- Количество слайдов: 151
Virginia Studies Essential Knowledge Crosswalk of Common Content 1999 Teacher Resource Guide & 2001 Curriculum Framework Compiled by Mrs. Ferguson’s classes
1. What large bodies of water border Virginia? • • A. B. C. D. Indian & Pacific Oceans Atlantic & Chesapeake Oceans Atlantic Ocean & Chesapeake Bay Atlantic & Pacific Oceans C. Atlantic Ocean & Chesapeake Bay
2. What states border Virginia? • • A. B. C. D. MD, WV, KY, TN, NC SC, DE, NY, WV, MD MD, WV, TN, DE, NC MD, WV, KY, NC, SC A. MD, WV, KY, TN, NC
3. What are the five geographic regions in Virginia? A. Coastal Plain, Rocky Mts, Great Plains, Tidewater, Appalachian Mts B. Coastal Plain, Piedmont, Blue Ridge Mts, Valley and Ridge, Appalachian Plateau C. Tidewater, Piedmont, Blue Ridge Mts, Costal Plain, Appalachian Mts B. Coastal Plain, Piedmont, Blue Ridge Mts, Valley and Ridge, Appalachian Plateau
4. How does the Coastal Plain region differ from the Piedmont? • A. Coastal Plain: Flat land near the Atlantic Ocean/Chesapeake Bay; Piedmont: Rolling hills west of fall line • B. Coastal Plain: Flat land near the Pacific Ocean/Chesapeake Bay; Piedmont: Rolling hills east of the fall line A. Coastal Plain: Flat land near the Atlantic Ocean/Chesapeake Bay; Piedmont: Rolling hills west of fall line
5. How does the Blue Ridge differ from the Valley & Ridge? • A. Blue Ridge: Old, rounded mts. , Between Piedmont and Valley & Ridge regions, river source; Valley & Ridge: Includes Great Valley, Blue Ridge Mts. located west of Blue Ridge Mts. • B. Blue Ridge: Old, rounded mts. Between Piedmont and Tidewater regions, river source; Valley & Ridge: Includes Great Valley, Blue Ridge Mts. Located west of Blue Ridge Mts. A. Blue Ridge: Old, rounded mts. , Between Piedmont and Valley & Ridge regions, river source; Valley & Ridge: Includes Great Valley, Blue Ridge Mts. located west of Blue Ridge Mts.
6. The Appalachian Plateau differs from the Valley and Ridge region… • A. Appalachian Plateau: Elevated flat land located in Southwest VA, only small part of plateau located in VA Valley & Ridge: Includes Great Valley, Blue Ridge Mts. , Located west of Blue Ridge Mts. • B. Appalachian Plateau: Flat land located in the Southwest VA, only small part of plateau located in VA Valley & Ridge: Includes Great Valley, Blue Ridge Mts. , Located west of Blue Ridge Mts. • A. Appalachian Plateau: Elevated flat land located in Southwest VA, only small part of plateau located in VA Valley & Ridge: Includes Great Valley, Blue Ridge Mts. , Located west of Blue Ridge Mts.
7. Name the early important VA waterways. • A. Atlantic Ocean, James, York, Shenandoah and Mississippi Rivers • B. Atlantic Ocean, James, York, Shenandoah Rivers. • C. Atlantic Ocean, Chesapeake Bay, James, York, Potomac & Rappahannock Rivers
8. Land bordered by water on 3 sides is called… • • A. B. C. D. Island Key Cay Peninsula • D. Peninsula
9. Natural border of Tidewater & Piedmont regions? • • A. B. C. D. Shenandoah River Chesapeake Bay North Carolina Fall line • D. Fall line
10. A fall line is… • A. Land lowers sharply and where the waterfalls permits travel up the river. • B. Land rises sharply and where the waterfalls prevent further travel on the river. • C. Where the line falls. • B. Land rises sharply and where the waterfalls prevent further travel on the river.
