Скачать презентацию VSE VSAM Under the covers John Mycroft Product Скачать презентацию VSE VSAM Under the covers John Mycroft Product


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VSE/VSAM – Under the covers John Mycroft Product Development Manager CSI International www. csi-international. VSE/VSAM – Under the covers John Mycroft Product Development Manager CSI International www. csi-international. com johnm@csi-international. com May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

Acknowledgement With grateful thanks to Dan Janda, The Swami of VSAM, from whom much Acknowledgement With grateful thanks to Dan Janda, The Swami of VSAM, from whom much of this presentation was stolen To CSI for providing me with Data. Miner, CSI-Sort and a machine to create the examples To my fellow developers at CSI who put up with my hogging the machine for hours on end May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

Abstract Overview of VSAM & its components. We take a look at what a Abstract Overview of VSAM & its components. We take a look at what a VSAM file really looks like and how to soup up its performance. We also look at some common mistakes and how to avoid them. This presentation and its materials are copyrighted and developed by John Mycroft from a presentation originally copyrighted by Dan Janda. Permission is granted for WAVV to reproduce this presentation for distribution to its members at no charge. Trademarks: IBM, VSE/ESA, z. VSE, CICS & DL/I are trademarks or registered trademarks of the IBM Corporation May 2008 John Mycroft – trademark of Dan Janda. The Swami of VSAM is a WAVV 2008

VSE/VSAM Overview Virtual Storage Access Method For disk files Sequential – “Entry Sequence Dataset” VSE/VSAM Overview Virtual Storage Access Method For disk files Sequential – “Entry Sequence Dataset” or ESDS Begin at the beginning, go on til you get to the end and then stop Indexed – “Keyed Sequence Dataset” or KSDS Process by key or sequentially or a mixture Direct – “Relative Record Dataset” or RRDS (fixed) or VRDS (variable) Calculate a record’s location in the file to access it Alternate index (AIX) – gives an alternative route to a KSDS Allows unique & non-unique keys May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

VSE/VSAM Functional areas Catalog Volume & file information Usage statistics Disk space management Space VSE/VSAM Functional areas Catalog Volume & file information Usage statistics Disk space management Space allocation including secondary allocations VSAM and VSAM/SAM files System files Libraries May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

VSE/VSAM Functional areas Integrity Performance Data transfer size Buffering Backup / restore File sharing VSE/VSAM Functional areas Integrity Performance Data transfer size Buffering Backup / restore File sharing between jobs and systems May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

Processing a VSAM file Sequentially (ESDS) Forward or backward Keyed access (KSDS) Direct by Processing a VSAM file Sequentially (ESDS) Forward or backward Keyed access (KSDS) Direct by full or partial (generic) key Sequentially, forward or backward Skip sequential, forward or backward Addressed access (RRDS, VRDS) Direct, by record address Sequential & skip sequential Alternate Index Access Same as keyed access Also direct access by non-unique key May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

How VSAM stores data We’re going to look at How VSAM stores records logically How VSAM stores data We’re going to look at How VSAM stores records logically on disk Performance considerations How VSAM physically stores data on disk Disk space usage calculations Optimizing disk capacity Performance considerations VSAM jargon Control Interval Control Area CI & CA splits Freespace RDF, CIDF May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

VSAM Jargon Control Interval (CI) “Smallest unit of data transfer between main & disk VSAM Jargon Control Interval (CI) “Smallest unit of data transfer between main & disk storage” In other words, when you read a record, VSAM reads the whole CI that contains that record Think of it as the same as a block of records in a sequential file if you like (though it’s laid out differently) A CI can initially contain 1 or more records More can be inserted Some or all can be deleted When you try to add a new record to a CI with no room, a “CI split” takes place – more about that later May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

