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WHAT IS ON OFFER? u Advice/Signposting (bulletins, webpage) • • u u ICT ICT Funding Training Products/technology Suppliers ICT Volunteers ICT Workshops and Health Checks “LESS ADMIN, MORE CORE BUSINESS”
NEW MEDIA TWITTERING DOUBLES DELL SALES Last year Dell claimed to have generated around $3 million in sales from their Twitter marketing efforts. Now, the company says its promotions on Twitter have helped generate more than $6. 5 million in orders for PCs, accessories and software. Source http: //short. zen. co. uk/? id=e 09
SCOPE Bulk SMS Text Bulk Bluetooth Text Social Networking
BULK SMS TEXTING Sending SMS Texts to customers’ mobile phones via your PC/Laptop web browser. Service provider transfers the messages onto the mobile phone network as SMS Text
BULK SMS TEXTING u Why? • Easy way to contact staff/customers. • Messages can be received anywhere. • Excellent saturation of younger market. u Why Not? • Not all customers have mobile phones • Some users not happy with unsolicited messages • Additional overhead to administer.
SENDING BULK SMS TEXTS Request Account u Provided with Login and Password u
SENDING BULK SMS TEXTS Create Message (SMS Text, pictures etc) u Send to customers (individuals or groups via your own ‘Phonebook’) u Can also be sent to Landlines u Unique sender ID (eg “LCVYS”) u Delayed/scheduled message release u Message logs and delivery reports u
SENDING BULK SMS TEXTS Message templates for routine bulletins u Browser based (no software required) u Current balance advised by email u
SENDING BULK SMS TEXTS - TYPICAL COST 100 messages 7. 5 p each 500 messages 7. 0 p each 1, 000 messages 6. 5 p each 5, 000 messages 6. 0 p each 10, 000 messages 5. 5 p each 25, 000 messages 5. 0 p each 50, 000 messages 4. 75 p each 100, 000 messages 4. 5 p each 250, 000 messages 4. 25 p each 500, 000 messages 4. 0 p each Source: http: //www. w 2 wave. com/index. php
RECEIVING SMS TEXTS u Why? • Allow customers to enquire about your products or services. • Instant automated replies.
RECEIVING SMS TEXTS No additional charge for passing the messages on to you. u Non-premium 11 -digit incoming number used (similar to 07700002236) u Calls received from UK and overseas mobiles. u
BULK BLUETOOTH TEXT What is Bluetooth? • Trademark description for short range (to 10 M or 100 M) wireless technology that can link mobile phones, mobile ancillaries, PC’s, printers, keyboards, mouse etc. • 90% of UK population have a mobile phone, 80% of these have Bluetooth, with 80% of these having Bluetooth set up. Equals 50% overall.
BULK BLUETOOTH TEXT Originally used as a social/fun application in clubs and pubs. u 50% user rate and nil cost (not via the Mobile Network) made a very attractive marketing option for pubs, clubs, conferences and other events. u • Known as Proximity Marketing or Advertising
SENDING BULK BLUETOOTH MESSAGES Could use a Bluetooth enabled mobile phone – but limited in range and clumsy to send. u Solution is to buy/rent a Bluetooth Proximity Advertising System for your event. u
SENDING BULK BLUETOOTH MESSAGES u 1. Compile/produce your message • Text • Business cards • Ringtones • Pictures • Music
SENDING BULK BLUETOOTH MESSAGES Most Bluetooth enabled phones are capable of handling and opening the following files. • *. GIF Single frame graphic files *. GIF, *. JPG Business card with business contact details *. VCF Calendar File which when accepted in installed directly into the calendar in the device. *. VCS Simple text files *. TXT Audio content files *. WAV, *. MP 3, *. MID, *. RMF, *. MP 4 Video content files *. RM, *. 3 GP, *. MP 4
SENDING BULK BLUETOOTH MESSAGES 2. Take your system/device to the venue concerned and plug it in/set it up. 3. Unit detects Bluetooth enabled devices in the venue and sends messages out. Traditional ‘Covert’ or recently introduced ‘Opt In’ method can be used………
SENDING BULK BLUETOOTH MESSAGES u Covert • 1. Unit detects phone 2. Unit sends request to phone 3. User notices request 4. User sends acceptance 5. File is transferred. u Some customers regard messages as irritating SPAM Message alerts sometimes not heard in noisy pubs etc Many users don’t have Bluetooth switched on at all. u Source http: //www. bluush. com/index. htm http: //tct. co. uk/ u u
SENDING BULK BLUETOOTH MESSAGES u Opt In • The unit/device is incorporated into a large sign/poster displayed prominently in the venue. The detection range is reduced to 12 inches. u 1. Sign/poster informs customers that additional information is available if Bluetooth phones are brought close to the sign. 2. Those interested move to the sign, accept/permit the message(s) and can then move away while transmission completes. http: //www. bluush. com/videos. htm
SENDING BULK BLUETOOTH MESSAGES u Cost £ 675 + VAT to purchase Can be rented from some sources.
WHY? Boost capacity to engage, connect etc u Better visibility to younger generation u Easy posting of video and other info formats u Virtual communities u
WHY NOT Another resource to maintain u Requires regular refreshing u Ownership/control of data and images u Requires ‘moderator’ to monitor malicious content u Risk of Hijacking/hacking u Risk of children having access u