11. Where is the Eastern Shore? • A. On the mainland coast of VA • B. The Chesapeake Bay separates the Eastern Shore from the mainland of VA • C. Shenandoah Valley • D. Washington, D. C. B. The Chesapeake Bay separates the Eastern Shore from the mainland of VA
12. How did the flow of rivers affect the settlement of VA? • • A. Source of food B. Pathway for exploration C. Transportation for settlement D. All of the above • All of the above
13. The Atlantic Ocean provided… • A. Fierce winter storms • B. Surfing • C. Transportation links between VA & Europe, Africa and the Caribbean • D. Sea breezes C. Transportation links between VA & Europe, Africa and the Caribbean
14. The Chesapeake Bay provided… • A. Provided a safe harbor, source of food and transportation. • B. Flows into the Pacific Ocean • C. Flows into the James River • A. Provided a safe harbor, source of food and transportation.
15. River that flows through Richmond and Jamestown into the Chesapeake Bay. • • A. B. C. D. Shenandoah York James Potomac • C. James
16. River that flows through Yorktown into the Chesapeake Bay • • A. B. C. D. Shenandoah York James Potomac B. York
17. Alexandria located along this river that flows into the Chesapeake Bay. • • A. B. C. D. Shenandoah York James Potomac D. Potomac
18. Fredericksburg located on this river that runs into the Chesapeake Bay. • • • A. B. C. D. E. Shenandoah York James Potomac Rappahannock E. Rappahannock
19. The Eastern Shore is a peninsula bordered by the… • • A. B. C. D. Pacific Ocean Gulf of Mexico Atlantic Ocean and the Hudson Bay Atlantic Ocean and the Chesapeake Bay • D. Atlantic Ocean and the Chesapeake Bay
20. Who were the first people to live in VA? • • A. B. C. D. English Puritans American Indians Pilgrims C. American Indians
21. American Indians lived… • • A. B. C. D. In Eastern VA In Western VA All VA Tidewater region • C. All VA
22. What were the 3 major language groups found in VA? • • A. B. C. D. Cherokee, Karaoke & Sioux Algonquian, Siouan & Iroquoian Algonquian, Siouan & Redskins Sue, Creek & Big Feet B. Algonquian, Siouan & Iroquoian
23. The Algonquian were located in the • • A. B. C. D. Piedmont region Tidewater region Ridge & Valley Blue Ridge B. Tidewater region
24. The Powhatans were a member of the… • • A. B. C. D. Sioux Iroquoian Algonquian Cherokee • C. Algonquian
25. Siouan was spoken primarily in the … A. • B. • C. • D. Piedmont region Tidewater region Ridge & Valley Blue Ridge A. Piedmont region
26. Iroquoian was spoken in… • • A. B. C. D. Southwestern VA & Southern VA Southeastern VA & Southern VA Northern VA A. Southwestern VA & Southern VA
27. The Cherokee were a part of what group? • • A. B. C. D. Sioux Iroquoian Algonquian Redskins • B. Iroquoian
28. The first permanent English settlement in America was… • • A. B. C. D. Williamsburg Roanoke Jamestown Richmond C. Jamestown
29. Jamestown was founded in… • • A. B. C. D. 1604 1605 1707 1607 • D. 1607
30. Jamestown was founded for… • • A. Economic venture B. Religious liberty C. Adventure opportunity D. Political gain A. Economic venture
31. Jamestown furnished _______ that could not be grown in or obtained in England. • • A. B. C. D. textiles tobacco corn cotton B. tobacco
32. The stockholders of the VA Company financed… • A. The Susan Constant, Godspeed & Discovery ships • B. Plymouth Rock settlement • C. Williamsburg settlement • D. Jamestown settlement
33. What were the VA charters? • A. Documents that granted permission to establish Jamestown • B. Gilligan’s 4 hour cruise • C. Documents from the Queen of Spain • D. A famous Chesapeake fish • A. Documents that granted permission to establish Jamestown
34. Why were the charters important to the Jamestown settlement? • A. King to get more tobacco for England • B. To give them food • C. Gave them the right to establish Jamestown • D. The king granted the charters • C. Gave them the right to establish Jamestown
35. Name in 1640 of the 1 st representative system of government at Jamestown in North America. • • A. B. C. D. General Assembly Congress House of Burgesses Tribunal Council C. House of Burgesses
36. After the House of Burgesses started, what did it become? • • A. B. C. D. The White House The Congress The Supreme Court General Assembly D. General Assembly
37. Who came to Jamestown in 1620 and what effect did they have? • • A. B. C. D. Women to establish families Africans to be free Scotch-Irish to farm Indentured servants to work A. Women to establish families
38. Who came to work as slaves in Jamestown? • • A. B. C. D. Mexicans Englishmen Africans Indians • C. Africans
39. Who did the English settlers establish trading relationships with? • • A. B. C. D. Cherokees Powhatans Big Feet Algonquian • B. Powhatans
40. The Powhatan people realized that the English settlement would do what? • A. Would continue to grow and the colonist as invaders would take over. • B. Take all the food • C. To go to war with them • D. Take all their tobacco • A. Would continue to grow and the colonist as invaders would take over.