Layout of a control interval Rec 1 Rec 2 Rec 3 Rec … Freespace Layout of a control interval Rec 1 Rec 2 Rec 3 Rec … Freespace RDFs CIDF ALL VSAM FILES ARE VARIABLE LENGTH Even if all the records are the same size Rec 1 – Rec n 1 to n logical records of any length Freespace Unused space in CI for inserting records or making existing records longer RDFs 3 byte record descriptor field ESDS/KSDS 1 per LRECL, 1 for all consecutive records of same length RRDS one per numbered record slot CIDF May 2008 4 byte Control Interval Descriptor Field John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

Control Area (CA) A CA is a group of CIs. In a KSDS, all Control Area (CA) A CA is a group of CIs. In a KSDS, all the data CIs in a CA are indexed by one index CI CI 0 CI 1 CI 2 CI 3 CI 4 CI 5 CI 6 CI 7 CI 8 CI 9 CI 10 CI 11 CI 12 CI 13 CI 14 CI 15 CI 16 CI 17 CI 18 CI 19 CI 20 CI 21 CI 22 CI 23 CI 24 CI 25 CI 26 CI 27 CI 28 CI 29 CA size is the smallest of : One cylinder or The size of the primary allocation The size of the secondary allocation The number of CIs per CA depends on the device and the CI and CA sizes It is generally a good idea to go for the biggest CA possible May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

Index Control Interval (Index CI) A CI in an index containing pointers to The Index Control Interval (Index CI) A CI in an index containing pointers to The next level in the index or The Data CI in the CA – this is referred to as a Sequence Set CI Index CI CI 0 CI 1 CI 2 CI 3 CI 4 CI 5 CI 6 CI 7 CI 8 CI 9 CI 10 CI 11 CI 12 CI 13 CI 14 CI 15 CI 16 CI 17 CI 18 CI 19 CI 20 CI 21 CI 22 CI 23 CI 24 CI 25 CI 26 CI 27 CI 28 CI 29 May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

Index and data structure Balanced tree Sparse index Always just 1 high-level index CI Index and data structure Balanced tree Sparse index Always just 1 high-level index CI There can be 0 to many intermediate level index CIs There can be one or more low-level (sequence set) index CIs. If there is only 1 sequence set CI, it is also the high-level index CI May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

And now the bit you’ve all been waiting for…… May 2008 John Mycroft – And now the bit you’ve all been waiting for…… May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

Performance rules of thumb Use largest data CI possible, especially for sequential work Use Performance rules of thumb Use largest data CI possible, especially for sequential work Use as small an index CI as you can (but not too small!) Use large data CA – allocate primary and secondary as at least 1 cylinder Avoid too many extents / allocations May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

Allocation calculations CI freespace = CI Size * Freespace % Number of records per Allocation calculations CI freespace = CI Size * Freespace % Number of records per CI “Fixed” length: (CI Size -10 –Freespace) / LRECL Variable length: (CI Size -7 –Freespace) / (Average LRECL +3) May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

What’s in a CI? Data and control info (end of CI) May 2008 John What’s in a CI? Data and control info (end of CI) May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

CI control information At the end of each data CI May 2008 John Mycroft CI control information At the end of each data CI May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

Data records May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008 Data records May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

The CIDF Note – (back 2 slides) free space has data in it from The CIDF Note – (back 2 slides) free space has data in it from earlier CI split May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

The Index May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008 The Index May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

Allocation calculations Calculate Freespace in each CA Get number of CIs per CA from Allocation calculations Calculate Freespace in each CA Get number of CIs per CA from LISTCAT or device characteristics (3390, 12 x 4 K CIs/track, 180/cyl) CA freespace = No of CIs per CA * CA Freespace %, rounded up Number of CIs loaded per CA = CIs per CA – CA freespace Number of records loaded per CA = Loaded CIs in CA * No of recs in CI May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

VSAM Catalogs Exactly one master catalog Assigned at IPL with DEF CAT or DEFINE VSAM Catalogs Exactly one master catalog Assigned at IPL with DEF CAT or DEFINE MCAT IDCAMS command User catalogs – 0 to many No more than 1 per volume Catalog can own multiple spaces on a volume Many catalogs can own space on a volume May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

