- Количество слайдов: 6
VLSI Testing 李昆忠 Kuen-Jong Lee 06 -2757575 X 62371 kjlee@mail. ncku. edu. tw September 13, 2011 VLSI Testing Class
IC Design & Production Flow 1. Design House IC Design & Design-for-Test Wafer Manufacturing 2. Foundry Wafer Testing 3. Foundry or Testing House Packaging 4. Packaging House Final Testing 5. Testing House Shipping VLSI Test Lab. Class. 2 NCKUEE-KJLEE
Course Objectives • To learn about - The role and cost of testing in VLSI circuits & systems - The types of faults expected and how to model them - Fundamental techniques for detecting defects in VLSI circuits - Algorithms for automatic test generation - Schemes for designing circuits to be easily testable and/or with self-test capability - Hands-on experience with state-of-the-art computeraided-test tools in the laboratory - How to survey state-of-the-art research topic VLSI Test Lab. Class. 3 NCKUEE-KJLEE
Contents • • • VLSI Test Lab. Introduction Fault Simulation Test Generation Design for Testability Built-in-Self-Test Compression Memory Testing Boundary Scan Cored-based & SOC Testing Special topics Class. 4 NCKUEE-KJLEE
References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. VLSI Test Principles and Architectures, 2006, by L. T. Wang, W. Wen and C. W. Wu. Elsevier, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. Essentials of Electronic Testing: for Digital, Memory & Mixed-Signal VLSI Circuits, 2000, by M. Bushnell & V. D. Agrawal. Kluwer, Academic Publishers. Digital System Testing and Testable Design, 1990, By M. Abramovici, M. A. Breuer & A. D. Friedman. Proceedings in ≧ 30 IEEE Conferences/ Symposiums/Workshops on testing each year. International Journals: IEEE T-CAD, T-VLSI, TC&S, T-Computers, JETTA, etc. VLSI Test Lab. Class. 5 NCKUEE-KJLEE
Class Requirements & Grading Prerequite: Logic design, Electonics I & II, Electrical Circuits, Basic VLSI design concepts • Homework & Exercises • Midterm & Final Exams • Final Project 20 -35% 50 -60% 20 -30% Teaching Assistants: To be announced (62400 X 2827, CM 95502) {-, -}@beethoven. ee. ncku. edu. tw WWW 網站 : http: //beethoven. ee. ncku. edu. tw/testlab/course/testing_cour se/ VLSI Test Lab. Class. 6 NCKUEE-KJLEE