41. Tobacco was grown in Jamestown as a what? • • A. B. C. D. Food Toy Cash crop plant • C. Cash crop
42. What effect did agriculture have on the VA colony? A. Tobacco was sold in England as a cash crop. B. Tobacco was a primary source of wealth. C. Tobacco became the most profitable agriculture product. D. All of the above. • D. All of the above.
43. How did agriculture in the VA colony influence the institution of slavery? • A. The VA colony became dependent on slave labor and large number of Africans came from Africa against their will because successful tobacco growth depended on inexpensive labor. • B. The VA colony was not dependent on slave labor and large number of Africans came from Africa against their will because successful tobacco growth depended on inexpensive labor. • A. The VA colony became dependent on slave labor and large number of Africans came from Africa against their will because successful tobacco growth depended on inexpensive labor.
44. Where did the various culture groups settle? A. English – Shenandoah Valley, Germans & Scotch-Irish – Tidewater, Africans – Piedmont B. English – Tidewater, Germans & Scotch. Irish – Shenandoah Valley, Africans – Tidewater & Piedmont
45. What was not commonly used in early agricultural societies? • A. Confederate notes • B. English pound • C. Money, they bartered or barrowed on credit • D. Eurodollar • C. Money, they bartered or barrowed on credit
46. What was used as a substitute for money? • • A. B. C. D. Tobacco Food Corn cotton A. Tobacco
47. What was not commonly used in early agricultural societies? A. B. C. D. Credit cards Checks Money All of the above D. All of the above
48. Trading/exchanging of goods and services without the use of money… • • A. B. C. D. Credit Barter Debt Saving • B. Barter
49. A medium of exchange or currency which includes coins and papers bills… • • A. B. C. D. Credit Money Debt Saving B. Money
50. A good or service owed to another… • • A. B. C. D. Credit Barter Debt Saving C. Debt
51. Buying a good or service now and paying for it later… • • A. B. C. D. Credit Barter Debt Saving • A. Credit
52. Money put away to save or to spend at a later time… • • A. B. C. D. Credit Barter Debt Saving D. Saving
53. Farmers and other consumers could also buy goods and services and… • A. Put their money in banks. • B. Pay their debts with checks. • C. Pay their debts when their crops were harvested and sold. • D. Pay with their VISA cards. • C. Pay their debts when their crops were harvested and sold.
54. Conflict between the colonies and England developed over… • • A. B. C. D. Over tobacco prices Over governing Over slave trade Over indentured servants • B. Over governing
55. The document that gave reasons for independence and ideas for self-government… • • A. B. C. D. Declaration of Religious Liberty Declaration of Religious Rights Declaration of Independence Declaration of Religious Freedoms • C. Declaration of Independence
56. The colonist’s believed that their local assemblies had… • • A. B. C. D. Legal authority Good speakers Large crowds Control of their country. A. Legal authority
57. Parliament believed it had the right to tax the colonists, the colonists believed… • A. They shouldn’t pay taxes because they were too poor • B. That taxes were too high and needed to be lowered • C. They should not be taxed without representation • D. They needed to pay more taxes because they had all this free land. • C. They should not be taxed without representation
58. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? • • A. B. C. D. George Mason Thomas Jefferson James Madison George W. Bush B. Thomas Jefferson
59. The Declaration of Independence states that… • A. Women have the right to vote • B. Authority to govern belongs to the king • C. Authority to govern belongs to the House of Burgesses • D. Authority to govern belongs to the people.
