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WAAS NOTAM SYSTEM UPDATE Presented to: SBAS Workshop By: Gary Bobik, NOTAM procedures Date: June 22, 2005 Federal Aviation Administration
WAAS NOTAMs • For WAAS, a predictive modeling tool is required to determine availability • The Service Volume Model (SVM) will generate WAAS service availability and NOTAMs associated with WAAS unavailability for a 48 -your period at least once every 24 hours • Should the SVM detect the loss of a GPS satellite or a WAAS asset outage, the SVM will auto generate a new service availability assessment and new unavailability NOTAMs WAAS NOTAMs June 22, 2005 Federal Aviation Administration 2
WAAS NOTAMs • The WAAS service volume model resides on the military operations network server complex located at the David J. Hurley Air Traffic Control System Command Center (ATCSCC) in Herndon, Virginia • Server sends a Service B message to either the U. S. NOTAM office or a specific flight service station with a proposed NOTAM to be issued • Once received at either location, the NOTAM specialist/flight service specialist will check the format and content and follow their normal procedures to issue a NOTAM through the NOTAM system WAAS NOTAMs June 22, 2005 Federal Aviation Administration 3
WAAS NOTAMs • The SVM tool can generate two types of NOTAMs: 1. WAAS Area NOTAMs issued through the U. S. NOTAM office and distributed under a Center’s identification • 2. WAAS airport-specific NOTAMs issued throught the applicable Automated Flight Service Station and are airport specific WAAS NOTAMs June 22, 2005 Federal Aviation Administration 4
WAAS NOTAMs • Example of WAAS Area NOTAMs: – !KZDC WAAS LPV AND LNAV/VNAV MNS UNREL 341100 N/1245600 W TO 345100 N/1232200 W TO 342600 N/1231900 W TO 341700 N/1245300 W OR THE AML 120123 TO AML 190200 TO RIC 270150 TO RIC 360220 WEF 05071011500 -0507022630 – This NOTAM indicates the vertical accuracy of WAAS for LPV and LNAV/VNAV approaches is predicted to be unreliable. This NOTAM is likely due to an atmospheric condition affecting a large area near Washington DC. The WAAS equipped aircraft could still fly the LNAV minimum, provided the GPS signal is not affected. WAAS NOTAMs June 22, 2005 Federal Aviation Administration 5
WAAS NOTAMs • !KZDC WAAS LPV AND LNAV/VNAV MNS UNAVBL 341100 N/1245600 W TO 345100 N/1232200 W TO 342600 N/1231900 W TO 341700 N/1245300 W OR THE AML 120123 TO AML 190200 TO RIC 270150 TO RIC 360220 WEF 05061011500 • This NOTAM indicates the vertical accuracy for WAAS LPV and LNAV/VNAV approaches is unavailable. This NOTAM is likely due to a WAAS asset outage affecting a large area near Washington DC and will not have a date and time the outage will end. The WAAS equipped aircraft could still fly the LNAV minimum, provided the GPS signal is not affected. WAAS NOTAMs June 22, 2005 Federal Aviation Administration 6
WAAS NOTAMs • Large scale WAAS service outages identified by WAAS Area NOTAMs can be caused by large ionosphere disturbances or a WAAS asset outage (e. g. , WAAS Reference Station or WAAS GEO out-of-service) • Area NOTAMs caused by ionosphere disturbance will be predictive and have the word UNRELIABLE in the NOTAM • These NOTAMs advise pilots that WAAS may not provide an acceptable level of service (Pre-flight planning info) • WAAS asset outage will have the word UNAVAILABLE in the NOTAM • These NOTAMs advise pilots that WAAS will not be available and controllers are required to include this info when they clear an aircraft for an RNAV approach if not carried in the ATIS broadcast WAAS NOTAMs June 22, 2005 Federal Aviation Administration 7
