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Virtual Assistant Services Your Key to Profitable Growth
Overview ê What is a VA? ê What does a VA do? ê How will I benefit from VA services? ê What are the Advantages? ê What do I look for in a VA?
What is Virtual Assistance? ê ê A Virtual Assistant (VA) is an independent entrepreneur providing administrative, creative and/or technical services. Utilizing advanced technological modes of communication and data delivery, a professional VA assists clients in his/her area of expertise from his/her own office on a contractual basis.
The Virtual Assistance Industry ê The “virtual assistant” concept began to emerge circa 1995, when isolated Internet sites began advertising Web-based staffing solutions. ê While recent research indicates that the majority of VAs are now based in the US, practices are to be found in Canada, Australia and the UK. ê “Offshore” development of the industry is expected to grow rapidly in English-speaking countries in particular as Internet usage spreads.
Factors in the development of the VA Industry are: ê ê ê the growth of the Internet, changing demographics, corporate downsizing, the evolution of telecommuting relationships, and the expansion of the field of virtual services generally.
The VA Community ê The Virtual Assistant community has developed into a global workforce of highly skilled and trained office and technical professionals. ê The VA community is often praised for its camaraderie and free-flow of knowledge and experience. ê VA Associations have developed Professional Certifications for qualifying VAs. The process of certification measures the skills of the VA and their background training.
International Virtual Assistance ê ê For the business that wants to grow internationally, VAs offer an "instant presence" in a foreign country. International VA Associations such as the IVAA link VAs and clients from all parts of the globe. Clients with foreign VAs benefit from: ü Time zone advantages ü Currency exchange advantages ü Foreign market knowledge “point of entry”
Services provided by Virtual Assistants Include: ê ê ê ê ê Administrative Support Association Management Marketing Bookkeeping Web Site Design and maintenance Scheduling Data entry Multimedia Presentations Desktop publishing ê ê ê ê ê Real Estate support Database design Graphic design Research Transcription Legal secretarial Insurance Broker/Agent support Business Coaching Personal Assistance
Major Advantages of using a VA: ê No payroll expenses ê No need of office space ê Flexible work hours ê Skilled professional service ê No geographical limitations ê Access to new technology ê Saves you time and money ê A partner in the success of your business
Who Benefits from VA Services? ê ê ê ê ê Small businesses Self-employed workers Executives of any kind Busy people Clubs and associations Sales executives Chief executives Presidents MPs Real Estate Agents ê ê ê ê ê Entrepreneurs Consultants Market Agents Home-based business New start-up business Internet business International business Lawyers Doctors ANYONE!
How Do I Find a VA: ê Access Online VA directories from VA associations such as the International Virtual Assistant’s Association at: www. ivaa. org ê Browse the various directories of Virtual Assistants categorized by certification, alphabetically and geographically, or ê Take advantage of the RFP program and have selected VAs contact you, or ê Research Virtual Assistants online.
What to Look for in a Virtual Assistant: ê What Certifications, if any, does the VA have? ê Can the VA provide client testimonials? ê What are the billing rates & forms of payment? ê Does the VA specialize in relevant areas? ê Is the VA available for the hours you require? ê Is the VA equipped with the proper hardware/software?
How Do I Select a VA? ê Spend time on the VA's Web Site. Check for ê ê ê typos and bad grammar, or accomplishments, participation in the VA profession, and published articles. Does the VA belong to a professional group, such as the International Virtual Assistants Association? Ask for client references and check them. Call the VA and conduct a phone interview.
Conclusion • When you hire a VA, you open the door to a global resource of administrative and technical support. • Virtual Assistants help YOU so that YOU can focus on your business. • The Virtual Assistant A partner in your success!