60. Who wrote that all people are created equal and have rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness… • • A. B. C. D. George Washington Patrick Henry Thomas Jonathon Jackson Thomas Jefferson D. Thomas Jefferson
61. Virginia made significant contributions during the… • • A. B. C. D. Revolutionary War Mexican War of 1812 WWIII • A. Revolutionary War
62. What did Virginias do during the Revolutionary War? • • A. B. C. D. VA patriots served in the Army Fought against the English Fought at the surrender at Yorktown All of the above D. All of the above
63. Who was divided during the war and some fought for the English for their freedom? • • A. B. C. D. Germans Scotch- Irish African Americans Algonquian • C. African Americans
64. What did James Armistead Lafayette and George Washington have in common? • • • A. B. C. D. E. Both went to the Civil War Both served in the Continental Army Both had wigs Both were President All of the above B. Both served in the Continental Army
65. Slave who served in the Continental Army and was freed after the war… • • A. Harriet Tubman B. George Washington Carver C. Fredrick Douglas D. James Armistead Lafayette
66. Who took on more responsibility during the war? • • A. B. C. D. King George Abraham Lincoln Women Indentured servants • C. Women
67. Who was Commander-in. Chief of the Continental Army? • • A. Ulysses S. Grant B. Robert E. Lee C. General Cornwallis D. George Washington
68. What is the important quote Mr. Henry said? • • A. B. C. D. “Give me liberty, or give me life. ” “Give me life, or give me freedom. ” “Give me death, or give me freedom. ” “ Give me liberty, or give me death. ” D. “ Give me liberty, or give me death. ”
69. What was the important document expressing reasons for colonial independence that Thomas Jefferson wrote? • • A. Statute for Religious Freedom B. Bill of Rights C. VA Declaration of Rights D. Declaration of Independence
70. The VA Declaration of Rights and the VA Statute for Religious Freedom served as • A. …models for the Declaration of Independence • B. …models for the Constitution • C. …models for the Bill of Rights • D. …models for the National Anthem C. …models for the Bill of Rights
71. Who wrote the VA Declaration of Rights? • • A. B. C. D. Thomas Jefferson Thomas Paine George Mason George Washington C. George Mason
72. What does the VA Declaration of Rights state? • A. All Virginians should have certain rights like freedom of religion and of the press. • B. All Virginians should have certain rights like the right to attend school and the right to trade. • A. All Virginians should have certain rights like freedom of religion and of the press.
73. The last major battle of the Revolutionary War was fought at… • • A. Bull Run B. Yorktown C. Jamestown D. Chinatown • B. Yorktown
74. Who won the battle at Yorktown? • • A. B. C. D. The British surrendered The Americans surrendered It was tie The South surrendered • A. The British surrendered
75. The actions and ideas of Virginians formed the basis for. . . • • A. B. C. D. A new state A new army A new House of Burgesses A new constitutional government • D. A new constitutional government
76. What Virginian was elected the first president of the US? • • A. B. C. D. Thomas Jefferson George Washington Carver George Washington Patrick Henry • C. George Washington
77. Who provided a young country strong leadership and the model for future presidents? • A. James Madison • B. Thomas Jefferson • C. John Adams • D. George Washington
78. Why is James Madison referred to as the “Father of the Constitution? ” • A. He is Albert Einstein’s father • B. Because he helped the delegates reach agreement during the difficult process of writing the Constitution. • C. Because there is a university named after him. • D. Because there are cupcakes named after his wife. • B. Because he helped the delegates reach agreement during the difficult process of writing the Constitution.
79. Whose detailed notes and ability to compromise helped during the writing of the Constitution? • • A. B. C. D. James Madison Thomas Jefferson John Adams George Washington • A. James Madison
80. How was the state of West Virginia formed? • A. Virginians were divided about secession from the Union. • B. Virginia was too big. • C. The King of England granted a charter. • D. The mountains were a natural divider. • A. Virginians were divided about secession from the Union.
81. Main reason why the North and South could not resolve their differences. • • A. B. C. D. Slavery Economic differences States rights Abolitionists B. Economic differences
82. A difference between the North and the South was… • A. The North was industrialized and the South was agricultural. • B. The South was industrialized and the North was agricultural. • C. The North and South were both industrialized and agricultural. • A. The North was industrialized and the South was agricultural.
83. New states in the West should be… • A. The North wanted free states while the South wanted slave states. • B. The South wanted free states while the North wanted slave states. • C. The North wanted slave states while the South wanted frees states. • D. The North and South wanted the states to vote to be free or slave states. • The North wanted free states while the South wanted slave states.
