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visit of dfid team on kusp roll programmes at Basirhat municipality north 24 parganas visit of dfid team on kusp roll programmes at Basirhat municipality north 24 parganas chairman SRI NARAYAN MUKHERJEE

draft development plan 2008 -09 to 2012 -13 Basirhat municipality draft development plan 2008 -09 to 2012 -13 Basirhat municipality

INITIATING THE DDP ØDPG & DTGs were formed and they have provided policy guidance INITIATING THE DDP ØDPG & DTGs were formed and they have provided policy guidance and technical support for the preparation of the DDP on regular basis. Ø Board of Councillors, Municipal Employees and Ward Committees were sensitized on the importance of DDP. Ø The following stakeholders were consulted: q Citizens of Basirhat Municipality q Municipal Employees q CDS Members q Honorary Health Workers q Local Trade Associations q Formal and Informal sector workers


SURVEYS DONE Baseline Survey and Digital Base Map preparation v Socio-Economic Survey v Survey SURVEYS DONE Baseline Survey and Digital Base Map preparation v Socio-Economic Survey v Survey of Health Facilities v Survey of Educational Facilities v Survey of Trade & Commerce v Survey of Cultural Facilities v Survey of Industrial Units v


THE PROCESS Workshop Number of Workshops Date Launching Workshop 1 16/ 01/ 2007 Ward THE PROCESS Workshop Number of Workshops Date Launching Workshop 1 16/ 01/ 2007 Ward level orientation & sensitization workshops 22 02/ 03/ 2007 to 23/ 04/ 2007 Planning Workshop 1 23/04/2007 Ward Level Problem Identification 22 12/ 05/ 2007 to 21/ 01/ 2008 Workshop I of DPG & DTGs for finalization of projects 1 20/ 02/ 2008 Workshop II of DPG & DTGs for prioritization of projects 1 05/ 03/ 2008 DDP Quality Check and Public Validation 1 month 19/ 04/ 2008 to 19/ 05/ 2008

OBSTACLES Basirhat is an old Sub-division town that has grown unplanned Basirhat is attracting OBSTACLES Basirhat is an old Sub-division town that has grown unplanned Basirhat is attracting people from surrounding areas hence resulting in a population pressure Traffic management is a big challenge of the Municipality Supply of safe drinking water to the citizens is another major problem of the town.

SOLUTIONS Proper planning is required. Construction of a By-pass road will solve the problem SOLUTIONS Proper planning is required. Construction of a By-pass road will solve the problem of traffic congestion to a great extent. Construction of a surface water treatment plant will provide safe drinking water to the citizens.

CONCLUSION Implementation of DDP will: Improve the standard of living of the citizens of CONCLUSION Implementation of DDP will: Improve the standard of living of the citizens of Basirhat. → Provide better infrastructure facilities to the citizens of Basirhat. → Help in poverty alleviation. → Help in delivering better health care services and primary education. → DDP will also enhance the cultural values →

accounting reforms accounting reforms

STATUS OF OPENING BALANCE SHEET Provisional Opening Balance Sheet as on 01. 04. 2007 STATUS OF OPENING BALANCE SHEET Provisional Opening Balance Sheet as on 01. 04. 2007 has been completed Provisional Opening Balance Sheet submitted to CMU, KUSP on 15. 09. 2008 Authentication process completed and submitted for approval to CMU on 09. 04. 2009 for final approval ACCRUAL BASED DOUBLE ENTRY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM Computerized Double Entry Accounting System introduced from March, 2008 Fully Migrated to Double Entry Accounting System

citizens’ charter Basirhat municipality citizens’ charter Basirhat municipality

CITIZENS’ CHARTER- PREPARATION PROCESS Formation of a Core Committee Preparation of Informal Citizens’ Charter CITIZENS’ CHARTER- PREPARATION PROCESS Formation of a Core Committee Preparation of Informal Citizens’ Charter in consultation with departmental heads Ward Level consultation workshops to record the citizens’ expectation about the services Preparation of the Draft Citizens’ Charter based on the norms and standards of services provided by each department Workshops were conducted in every ward where the Draft Citizens’ Charter was approved by the citizens Approval of final Citizens’ Charter by the Board of Councillors on 25 th January, 2008 Approval of Citizens’ Charter by CMU on 21. 02. 2008 Approved Citizens’ Charter was displayed in all the major public places A Grievance Redressal Cell was formed at Municipal Level for recording and managing complaints or grievances of the citizens.

