- Количество слайдов: 35
Vulnerability Analysis Using Attack Graphs Jeannette M. Wing School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA USA joint work with Somesh Jha (Wisconsin) and Oleg Sheyner (CMU) Attack Graphs Jeannette M. Wing
Network of Networks MIT Microsoft Office of Homeland Security Arsenal of Actions • buffer overflow • ftp. rhosts • remote login Carnegie Mellon • … Attack Graphs 2 Jeannette M. Wing
Example of Attack Graph Developed by a Professional Red Team Drawn By Hand • Sandia Red Team “White Board” attack tree from DARPA CC 20008 Information battle space preparation experiment Sandia Red Team “White Board” attack graph from DARPA CC 20008 Information battle space preparation experiment Attack Graphs 3 Jeannette M. Wing
Vulnerability Analysis by System Administrators • Information-gathering – What attacks is my system vulnerable to? • Is a different configuration of my system less “attackable”? – What is the likelihood of this attack? – Is this on-going attack similar to any of the known attacks? • Decision-making – If I put this set of security measures in place, what attacks can I prevent? – Given the likelihood of certain attacks, deploying which measures will increase the security of my system? – What is the most cost-effective set of measures I should deploy, to increase the security of my system? Attack Graphs 4 Jeannette M. Wing
Problem Statement • Problem: Generating attack graphs by hand is tedious, error-prone, and impractical for large systems. • Our Goal: Automate the generation and analysis of attack graphs. – Generation • Must be fast and completely automatic • Must handle large, realistic examples • Should guarantee properties of attack graphs – Analysis • Must enable further security analysis by system administrators • Should support incremental, partial specification Attack Graphs 5 Jeannette M. Wing
Overview of Our Method System Model Security Property Generator Phase 1 Attack Graph Annotations Query: What actions are Query: What is the likelihood necessary for the intruder to succeed? Phase 2 Minimization Analyzer Attack Subgraph Attack Graphs that the intruder goes undetected? Reliability Analyzer … Query: What is the cost benefit of deploying this security measure? Cost Analyzer Probabilistic Attack Graph 6 Jeannette M. Wing
Why Model Checking? • Pragmatic reasons – Off-the-shelf technology – Major verification success story • Technical reasons – – Fast, automatic Large state spaces Handles safety and liveness properties Generates counterexamples Attack Graphs 7 Jeannette M. Wing
Model Checking Primer Finite State Machine model M Temporal Logic property = AG p AF p, EG p, EF p Model Checker yes counterexample is falsified here. Attack Graphs 8 Jeannette M. Wing
Counterexample = Attack AG p single counterexample = violation of = path by which intruder succeeds = attack For example, AG (intruder does not have admin access to host H) Hence, an attack (violation of ) is an example of how the intruder can gain unauthorized access to H. Attack Graphs 9 Jeannette M. Wing
Definition of Attack Graph • Given – a finite state model, M, of network – a security property • An attack is an execution of M that violates . • An attack graph is a set of attacks of M. Attack Graphs 10 Jeannette M. Wing
Properties of Attack Graphs • Exhaustive – All possible attacks are represented in G. • Succinct – Only relevant states are contained in G. – Only relevant transitions are contained in G. The next two algorithms satisfy these properties. Attack Graphs 11 Jeannette M. Wing
Symbolic-State Attack Graph Generation Algorithm Inputs – M = <S, S 0 S, R S X S> - = AG (~unsafe) (a safety property in CTL) Output – Attack graph G = (Sunsafe, S 0 , R ) Algorithm 1. Sunsafe = model. Check(S, S 0, R, ) (* Use an iterative algorithm derived from the fixpoint characterization of AG operator. *) 2. S 0 = S 0 Sunsafe 3. R = R (Sunsafe X Sunsafe) Attack Graphs 12 Jeannette M. Wing
Explicit-State Attack Graph Generation Algorithm Inputs – M – = LTL property (safety or liveness) Output - Attack graph G s. t. L(G) = L(M ~ ) (request (response)) Algorithm 1. Interpret both network model M and security property as Buchi automata. • M and induce languages L(M ) and L( ). 2. Compute L(M )L( ) = executions of M that violate . 3. Construct M ~ by computing intersection of Buchi automata. Attack Graphs 13 Jeannette M. Wing
Performance Charts 1200. 00 1000. 00 800. 00 sec 600. 00 400. 00 200. 00 5 2 3 4 Actions 4 5 6 3 7 Hosts 3 4 Actions 8 Symbolic-state algorithm Attack Graphs 5 2 14 4 5 6 3 7 Hosts 8 Explicit-state algorithm Jeannette M. Wing
