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Virginia Union University STEM Education for Pre Service Educators 1 Kaiem Frink, 3, 4 Virginia Union University STEM Education for Pre Service Educators 1 Kaiem Frink, 3, 4 Aamir Rasheed, 2 Paula Crawford, 1 Kalota Stewart Gurley, 4 Ervin Howard, 1 Department of Mathematics Virginia Union University, 2 School District of Philadelphia, 3 SC Philly Fund, 4 Elizabeth City State University Abstract Best Practices The Virginia Union University STEM Education collaboration focuses on the preparation of the next generation of pre-service educators to address the pedagogy of climate change education, with an emphasis on how to address climate change at faith base institutions in the demographic of Minority Serving Institutions (MSI). Through partnership with NASA, ECSU, UNH, VUU and other partnering institutions and or agencies we present on best practices and lessons learned on the campus of Virginia Union University. Introducing activities based on appropriate learning theories Cooperative and Collaborative learning activities Seven Principle s for Good Practices The presentation of best practices should serve as a direct indicator to address pedagogical needs to include climate education within K-12 curriculum. Promote active learning (social interaction) www. Poster. Presentations. com • TRUE UNDERSTANDING OF SCIENCE AND CLIMATE CHANGE • DEPARTMENT, SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY GOALS ALIGNMENT WITH NASA NICE GOALS • TIME ALLOTMENT FOR COURSES • TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES High expectations by learners (extra effort) • NEXT GENERATION SCIENCE STANDARDS • LOCAL POLITICAL PARTY (Chickering & Gamson 1999) TEMPLATE DESIGN © 2008 • ADMINISTRATION COMMUNICATION • DIVERSITY OF ADMINISTRATION BACKGROUND Promote prompt feedback to students Some of the strategies will include inquiry, direct instructions, and cooperative learning. At this particular workshop, we have learned about global climate change in regards to how this is going to impact our life. Participants have been charged to increase the scientific understanding of pre-service teachers education programs nationally to incorporate climate education lessons. CHALLENGES Encourage Student-Faculty Interactions Respect diverse talents and ways of learning Using technologybased delivery systems with moderation Lessons Learned • FACULTY BUY IN §UNDERMINING Increase time and task to increase higher outcomes §FACULTY INCLUSION AMONGST DISCIPLINE • LIMITED LITERATURE Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) Conclusion After analyzing our survey data it was concluded that the students who participated in the NASA NICE Pre Service teacher training through the semester were positively impacted. The Virginia Union University (VUU) program has done an effective job exposing underserved students to STEM related fields and practices. VUU will continue to support secondary students and prepare them for the rigorous, yet engaging content of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. References • Arendale, D. R. (2010). Best practices and models in learning assistance. ASHE Higher Education Report 35(6), 87 -104. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database. • Chickering, A. W. & Gamson, Z. F. (1999). Development and adaptations of the seven principles for good practice in undergraduate education. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 80, 75 -81. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database. • Freeman, R. B. , (2005). Does globalization of the scientific/engineering workforce threaten U. S. economic leadership? Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research • Frink (2013) NASA NICE Climate Change Education: Best Practices for Incorporating Climate Change Pedagogy Future Work • To broaden participation to fellow religious institutions not limited to Minority Serving Institutions. • To utilize the next generation science standards for preservice teachers training. • To provide additional trainings for faculty members at Minority Serving Institutions with possibly including an Administrator from the institution. Contact Information E-MAIL: kaiem_frink@hotmail. com WEBSITE: WWW. KAIEMFRINK. COM Acknowledgements VIRGINIA UNION UNIVERSITY NASA NICE NNX 11 AM 97 A