84. Who tried to start a slave rebellion at Harper’s Ferry? • • A. B. C. D. Thomas Paine Nat Turner Nathaniel Bacon John Brown D. John Brown
85. Who lead a revolt against plantation owners? • • A. B. C. D. Thomas Paine Nat Turner Nathaniel Bacon John Brown • B. Nat Turner
86. Abolitionists campaigned to end … • • A. B. C. D. States rights Slavery The Civil War. Women’s rights. • B. Slavery
87. Secede means… • • A. B. C. D. Give up Speed up Withdrawal Join in C. Withdrawal
88. Why did VA secede from the Union? • A. James Buchanan became President • B. Abraham Lincoln became President • C. Other southern states seceded to form the “Confederate States of America” • D. B & C
89. Abraham Lincoln became president in… • • A. B. C. D. 1860 1861 1760 1761 • A. 1860 Note: This essential knowledge is incorrect. Lincoln was elected president in 1860 and became president in 1861.
90. How did West Virginia become a state? • A. Conflict grew between the eastern counties of VA that relied on slavery and western counties that favored abolition of slavery. • B. Conflict grew between the western counties of VA that relied on slavery and eastern counties that favored abolition of slavery. • A. Conflict grew between the eastern counties of VA that relied on slavery and western counties that favored abolition of slavery.
91. What state became a major battleground between Union and Confederate troops? • • A. B. C. D. Pennsylvania Maryland Virginia Kentucky C. Virginia
92. Where did the Civil War end? A. B. C. D. Bull Run Appomattox Courthouse Yorktown Manassas B. Appomattox Courthouse
93. Name the major battle that started the Civil War. A. B. C. D. 1 st Bull Run Appomattox Courthouse Yorktown 2 nd Manassas A. 1 st Bull Run
94. Who was the Commander of the Northern Army of VA? A. B. C. D. Robert E. Lee Ulysses S. Grant Stonewall Jackson J. E. B. Stuart A. Robert E. Lee
95. Who was Commander of the Union Army? A. B. C. D. Robert E. Lee Ulysses S. Grant Stonewall Jackson J. E. B. Stuart B. Ulysses S. Grant
96. What was Thomas Jonathon Jackson’s nickname? • • A. B. C. D. Stonebrick Cement Wall Stonewall Stonerock C. Stonewall
97. Virginians faced serious problems after the Civil War… • • A. B. C. D. Growing tobacco Rebuilding the state Because slaves died Replacing indentured workers. B. Rebuilding the state
98. Reconstruction is… A. A period of time following the Civil War in which Congress passed laws designed to rebuild the country and bring the southern states back in the Union. B. A period of time before the Civil War in which Congress passed laws designed to rebuild the country and bring the southern states back in the Union. A. A period of time following the Civil War in which Congress passed laws designed to rebuild the country and bring the southern states back in the Union.
99. What were problems Virginians faced during Reconstruction? • A. Millions of freed slaves needed housing, clothing, food and jobs • B. The economy was in ruins: money had no value and banks were closed • C. Railroads, bridges, plantations and crops were destroyed • D. All of the above.
100. Name a measure taken to resolve VA’s problems during Reconstruction… • A. The Freedman’s Bureau was a government agency that provided food, schools and medical care for free slaves. • B. The Freedman’s Bureau was an agency to provide assistance for released inmates from jail. • A. The Freedman’s Bureau was a government agency that provided food, schools and medical care for free slaves.
101. Sharecropping was… • A. When northerners and poor white farmers rented land from a landowner by paying the owner with a share of the crop. • B. When freedmen and poor white farmers rented land from a landowner by paying the owner with a share of the crop. • C. When plantation owners and poor white farmers rented land from a landowner by paying the owner with a share of the crop. • • B. When freedmen and poor white farmers rented land from a landowner by paying the owner with a share of the crop.
102. Segregation is … • A. The coming together of people • B. The right to own guns • C. The separation of people, usually based on race • D. The division of people • C. The separation of people, usually based on race
103. Discrimination is… • A. A fair treatment of people • B. An unfair difference in the treatment of people • C. All of the above • B. An unfair difference in the treatment of people
104. The freedoms and rights promised to _______ were slowly taken away after Reconstruction and it would take years to win them back. • • A. B. C. D. Indentured servants Southerners Scotch-Irish African Americans • D. African Americans
105. What were African Americans allowed to do during Reconstruction? • A. Sit at the front of the bus • B. They began to have power in government • C. Drink from the same water fountain • D. Help build houses • B. They began to have power in government
106. Who could vote during Reconstruction? • • A. B. C. D. All persons over 18. Only white men Only men of all races. Only land owners of all races. C. Only men of all races.
