Витта Анатольевна Белоногова.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 6
Vitta Anatol’evna Belonogova Devoted to the 70 th Anniversary of Victory
Vitta Anatol’evna Belonogova is the most famous and respected person in our native town of Chernogolovka. She was born in Donbass. Her mother and father were arrested in 1937 when she was 12. She was placed in an orphanage in Novocherckassk. Vitta studied well and received a certificate with honours. When the war came the girl was evacuated to Siberia an the end of 1941.
She was a tenth-year student when she went to District Committee of the Komsomol with a request to send her to the army. The Recruitment office sent her to the 13 th reserve regiment of communication in Novosibirsk
She fought in Smolensk, Belarus, Poland, Germany. When the war ended, Vitta Anatol’evna was in Noibrandenburg. She was awarded with some orders and medals for bravery.
She successfully worked as Principal for a quarter of the century. Now she retired. Vitta Anatol’evna is a honorary citizen of our town. After graduating from the Pedagogical Institute she worked as a teacher for 15 years, then in 1962 she became Principal of the Secondary School built in Chernogolovka.
The presentation is made by Marina Trofimova, the 11 th-year-student of a Secondary School N 82 named in hournor of F. I. Dubovitsky Town Chernogolovka Moscow Region.
Витта Анатольевна Белоногова.pptx