Performance Linear Regression R 2 = 0. 9967 Attack Graphs 15 Jeannette M. Wing
An Illustrative Example IIS Web Server attacker IDS Windows ftp database firewall Linux Action Arsenal IIS buffer overflow: remotely get root Squid portscan: port scan LICQ remote-to-user: gain user privileges remotely scripting exploit: gain user privileges remotely local buffer overflow: locally get root Attack Graphs 16 Always Detected Jeannette M. Wing
Modeling a Network and Intruder • Set of hosts H • • • Intruder • store of knowledge • privileges on each host running services CVE vulnerabilities trust relationships misc. configuration • Set of networks N • each network n N is a subset of H • packet filter between each pair of networks n 1, n 2 • Set of actions A • preconditions • postconditions • Intrusion detection systems • placement: P N N • detectability per action Attack Graphs 17 Jeannette M. Wing
Example Attack Graph = G (intruder. privilege(Linux) < root) Begin IIS buffer overflow CAN-2002 -0364 Squid portscan CVE-2001 -1030 Local buffer overflow CVE-2002 -0004 LICQ remoteto-user CVE-2001 -0439 Done! Attack Graphs 18 Jeannette M. Wing
Overview of Our Method System Model Security Property Generator Phase 1 Attack Graph Annotations Query: What actions are necessary for the intruder to succeed? Phase 2 Minimization Analyzer Reliability Analyzer … Cost Analyzer Attack Subgraph Attack Graphs 19 Jeannette M. Wing
Minimization Analysis Scenario: The system analyst must decide – – – among several different firewall configurations, or among several vulnerabilities to patch, or among several intrusion detection systems to set up, each of which prevents different subsets of actions. What should he do? Problem Question (Minimum Critical Set of Actions): What is a minimum set of actions that must be prevented to guarantee the intruder cannot achieve his goal? Solution (Sketch): 1. Reduce MCSA to Minimum Hitting Set (MHS) Problem [JSW 02]. 2. Reduce MHS to Minimum Set Covering (MSC) Problem [ADG 80]. 3. Use textbook Greedy Approximation Algorithm to approximate solution [CLR 85]. Attack Graphs 20 Jeannette M. Wing
Minimum Critical Set of Actions A = the set of actions available to the intruder Def 1: A set of actions C is critical if the intruder cannot achieve his goal using only actions in A C. Def 2: A set of actions C is realizable if the intruder can achieve his goal using only actions in C. Def 3: A critical set of actions C is minimum if there is no critical action set of smaller size. Minimum Critical Set of Actions (MCSA): Given a set of actions A and an attack graph G, find a minimum critical action subset C A Finding a minimum set: NP-complete Attack Graphs 21 Jeannette M. Wing
Reduction to Minimum Hitting Set Problem Minimum Hitting Set (MHS): Given a collection C of subsets of a finite set S, find a minimum subset S’ S such that each subset in C contains at least one element from S’. MCSA and MHS are polynomially-equivalent. MHS: Collection of subsets C MCSA: Collection of realizable sets of actions [JSW 02 b] Jha, Sheyner, Wing, “Two Formal Analyses of Attack Graphs, ” Computer Security Foundations Workshop, Nova Scotia, June 2002. Attack Graphs 22 Jeannette M. Wing
Sketch of Reduction from MCSA to MHS A B C D E F G H I H G B C D I F E S 1 = {G, H, I} S 2 = {C, E, F, H} S 3 = {B, D, E} Attack Graphs 23 Jeannette M. Wing
Reduction of MHS to Minimum Set Covering Minimum Set-Covering (MSC): Given a collection C of subsets of a finite set S that covers S, find a minimum sub-collection C’ C that covers S. MHS and MSC are polynomially-equivalent [ADP 80]. Use textbook Greedy Approximation Algorithm for MSC [CLR 85, p. 975. ] Attack Graphs 24 Jeannette M. Wing
LICQ Coverage = G (intruder. privilege(Linux) < root) Attack Graphs 25 Jeannette M. Wing
Other Minimization Analyses [JSW 02 b, S 04] Scenario: The system analyst has a set of measures, each of which prohibits a subset of actions. E. g. , M = {packet filter firewall, application firewall, smart cards, one-time passwords, authentication policy servers, VPNs, anti-virus software, email filters, database encryption, host-based IDS, network monitors, auditing, key stroke replicator, log analysis, forensic software, hardened O/S} – Problem Question 1: If he deploys all measures, does the system become safe? [JSW 02 b] • Solution Approach (Naïve): Remove all edges from graph that are “covered” by the measures. Reachability analysis is linear time in size of graph. – Problem Question 2: What is the smallest subset of measures he can deploy to make the system safe? [S 04] • Solution Approach: Greedy algorithm with provable bounds. General case is NP-complete (slightly more complex than minimum cover problem). Attack Graphs 26 Jeannette M. Wing
