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Völgy. Vidék LEADER region Dr. Balázs Molnár Ph. D. Völgy. Vidék Rural Development Community Public Association A „New Hungary” Rural. Völgy. Vidék Development Programme a 2007 -2013 Local Action Group
Rural Development • Rural areas in EU & Hungary • Targets of rural development in our point of view • EU – CAP – EAFRD – NHRDP – LEADER – Völgy. Vidék LAG
NUTS 2 regions of Hungary (7 planning and statistical regions)
NUTS 3 regions of Hungary (19 counties and Budapest)
Local Area Units 2 of Hungary (174 micro-regions)
Völgy. Vidék LEADER region üIncludes 17 settlements (2 towns and 15 villages) üWhich comes 3 different micro-regions of Fejér County (10 micro-regions) üWhere 45. 000 inhabitants live
CAP financing until 2006 in the EU EAGGF Guarantee Section Inside market measures Outside market measures Guidance Section Supplementary aids (National Rural Development Plan) ARDOP LEADER + Intervention Direct supports Rural development measures
CAP financing from 2007 EAGF EAFRD Inside market measures Community contributions for rural development programmes Outside market measures Intervention Direct supports: SPS (Single Payment Scheme) from 2010 New Hungary Rural Development Programme 2007 -2013 Separating CAP pillars
New Hungary Rural Development Programme (NHRDP) ü NHRDP contains 4 axes & 40 measures (8, 2 billions EUR total development sources, 5, 2 billions public sources, 3, 8 billions EUR come from EAFRD): § Axis I – Improving the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sector (47% of total costs; 16 measures) § Axis II – Improving the environment and the contryside (32%; 13 measures) § Axis III – Quality of life in rural areas and diversification of the rural economy (14%; 8 measures) § Axis IV – Implementation of the LEADER-approach (5%; 3 measures, and more 2% for technical assistance) ü To get Axis III & IV supports rural areas (local rural development communities, LRDC) needed to work out their Local Rural Development Plans (LRDP) and found Local Action Groups (LAG) managed by public associations or non-profit limited companies ü 96 LAGs in Hungary cover the whole rural area (except cities above 5000 inhbs. – approx 140) ü 3021 settlements & 12. 000 local actors, 6, 7 - 8, 2 M EUR avarage subsidy
Vidék develop Völgy. Vidék Community Rural Development Public Association üFoundation: 09/10/2008; ü 45 local actors LEADER region) NGOs, enterprises & 17 municipalities 50 partners at the moment; (Völgy. Vidék ü 10 member presidency, head: mayoress of Vál, office in Vál; ü 3 member working group in office, but 5 from 10/2009 deputing controlling & monitoring functions to LAGs from Paying Authority (ARDA); üA year planning period before foundation 67 local actors worked out the Local Rural Development Plan (Völgy. Vidék LRDP) managed by the Coordinating Group for Planning (15 members); üVölgy. Vidék LRDP to priorities 5 region, its people & organizations; üAbout 4, 13 M EUR help the implementation of Völgy. Vidék LRDP between 2007 -2013; üInvitation-to-tender procedures (axis IV) & support petitions (axis III); ü 12 measures in Völgy. Vidék supported by NHRDP axis IV (LEADER): 4 ongoing calling for applications until 15/11/2009 (1 st round, local rules); ü 4 measures supported by NHRDP axis III between 15/11/2009 & 15/12/2009 (2 nd round, central rules).