VSAM Catalogs Catalog contains : Self-describing records User catalog pointers Volume definitions Space definitions VSAM Catalogs Catalog contains : Self-describing records User catalog pointers Volume definitions Space definitions Cluster (file) definitions Component (data, index) definitions AIX & Path definitions May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

Catalog recommendations Use naming conventions Name Cluster, Data and Index components explicitly Use partition Catalog recommendations Use naming conventions Name Cluster, Data and Index components explicitly Use partition / system independent names where applicable Separate Files seldom defined or deleted Files often defined or deleted Online critical files Batch files Multiple baskets – all the eggs won’t get broken May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

More recommendations Don’t use recoverable catalogs Hangover from 2314 / 3330 Backup is vastly More recommendations Don’t use recoverable catalogs Hangover from 2314 / 3330 Backup is vastly better IDCAMS, Faver, Maxback, Dr D, userwritten … May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

CI & CA splits and freespace You try to insert a record in a CI & CA splits and freespace You try to insert a record in a CI or extend a record already there If there is enough free space in the CI, everyone moves up, record is inserted and CI rewritten BUT what if there isn’t enough free space? ? May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

CI & CA splits CI split – 4 physical IOs Set “Split in progress”, CI & CA splits CI split – 4 physical IOs Set “Split in progress”, write CI Move half of records to new CI & write it Update sequence set, write index CI Erase moved records from old CI, turn off “Split in progress”, write old CI BUT…. . May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

Failure in CI split System failure Corrected next time CI is updated No free Failure in CI split System failure Corrected next time CI is updated No free CI in the CA CA split is needed Remember – 1 physical IO = 30, 000 – 40, 000 CPU instructions… May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

CA Split MANY physical reads and writes Set “Split in progress”, write sequence set CA Split MANY physical reads and writes Set “Split in progress”, write sequence set CI Maybe get new extent Format new CA at HURBA position Read / write half of CIs to new CA Write new sequence set CI for new CA Update higher level index CIs Erase moved CIs from old CA, write empty CIs Write updated original sequence set CI May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

Recommendations Don’t worry about CI splits Avoid excessive CA splits by defining CA freespace Recommendations Don’t worry about CI splits Avoid excessive CA splits by defining CA freespace Don’t do a reorg just because you have done n CI / CA splits May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

To reorg or not to reorg? “We’ve done 1000 CA splits – better reorg!” To reorg or not to reorg? “We’ve done 1000 CA splits – better reorg!” Inserts tend to be clustered CI / CA split creates freespace where it is needed, allows faster inserts Reorg gets rid of freespace, causing more CI / CA splits May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

My house Buy a 3 bedroom house Have 2 kids Ma-in-law moves in – My house Buy a 3 bedroom house Have 2 kids Ma-in-law moves in – add a room Ma-in-law moves out – demolish room Have another kid - Add a bedroom Oldest kid goes to college – demolish bedroom Oldest kid brings home girlfriend…… May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

My KSDS Get some space Insert records causing CI splits REORG!! Delete some records, My KSDS Get some space Insert records causing CI splits REORG!! Delete some records, freeing space REORG!!! Add records, causing CA splits REORG!!!! May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

Recommendations Avoid frequent reorgs Once a split has occurred, the processing cost has been Recommendations Avoid frequent reorgs Once a split has occurred, the processing cost has been paid Don’t reorg to compress out free space May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

Reorgs Understand your application 1 “hot spot” Little distributed freespace – let it split Reorgs Understand your application 1 “hot spot” Little distributed freespace – let it split Many hot spots Little distributed freespace – let it split Even distribution – no hot spots Use distributed freespace May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

Freespace • 3% of each CI is empty • 5% of CIs in each Freespace • 3% of each CI is empty • 5% of CIs in each CA are empty • 3% of 2048 = 61 bytes = 0 records (or, at most, 1) • 5% of 315 CIs per CA = 16 CIs May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

Freespace 3% CI freespace where CISZ=2048 and average LRECL=120 No room in this CI Freespace 3% CI freespace where CISZ=2048 and average LRECL=120 No room in this CI for an average length record May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