citizens’ charter SL. No. 1 1. iii. 1. iv. 1. viii. 1. ix. 1. citizens’ charter SL. No. 1 1. iii. 1. iv. 1. viii. 1. ix. 1. x. 2 2. i. a. Type of Services Assessment & Tax Department Mutation (New) Mutation (Holding) Amalgamation Interim Assessment Review Certified copy of Assessment Register Correction of description of Assessment Register Collection of Tax from Holding Collection of Tax at Municipal Office Issue of Demand Notice Present Time Frame Within 7 days Within 3 months Depends on Valuation Board As per quarter Within 3 days Within 3 months Within 3 days Within 1 month Depends on Valuation Board As per quarter Within 2 days Within 1 month Daily Quarterly 2. i. c. P. W. D. (Land & Building) Sanction of Building Plan Approval of Building Plan (up to 8 meters Within 7 days height) Sanction or Refusal of Building plan including Within 7 days multi storied building Renewal of Building plan Within 3 days 2. ii. a 2. ii. b 2. ii. c Action against complaint received Regarding illegal construction Regarding filling of water bodies All type of complaints 2. i. b. After Publication of Charter Within 3 days Within 4 days Within 24 hours

SL. No. Type of Services Present Time Frame After Publication of Charter 3. 3. SL. No. Type of Services Present Time Frame After Publication of Charter 3. 3. i Water Supply Domestic/ Commercial Water Supply Connection Within 10 days Within 7 days 3. iii Ferrule Change Ferrule Shifting Within 2 days Within 3 days Within 1 day Within 2 days 4. 4. iii 4. iv 4. v Birth & Death Registration Issue of Birth Certificate Issue of Death Certificate Correction of records Cremation Certificate Birth Certificate (in case of Domestic Birth) Within 7 days Within 5 days Within 3 days Within 15 days Within 3 days Within 2 days Within 10 days 5. 5. i Electric Department Street Lighting Replacement of Lamp Within 3 days Within 2 days 6. 6. iii 6. iv 6. v. License Enlistment Certificate License u/s 201, W. B. Municipal Act. Food License for Rickshaws Hoarding Tax Within 2 days Within 9 days Within 2 days Within 1 day Within 7 days Within 1 day 7. 7. i. Sanitation Department Garbage Collection Within 7 days Within 3 days

Display of Citizens’ Charter at major public locations Display of Citizens’ Charter at major public locations

innovative/ challenge fund kolkata ur. Ban services for the poor and community development society innovative/ challenge fund kolkata ur. Ban services for the poor and community development society no. 1 & 2 Basirhat

Basirhat community development society no. 1 Project Title: Geriatrics Programme at Basirhat Municipality Aim: Basirhat community development society no. 1 Project Title: Geriatrics Programme at Basirhat Municipality Aim: This project mainly aims at improving the old age care and services through equipping 22 CDS women members through para-nurse technical training on old age medical care and support and setting up of a call center on old age care at the Municipality level. Objectives: Socio-economic empowerment of 22 CDS women; Better old age care and service delivery within the specified wards ; Setting up of a call center on old age care at the Municipality level to cater to the 60+ old age people.

training sessions: CDS Members are receiving training from Dr. Alok Mukherjee, Founder-Director, Believers’ of training sessions: CDS Members are receiving training from Dr. Alok Mukherjee, Founder-Director, Believers’ of God Mission

training module: The CDS Members received training on the following Sl. No. Training Module training module: The CDS Members received training on the following Sl. No. Training Module Duration 1 First aid 45 days 2 Home Nursing 45 days 3 Blood pressure checkup 5 days 4 Injection 5 days 5 Blood collection 5 days 6 Dietetics and nutrition 15 days

valediction programme A valediction programme was organized on completion of training on 22 nd valediction programme A valediction programme was organized on completion of training on 22 nd May 2009. Certificate Distribution

a short play A short play was organized by the CDS members on the a short play A short play was organized by the CDS members on the training received by them

Basirhat community development society no. 2 Project Title: Functional Literacy Programme of the T&CG Basirhat community development society no. 2 Project Title: Functional Literacy Programme of the T&CG Members Aim: Primary level literacy program for illiterate TCG members from 1 -22 wards under Basirhat Municipality. The project also seeks to educate them till the primary level through bridge camps and further mainstream the TCG women members to the Rabindra Mukto Vidyalaya to pursue further education. Objectives: Identification of the number of illiterate TCG women, majority belonging to the minorities, from wards no. 1 -22 wards of Basirhat Municipality. Education of the identified women up to the primary levels, through bridge camps, upon completion of which the women would be mainstreamed into the Rabindra/Netaji Mukto Vidyalaya in the local vicinity. Training of the 22 CDS members on ‘Bridge Education’ Methodology to act as Master Trainers in the Project.

training of the trainers A 7 days ‘training of the trainers’ program was conducted. training of the trainers A 7 days ‘training of the trainers’ program was conducted. Smt. Manjushree Mukherjee of TRCC trained the CDS members on adult education techniques using TLMs.

classrooms classrooms

thank you thank you