• • 107. Name the laws that established segregation or separation of the races and reinforced prejudices held by whites. A. “Tweety Bird” Laws B. Bill of Rights C. 1 st Ten Amendments to the Constitution D. “Jim Crow” Laws
108. What did “Jim Crow” Laws do to African Americans? • • A. B. C. D. Gave them equal laws. Gave them unfair poll taxes. Gave them the right to own big bucks. Gave them the right to own cars. B. Gave them unfair poll taxes.
109. What is a poll tax? • • A. B. C. D. Tax on poll vaulters Tax on polls used for temporary fences Tax on voting at the polls Tax on polls used for tents • C. Tax on voting at the polls
110. Who had to pass tests to be allowed to vote? • • A. B. C. D. Indentured servants African Americans Germans Scotch-Irish • B. African Americans
111. Who found it difficult to vote and had to attend separate schools? • • A. B. C. D. Indentured servants African Americans Germans Scotch-Irish B. African Americans
112. After the Civil War and Reconstruction…. • A. Virginia’s technology, industry, transportation and cities began to grow and contribute to Virginia’s economy. • B. Virginia’s technology, industry, transportation and cities did not grow and contribute to Virginia’s economy. • A. Virginia’s technology, industry, transportation and cities began to grow and contribute to Virginia’s economy.
113. What was the key to the expansion of business, agriculture and industry? • • A. B. C. D. Airports Shipbuilding Tobacco Railroads • D. Railroads
114. What facilitated the growth of small towns to cities? • • A. B. C. D. Airports Shipbuilding Tobacco Railroads D. Railroads
115. What facilitated the growth of factories where clothing, furniture and other useful items were made? • A. Airports • B. Shipbuilding • C. Tobacco • D. Railroads
116. What became a source of livelihood for residents of southwest VA? • • A. B. C. D. Plantations Technology Federal military bases Coal deposits • D. Coal deposits
117. Economic changes brought the need for more and better… • • A. B. C. D. Tobacco Ships Roads Steam engines C. Roads
th 20 118. In the century VA changed from a … • • A. B. C. D. Urban to rural society Urban to industrial society Urban to revolutionary Rural to urban more industrial society • D. Rural to urban and more industrial society
119. Why did VA change from an agricultural to an industrial society? • A. Crop prices were low and old systems of farming were no longer effective. • B. Crop prices were high and old systems of farming were no longer effective. A. Crop prices were low and old systems of farming were no longer effective.
120. What caused VA’s cities to grow? • A. People living there had more children • B. Immigrants • C. People moved from rural to urban areas for economic opportunities. • D. People moved from urban to rural areas for economic opportunities. • C. People moved from rural to urban areas for economic opportunities.
121. Rural means … • A. Less populated like living in the country • B. More populated like the city • C. Less populated like the city • D. More populated like living in the country • A. Less populated like living in the country
122. Cities grew from technological development in… • A. Shipbuilding, roads, railroads, & streetcars • B. Roads, railroads, and streetcars. • C. Shipbuilding, computers, streetcars • D. Airports, railroads, and streetcars • B. Roads, railroads, and streetcars.
123. After World War II, Northern VA has experienced growth due to… • A. Increases in the number of federal jobs located in the region • B. Increases in computer technology • C. Both A and B. • D. Increases in the poultry industry • C. Both A and B.
124. Northern VA and the Tidewater region grew due to… • • A. B. C. D. Tobacco Tourism Computer technology transportation C. Computer technology
125. Who demanded civil rights in the 20 th century after World War II? • • A. B. C. D. Native Americans Indentured servants Immigrants African Americans • D. African Americans
126. What happened as a result of the Civil Rights movement? • A. It was a peaceful time. • B. Laws were passed against racial discrimination. • C. Laws were passed in favor of racial discrimination. • D. Rights were lost. • B. Laws were passed against racial discrimination.