Altering freespace Initial freespace set via DEFINE eg 10% of CI and 5% of Altering freespace Initial freespace set via DEFINE eg 10% of CI and 5% of CA If inserts are clustered, consider DEFINE with 0% freespace, then Load the “fixed” part of the file then ALTER freespace to non-zero Load the “variable” part of the file May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

Freespace ain’t free space Freespace is empty, not used You still have to pay Freespace ain’t free space Freespace is empty, not used You still have to pay IBM for it May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

Strings VSAM allows multiple concurrent processing e. g. CICS transactions Browsing Updating Placeholders (“strings”) Strings VSAM allows multiple concurrent processing e. g. CICS transactions Browsing Updating Placeholders (“strings”) hold file location info May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

Shared / non-shared resources Non-shared resources (NSR) Each string has its own buffers Multiple Shared / non-shared resources Non-shared resources (NSR) Each string has its own buffers Multiple copies of a CI may be in memory Works well for batch Local Shared Resources (LSR) Many strings share a pool of buffers Only 1 copy of a CI in the pool Ideal for online May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

Recommendations - NSR Non-shared resources Each string must have enough index buffers Bad – Recommendations - NSR Non-shared resources Each string must have enough index buffers Bad – 1 buffer (old default) OK – 1 buffer per index level (new default) Good – enough buffers for all high level indexes + 1 more Best – enough buffers to hold entire index May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

Recommendations - LSR Local Shared Resource buffers Same index buffer needs as NSR (buffers Recommendations - LSR Local Shared Resource buffers Same index buffer needs as NSR (buffers are per pool, not per string) Monitor VSAM LSR stats to make sure BUFNI keeps up with index growth Monitor data buffers for high hit rates May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

IO with NSR VSAM uses chained IO to read ahead and write behind Better IO with NSR VSAM uses chained IO to read ahead and write behind Better to read many CIs in one IO Block big Large CI sizes Be aware that VSAM will split CIs into smaller blocks to save space Eg 3390 with 32 K CI gets written as 2 x 16 K blocks giving 1. 5 CIs = 48 K/track Buffer big ½ to 1 cyl of BUFND to minimize IO May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

IO with LSR VSAM reads 1 CI at a time, even for sequential processing IO with LSR VSAM reads 1 CI at a time, even for sequential processing May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

Monitor your stats LISTCAT before and after critical job Data & Index EXCPs – Monitor your stats LISTCAT before and after critical job Data & Index EXCPs – the fewer the better. Index EXCPs should be close to number of index CIs. Job Accounting data IO count by device Overal CPU & IO activity CICS stats Shows logical / physical IO counts by file LSR pool hits and misses VSAM buffer stats – in VSE/ESA examples doc LSR is in 31 bit – use LOTS but don’t page May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

Sharing VSAM datasets VSAM can share files among partitions And among VSE systems BUT Sharing VSAM datasets VSAM can share files among partitions And among VSE systems BUT TANSTAAFL (Robert Heinlein) Sharing is not a performance option (Dan Janda) It’s your gun and your foot (Steve Huggins) May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

Sharing VSAM datasets Sharing is based on The type of sharing you ask for Sharing VSAM datasets Sharing is based on The type of sharing you ask for (SHAREOPTIONS) VSE Lock Table within a single VSE system VSE Lock File when sharing across VSE systems VSE sharing mechanism is not compatible with z. OS or z. VM May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

Sharing VSAM datasets Sharing at OPEN / CLOSE time Entries checked and placed in Sharing VSAM datasets Sharing at OPEN / CLOSE time Entries checked and placed in / removed from lock table If DASD volume is added as shared (ADD cuu, SHR), it is added to lock file VSE & VSAM allow concurrent processing to protect against concurrent updates messing up the file May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

Sharing VSAM datasets Integrity classes – your choice NO INTEGRITY – VSE & VSAM Sharing VSAM datasets Integrity classes – your choice NO INTEGRITY – VSE & VSAM provide no data protection: it’s all up to you. Your data can be messed up. WRITE INTEGRITY – VSE & VSAM protect against concurrent updates READ INTEGRITY – VSE & VSAM make sure your programs always see the latest version of a record The price Higher levels & broader scopes of integrity lead to more CPU and IO activity May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