Völgy. Vidék LRDP Main objective of Völgy. Vidék LRDP Well-known cultural landscape, attractive residental and service environment, a developped region in social and economical senses Priorities of Völgy. Vidék LRDP 1) Increasing the local economy of Völgy. Vidék region (2 measures) 2) Development of tourism in Völgy. Vidék region (2 mesures) 3) Improving the quality of life in Völgy. Vidék region (3 measures) 4) Preserving the local heritage and values of Völgy. Vidék region (2 mesures) 5) Protecting the natural and physical environment of Völgy. Vidék reg. (3 measures) Axis IV (LEADER) calls for appliacations (ongoing 1 st round, closing 15/11/2009) 1) Forming and introducing a common image in cooperation 2) Development of cultural, recreational and touristic facilities 3) Organization of programmes and camps in a cooperation of settlements 4) Making plans and studies helping the development of Völgy. Vidék region Axis III supports (2 nd round, 15/11/2009 – 15/12/2009) 1) Support for business creation and development 2) Encouragement of tourism activities 3) Village renewal and development 4) Conservation and sustainable development of the rural heritage
Other planned axis IV measures More 8 planned local calls for applications for axis IV. in Völgy. Vidék (03/2010) ü Presentation of values in tourism with issues and development of local written press ü Development and increasing the marketing of local products ü Generating cooperation projects with other inland & foreign LAGs ü Development of multifunctional exhibition areas with its resources ü Educating and training in local identity, art activity & cultural heritage themes ü Organization of village-cleaning & -prettifying actions ü Making actions, trainings, issues, campaignes accord to several environmental problems (select and salvage of wastes, sustainable and awareness environmental and cosumptional attitude, etc. ) ü Development of infrastructures and services of collective security
Results of axis III 1 st round supports in Völgy. Vidék ü 38 applications 14 supported 10 settlements üTotal EAFRD axis III. sources (2007 -2013) 2. 360. 000 EUR drawdowned 861. 000 EUR left 1. 499. 000 EUR Project examples üMechanization of 2 enterprises (wood industry & restaurant’s kitchen) üDevelopment of a youth hostel ü 6 playgrounds in several settlements üDevelopment of equestrian- and wine-tourism (riding-school, cellars) üRenewal some parts of village centres üDevelopment of protected buildings & parks
Some pictures about typical local heritages of Völgy. Vidék
Ruins of a Habsburg castle in Alcsútdoboz botanic garden
Storno Chapel in Alcsútdoboz botanic garden
One-time dollhouse in Alcsútdoboz botanic garden
Botanic garden of Alcsútdoboz in autumn
One-time stock-yards of Alcsútdoboz Habsburg castle (nowadays golf-club)
…in Alcsútdoboz (elementary school) One-time manorial houses… …in Tabajd …in Ercsi (Eötvös Museum - writer, poet, first cult minister of Hungary)
Brunszvik Castle in Martonvásár
Garden of Martonvásár castle
Kindergarten of Martonvásár One-time mill in Martonvásár
Sajnovics castle in Tordas
Cziráky palace, garden and chapel in Lovasberény
Ürményi Castle in Vál
Roman catholic church and gothic tower of Vál
Vajda (poet) house (museum) in Vál Folk house in Lovasberény
Szapáry castle in Ercsi
Roman catholic chapels and Eötvös-obelisk in Ercsi
Calvaire in Etyek Hebrew cemetery in Lovasberény Friary in Etyek Ruins of a roman style church in Csabdi
…in Tordas One-time granaries… …in Ercsi …in Martonvásár (on sale)
…in Vértesacsa One-time railway stations… …in Alcsút-Felcsút …in Lovasberény
Grapevines (9 of 17 Völgy. Vidék settlements take part of Etyek-Buda wine region)
Wine cellars
Cellar restaurant in Etyek Well house in Etyek
Vintage amusement with folk dance
Korda film studios in Etyek (34 ha, 6 soundstages & supporting buildings)
Pottery in Csákvár and Tordas
Equestrian traditions
Traditional stock-raising
Markets of local products
Thank you for paying attention! Völgy. Vidék LEADER Community 2473 Vál, Vajda J. str. 2. Phone, Fax: +36 -22 -243 -124 www. volgyvidek. hu Contacts: Tóth Ferencné, Head of presidency of Völgy. Vidék Community Szendrői Júlia, Head of Working Group Molnár Balázs, Ph. D. , rural development manager