WAAS NOTAMs • WAAS airport-specific NOTAMs are caused by the orientation of the satellites an aircraft will have available at a particular airport during specific times of the day. This is similar to using the RAIM prediction tool that was described in the GPS Computer Based Instruction. Airportspecific NOTAMs will have the word UNRELIABLE in the NOTAM since it is based on a prediction model. No controller action is required for these NOTAMs but Flight Service Specialists must past this information to pilots if WAAS status is requested. – Site specific WAAS NOTAM: – !OSH WAAS LPV AND LNAV/VNAV MNS UNREL WEF 0506011700 -0506011930 – This NOTAM indicates the vertical accuracy of WAAS for LPV and LNAV/VNAV approaches is predicted to be unreliable. The WAAS equipped aircraft could still fly the LNAV minimums, provided the GPS signal is not affected. The aircraft could also fly the LPV or LNAV/VNAV minimums if the WAAS receiver indicates a good signal is being received upon arrival in the airport area. WAAS NOTAMs June 22, 2005 Federal Aviation Administration 8
WAAS NOTAMs • Center-Wide NOTAM: LPV and LNAV/VNAV unreliable for all airfields in ZDC • (Earliest start time and latest end time of all outages for airfields within the Center applied) • !ZDC WAAS LPV AND LNAV/VNAV MNM UNREL WEF 0506241400 -050624160 • Output Display from WAAS SVM • The output from the WAAS SVM that will be available for display on the WAAS O&M console has the following items: • Area-wide WAAS NOTAMs • Airfield-specific WAAS NOTAMs • GPS satellite NOTAMs • Detected loss of GPS almanac data • Detected loss of WEI data • NOTAM rejection messages WAAS NOTAMs June 22, 2005 Federal Aviation Administration 9
WAAS NOTAMs • • WAAS SVM Outputs The WAAS SVM generates un-numbered NOTAMs automatically formatted in U. S. domestic NOTAM format. The NOTAMs are numbered once they are accepted into the NOTAM system (after validation). The following types of area-wide and airfieldspecific NOTAMs can be generated: Area Wide NOTAM #1: AOR-W and POR unavailable !FDC ZDC WAAS LPV AND LNAV/VNAV MNM UNAVBL WEF 0506161105 Area Wide NOTAM #2: AOR-W unavailable !KFDC WAAS LPV AND LNAV/VNAV MNM UNAVBL FOR THE REGION OF CONUS AND PUERTO RICO EAST OF 500000 N/1133000 W, 450000 N/1113000 W, 401200 N/1100000 W, 400000 N/1095400 W, 350000 N/1084800 W, 300000 N/1074800 W WEF 0506211318 Area Wide NOTAM #3: POR unavailable !KFDC WAAS LPV AND LNAV/VNAV MNM UNAVBL FOR ALASKA, HAWAII AND THE REGION OF CONUS WEST OF 500000 N/1223000 W, 450000 N/ 1243000 W, 433000 N/1250000 W, 400000 N/1260600 W, 350000 N/1271200 W, 300000 N/1281200 W WEF 0506250800 WAAS NOTAMs June 22, 2005 Federal Aviation Administration 10
WAAS NOTAMs • • Area Wide NOTAM #4: En Route, LNAV/VNAV, and LPV unreliable !FDC WAAS UNREL 341100 N/1245600 W TO 345100 N/1232200 W TO 342600 N/1231900 W TO 341700 N/1245300 W OR THE AML 120123 TO AML 190200 TO RIC 270150 TO RIC 360220 WEF 05062312000506231745 Airfield-Specific NOTAM #1: LNAV, LNAV/VNAV, and LPV unreliable !BOS WAAS MNM UNREL WEF 0506241500 -0506241630 Airfield-Specific NOTAM #2: LNAV/VNAV unreliable and airfield does not support LPV !MCO WAAS LNAV/VNAV MNM UNREL WEF 05062420580506242209 Airfield-Specific NOTAM #3: LPV and LNAV/VNAV unreliable !DCA WAAS LPV AND LNAV/VNAV MNM UNREL WEF 0506241425 -0506241533 WAAS NOTAMs June 22, 2005 Federal Aviation Administration 11