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VK for advertisers Platform overview
Social network #1 in Russia and CIS VK is a social network, that helps people stay in touch with their friends and make new connection. VK is focused on delivering the highest quality communication experience at any given moment, being fast, good-looking and reliable.
20 Fe 11 b 20 11 M ar 20 Ap 11 r 2 01 M ay 1 20 Ju 11 n 20 11 Ju l 2 0 Au 11 g 20 Se 11 p 20 11 O ct 20 1 N ov 1 20 1 D ec 1 20 Ja 11 n 20 Fe 12 b 20 12 M ar 20 Ap 12 r 2 01 M ay 2 20 Ju 12 n 20 12 Ju l 2 0 Au 12 g 20 Se 12 p 20 12 O ct 20 12 N ov 20 12 D ec 20 12 n Ja 50, 000 45, 000 40, 000 35, 000 30, 000 25, 000 20, 000 15, 000 10, 000 5, 000 0 Source: Com. Score MMX, December 2012
36 000 active users aged 18 -35 Source: VK own data, active users
Source: Com. Score MMX, December 2012
Source: Com. Score MMX, December 2012
390 371 98 91 29 Source: Com. Score MMX, December 2012, Russia, all 15+, minutes per user per month
100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Profiles News Photos Search Messages Communities Average daily reach, % Source: VK own data Application Video Music
Source: Com. Score MMX, December 2012, Russia, all 15+, millions of users
Communication with loyal customers Appears in users newsfeed Feedback Any kind of content
Interaction with potential customers Polls, games or even online shops Works with your CRM Allows to send notifications
Putting branded element to popular applications Reach – access to numerous players Loyalty – branded elements are always positive for user Engagement – multiple communication KPI – price may be set based on amount of actions
Offers Cost per finalized action Fixed price Users reward for brand actions Community join, app install (including mobile) Site registrations Entering promo-code, shop purchase
Banners Preloaders, active at social games Great visibility Interactivity Flash or Video Buying via IMHO VI
Header (community name) and image (avatar) Amount of members or number of friends Interactive “Join” button Available for groups, public pages and events
Header (community name) and image (avatar) Lay’s 5 friends in group Amount of members or number of friends Interactive “Join” button Available for groups, public pages and events Join
Showing ads for engaged users only Increased interest (CTR) Higher conversion rate Available by request CPO -50%
20 -35 Women, 20 -35, largest cities 5 300 000 users
20 -35 Women, 20 -35, largest cities, healthcare groups 500 000 users
25+ Women, 20 -35, Moscow, travellers 150 000 users
Target group 18+, Moscow, birthdays 25 000 users
Community statistics includes 3 sections and gives overview of user activity available on daily and monthly basis Visits: Visitors, Demographics, New and left, Ad efficiency, section views. Reach: Posts coverage (community members and viral) Activity: Total number of interactions (e. g. likes, comments and shares) Advanced data is also available for social ads statistics
VK grants open API for data mining. Using third party services like (e. g. Master. Mind, Jaga. Jam) you can get specific user activity (e. g number of post liked by specific user, amount of users who liked at least 10 of your posts and more). API includes newsfeed search, providing data for listening companies, like Brandspotter, Youscan and others
Hootsuite - already working, Social bakers - to be launched in August Radian 6 - in development
Personal information Interests Technical data
Ads categories Users' interests analytics
Behavior targeting Рersonal data Website visiting Ad categories Like button activity analytics
Targeting users similar to existing advertisers customers Look alike remark eating technology
14 brands 5 bands 4 brands 8 brands
CCTR: 0. 028 % - 0. 107 % 4 brands СPC: 5 -15 rubles 3 brands 8 brand 4 brands
Task: to educate users to pay online 4 brands Aim: to attract loyal audience to promote brand awareness. 3 brands 8 brand 4 brands
Advertisers 2011 vs 2012
In touch with you targ@corp. vk. com/adsnews