Overview of Our Method System Model Security Property Generator Phase 1 Attack Graph Annotations Query: What is the likelihood that the intruder goes undetected? Phase 2 Minimization Analyzer Reliability Analyzer … Cost Analyzer Probabilistic Attack Graphs 27 Jeannette M. Wing
Reliability Analysis Scenario: The system analyst must decide between installing a network-based IDS between host 1 and host 2 or a host-based IDS on host 2. Which increases the likelihood that he will detect an intruder? Problem Question: What is the probability of the intruder succeeding? I. e. , what is the worst-case probability of reaching an unsafe state? Solution Approach: 1. Annotate attack graph with probabilities. 2. Interpret annotated attack graph as a Markov Decision Process. 3. Run the standard MDP value iteration algorithm to compute the optimal policy that results in maximum benefit/minimum cost for system analyst (decision maker). Attack Graphs 28 Jeannette M. Wing
Status of Tool Suite Outpost Server SQL database Model Builder <XML/> Host Configuration Data System and Goal Specification Network Configuration Data MITRE Lockheed Nessus Attack Graph Generators Outpost Clients Library of Actions Attack Graph Analyzers Graphical User Interface Attack Graphs 29 Jeannette M. Wing
XML Specification of a Host <host name=“lin" ip="192. 168. 0. 4" network="internal"> <services> <Squid/> <LICQ/> <database/> </services> <connectivity> <remote id="ferrari"> <W 3 SVC/> </remote> <remote id="smilla"> <ftp/> <sshd/> </remote> </connectivity> <cve> <CVE_2002_0004/> <CVE_2001_1030/> <CVE_2001_0439/> </cve> </host> Attack Graphs 30 Jeannette M. Wing
XML Specification of an Action <action name=“licq_r 2 u" cve 1=“CVE-2001 -0439"> <local_preconditions> <privilege host=“source” rel=“gte” value=“user”/> <privilege host=“target” rel=“eq” value=“none”/> <knowledge name=“scan” value=“TRUE”/> </local_preconditions> <global_preconditions> <service host=“target” name=“LICQ”/> <connectivity from=“source” service=“LICQ”/> </global_preconditions> <local_effects> <privilege host=“target” value=“user”/> </local_effects> <global_effects> <detectable mode=“yes”/> </global_effects> </action> Attack Graphs 31 Jeannette M. Wing
Information Sources • MITRE Corp. Outpost – Host identification – Vulnerabilities – Services <host name=“lin“ ip=|Outpost|> <services source=|Nessus|> <connectivity source=|ANGI|> • Lockheed ATL Next Generation <cve source=|Outpost|> Infrastructure (ANGI) </host> – Network topology – Connectivity • Nessus vulnerability scan info Attack Graphs 32 Jeannette M. Wing
Related Work • Philips and Swiler 1998 – Tool constructs “attack graph” by forward exploration starting from initial state. Also based on model checking. • Our backward algorithm saves space (vulnerabilities not relevant are not explored) and can handle liveness properties. – Models only attacks • Our modeling framework can handle arbitrary state transitions (actions), not just actions. • Dacier 1994, Orlato et al. 1999 – Privilege graphs: nodes = sets of user privileges, edges = vulnerabilities. Explore privilege graphs to construct attack graphs. – Defines a metric, Mean-Effort-To-Failure, based on attack graphs. • Ritchey and Ammann 2001 – Also use model checking. Produces only one counter-example (attack). – No post-facto analysis. Attack Graphs 33 Jeannette M. Wing
Limitations => Current and Future Work • Input to graph generation – Need a library of specifications of actions (with CMU students) – CERT advisories, MSR security bulletins, Symantec, … • Ontology for vulnerabilities and exploits • Discover new attacks • More analyses – Reduction of “attack surface” • Which configuration of my system is less “attackable”? – Ongoing with Jon Pincus at MSR/Redmond and CMU students – Cost-benefit analysis • Exploit MDP theory further Attack Graphs 34 Jeannette M. Wing
Recent References [JSW 02 a] Jha, Sheyner, and Wing, “Minimization and Reliability Analyses of Attack Graphs, ” Carnegie Mellon technical report, CMU-CS-02 -109, February 2002. [JSW 02 b] Jha, Sheyner, Wing, “Two Formal Analyses of Attack Graphs, Computer Security Foundations Workshop, Nova Scotia, June 2002. [SHJ+02] Sheyner, Haines, Jha, Lippmann, and Wing, “Automated Generation and Analysis of Attack Graphs, ” IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, May 2002. Attack Graphs 35 Jeannette M. Wing