is no public car parking at Waldringfield • 1 km cut-off figure taken out of context (from a study in Dorset) and uncritically applied to the situation in the Deben Estuary area • Unrealistic reliance on the creation of a new country park as ‘mitigation’ As a result, the Appropriate Assessment (and the Sustainability Appraisal) were revised another consultation was run in September. . . The car park error was corrected but nothing else of substance changed.

Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Local Development Framework 2012 Jan Feb Pre-submission Core Strategy Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Local Development Framework 2012 Jan Feb Pre-submission Core Strategy consultation Mar May? Submission of Core Strategy to Planning Inspector Examination in Public Nov? Planning Inspector’s Report Feb? Adoption? 2013

Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Local Development Framework – Examination in Public The Inspector Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Local Development Framework – Examination in Public The Inspector assesses the Core Strategy (and the SA and AA) for legal compliance and soundness. The Inspector will define the matters and issues which will provide the focus for the hearings. The sessions will be inquisitorial, with the Inspector probing the issues as opposed to an adversarial approach.

Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Local Development Framework – Examination in Public To be Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Local Development Framework – Examination in Public To be sound the Core Strategy needs to be: Justified: • founded on a robust and credible evidence base • evidence of participation of the local community and others • the most appropriate strategy when considered against reasonable alternatives Effective: • sound infrastructure delivery planning • no regulatory barriers to delivery • delivery partners who are signed up to it • coherent with the strategies of neighbouring authorities Consistent with National Policy

Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Local Development Framework – Timetable for Examination in Public Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Local Development Framework – Timetable for Examination in Public Week 1 2 3+ 6 7 8 9+ 12 Key Actions SCDC submits documents to Planning Inspectorate Inspector appointed Inspector looks for any fundamental or cumulative flaws in the documents. Inspector decides on structure of hearings, allocates participants to hearing sessions and decides what additional material is needed from participants Programme Officer clarifies and confirms attendance at the hearings Inspector finalises the programme for the hearing sessions Pre-hearing meeting (PHM) Programme Officer circulates the Notes of the PHM, along with the programme for the hearing sessions Programme Officer circulates SCDC’s statements and those of the other participants

Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Local Development Framework – Timetable for Examination in Public Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Local Development Framework – Timetable for Examination in Public Week Key Actions 13 Programme Officer circulates final detailed agendas for the discussions at each of the hearing sessions to the relevant participants 14+ Hearing Sessions 17+ Inspector works on Report 23 The report is subject to an internal QA process in the Inspectorate before dispatch 26 SCDC has 2 weeks to carry out the fact check 28 Inspector responds to the fact check matters raised by the SCDC 29 Final report dispatched

Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Local Development Framework – Legal Issues Waldringfield PC have Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Local Development Framework – Legal Issues Waldringfield PC have applied for permission of a Judicial Review (JR) of SCDC’s LDF. . • Grounds for the JR are that SCDC failed to comply with European Law when they produced their environmental documents (SA and AA), which were used in key decisions in the Core Strategy • We would prefer this to be resolved at the Ei. P, but. . . • SCDC have refused to assure us that they won’t determine the BT application using the unexamined (and possibly unlawful) Core Strategy • If they do this, resolving the issues at the Ei. P will be too late, hence the need for a JR • We have asked the court to ‘stand down’ the JR unless the BT application is determined before the Ei. P • SCDC have opposed this • Our lawyers are Richard Buxton (Environmental & Public Law) and Tom Hill QC • All the costs are to be covered by donations from NANT, not out of the Parish precept

Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Playing Field Improved access to the playing field Repairs Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Playing Field Improved access to the playing field Repairs to the playing field fence

Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Playing Field Replacement of safety surfaces Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Playing Field Replacement of safety surfaces

Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Tennis Court New tree root barrier Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Tennis Court New tree root barrier

Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Village Sign Refurbishment of village sign (for Diamond Jubilee Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Village Sign Refurbishment of village sign (for Diamond Jubilee celebrations)

Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Road Safety Renewal of road markings at Heath crossroads Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Road Safety Renewal of road markings at Heath crossroads and the bend by Sheepdrift Farm

Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Village Verges Organised by the Wildlife Group, funded by Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Village Verges Organised by the Wildlife Group, funded by the Parish Council

Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Benches New bench on beach in memory of Brian Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Benches New bench on beach in memory of Brian Marriott One of the old benches on the beach has been refurbished and installed by the bus stop

Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Parish Plan A start made on Parish Plan with Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Parish Plan A start made on Parish Plan with public meeting in January 2012. For more information, please contact Cllr Janet Elliot tel 01473 736736 or email janet@buttermans. com

Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Parish Newsletter 4 Parish Newsletters are produced each year Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Parish Newsletter 4 Parish Newsletters are produced each year and over 200 copies are delivered to every house in the Parish by 13 volunteers. The Clerk, Jean Potter, organises its production, printing and distribution.

Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Other Issues • • • Support for Royal Wedding Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Other Issues • • • Support for Royal Wedding Party on the Playing Field Training for Councillors Representation re bus services Annual Grants to Church Field Trust, Village Hall Trust and Parish Church Obtained information re Oil purchasing schemes Action re Manor Footpath Support for Scattered Orchard project Visit to Felixstowe Port to see details of expansion plans Consideration re vehicle obstruction on Village Way Concerns re Fairway Committee Constitution Stray dog Re-writing emergency plan (work in progress)

Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 New Clerk We are looking for a new Clerk Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 New Clerk We are looking for a new Clerk and RFO, as Jean Potter is sadly leaving us, after over 4 years of excellent service. If anyone is interested please contact: Ian Kay tel: 10473 736384, email: ian. kay 1@btinternet. com or Jean Potter Tel: 01473 723409, email: pc. waldringfield@googlemail. com

Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Questions? Waldringfield PC report, April 2012 Questions?