SHAREOPTIONS Ready – Fire – Aim Set in DEFINE CLUSTER Get it wrong & SHAREOPTIONS Ready – Fire – Aim Set in DEFINE CLUSTER Get it wrong & be prepared to suffer If a disk drive isn’t shared between VSEs, don’t ADD it with SHR as this causes lock file IO May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

SHAREOPTIONS & Locking SHR(1) 1 output OR many input External lock at OPEN, unlock SHAREOPTIONS & Locking SHR(1) 1 output OR many input External lock at OPEN, unlock at CLOSE SHR(2) 1 output AND many input External lock at OPEN, unlock at CLOSE SHR(3) No checking or locking Prepare for garbage data SHR(4) Many output in one VSE & many input OPENs across all VSEs External lock at OPEN, unlock at CLOSE External lock at access, unlock at release SHR(4 4) Many output OPENs across all VSEs + many input OPENs Locks same as SHR(4) May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

Alternate indexes (AIX) An AIX is a VSAM KSDS, acting as a “pointer file” Alternate indexes (AIX) An AIX is a VSAM KSDS, acting as a “pointer file” for another file Target file (“Base Cluster”) can be KSDS – pointers are KSDS key values ESDS – pointers are Relative Byte Addrs Great for multiple or non-unique keys BUT Processing via an AIX needs IO to both the AIX and to the base cluster May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

Setting up an AIX DEFINE CLUSTER for base cluster DEFINE AIX for the alternate Setting up an AIX DEFINE CLUSTER for base cluster DEFINE AIX for the alternate index Give base cluster’s name & alternate key Data & Index CI sizes DEFINE PATH Allows specifying of NOUPGRADE paths BLDINDEX Reads primary & alternate key info from base cluster Sorts into alternate key sequence Loads alternate index May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

AIX recommendations To process the base cluster in AIX order, it is better to AIX recommendations To process the base cluster in AIX order, it is better to sort it and use the SORTOUT file Remember VSAM processes base clusters directly based on AIX values Base cluster will need lots of index buffers for batch processing. Give Base cluster large BUFFERSPACE on DEFINE or ALTER May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

AIX and CICS “SPHERE” – a base cluster and all its AIXs related to AIX and CICS “SPHERE” – a base cluster and all its AIXs related to it Requirements Each sphere must be wholly within one LSR pool Use Dataset Name Sharing In CICS 2. 3, add BASE= to FCT entry for Base cluster file entry Each related path file entry This is automatic in CICS TS SHR(2) is usually best Make sure your CICS and VSAM service is current! May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

 • MYTH 1 - RECOVERY is a good option for a dataset • • MYTH 1 - RECOVERY is a good option for a dataset • Oh yeah? RECOVERY makes it possible for you to write a recovery routine to restart loading. • COPY 50, 000 record KSDS • SPEED = 6 secs, 1512 I/Os • RECOVERY = 10 secs, 1925 I/Os • BUSTED!!! May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

 • MYTH 2 – No need to sort before loading KSDS • Load • MYTH 2 – No need to sort before loading KSDS • Load 100, 000 record KSDS with Data-Miner COPY • Elapsed = 7: 11, CPU = 51”, EXCP = 294412, CIsplit = 2011, CAsplit = 63 • Sort to KSDS with CSI-Sort • Elapsed = 0: 27, CPU = 6”, EXCP = 4314, CIsplit = 0 , CAsplit = 0 BUSTED!!! May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

And now the most burning question of the day…… How do you delete an And now the most burning question of the day…… How do you delete an unwanted slide from a Power Point presentation? May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

Contacting the presenter You can contact me by email at johnm@csi-international. com And, if Contacting the presenter You can contact me by email at johnm@csi-international. com And, if you want to find me this evening… May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008

You’ll find me here May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008 You’ll find me here May 2008 John Mycroft – WAVV 2008