127. What changes occurred in VA as a result of the Civil Rights Movement? • A. All public schools were ordered to integrate. • B. Public schools were encouraged to integrate. • C. Integration was optional in public schools • D. All public schools were ordered not to integrate. • A. All public schools were ordered to integrate.
128. Integration means… • A. Full equality of all races in the use ; of public facilities. • B. An unfair difference in the treatment of people • C. The separation of people, usually based on race • A. Full equality of all races in the use ; of public facilities.
129. What did Virginia’s government establish to fight or “resist” integration of public schools? • • A. B. C. D. Civil Rights Major Resistance Minor Resistance Massive Resistance • D. Massive Resistance
130. Who led a massive Resistance Movement against the integration of public schools? • • A. B. C. D. Robert C. Byrd Harry F. Byrd Martin Luther King, Jr. Thomas Jefferson B. Harry F. Byrd
131. The Massive Resistance policy was… • • A. B. C. D. A success A failure Remains weaker today Remains strong today B. A failure
132. Who was the first African America winner of a major men’s tennis singles championship? • • A. B. C. D. L. Douglas Wilder Fredrick Douglas Arthur Ashe, Jr. Ralph Sampson C. Arthur Ashe, Jr.
133. Who was the first African America to be elected a state governor? • • A. B. C. D. L. Douglas Wilder Fredrick Douglas Arthur Ashe, Jr. Colin Powell A. L. Douglas Wilder
134. Name the major product(s) for the Coastal Plain region? • • • A. B. C. D. E. Tobacco, information technology Seafood Apples Poultry, apples Coal B. Seafood
135. Name the major product(s) for the Piedmont region? • • • A. B. C. D. E. Tobacco, information technology Seafood Apples Poultry, apples Coal A. Tobacco, information technology
136. Name the major product(s) for the Blue Ridge region? • • • A. B. C. D. E. Tobacco, information technology Seafood Apples Poultry, apples Coal • C. Apples
137. Name the major product(s) for the Valley and Ridge region? • • • A. B. C. D. E. Tobacco, information technology Seafood Apples Poultry, apples Coal D. Poultry, apples
138. Name the major product(s) for the Appalachain Plateau? • • • A. B. C. D. E. Tobacco, information technology Seafood Apples Poultry, apples Coal • E. Coal
139. Name the major industry(ies) of the Coastal Plain region. • • A. Recreation B. Farming C. Coal mining D. Shipbuilding, tourism, federal military installations • E. Technology, federal and state government, farming & textiles • D. Shipbuilding, tourism, federal military installations
140. Name the major industry(ies) of the Piedmont region. • • A. Recreation B. Farming C. Coal mining D. Shipbuilding, tourism, federal military installations • E. Technology, federal and state government, farming & textiles
141. Name the major industry(ies) of the Blue Ridge Mts. region. • • A. Recreation B. Farming C. Coal mining D. Shipbuilding, tourism, federal military installations • E. Technology, federal and state government, farming & textiles A. Recreation
142. Name the major industry(ies) of the Valley and Ridge region. • • A. Recreation B. Farming C. Coal mining D. Shipbuilding, tourism, federal military installations • E. Technology, federal and state government, farming & textiles B. Farming
143. Name the major industry(ies) of the Appalachian region. • • A. Recreation B. Farming C. Coal mining D. Shipbuilding, tourism, federal military installations • E. Technology, federal and state government, farming & textiles • C. Coal mining
144. Advances in transportation, communication and _____ have facilitated migration and led to economic development in VA. • • A. B. C. D. Government Technology Military operations Farming • B. Technology
145. What produces goods and services and is used throughout the United States? • • A. B. C. D. Virginia farmers Virginia shipbuilders Virginia textile workers Virginia industries • D. Virginia industries
146. How have advances in transportation facilitated migration and economic growth? • A. Highways, railroads and air transportation moves raw materials to factories and finished products to markets. • B. VA exports agricultural and manufactured products, including tobacco, poultry, coal and large ships. • C. Both A & B
147. How have advances in communication and technology helped the economy grow? • A. Caller ID • B. Transportation • C. Large number of communications and other technology industries • D. Call waiting • C. Large number of communications and other technology industries
148. In what ways is VA part of the U. S. economy? • • A. B. C. D. Tourism and federal workers VA is in the U. S. VA is number 1! VA is for Lovers! A. Tourism and federal workers
149. How smart are YOU? • • A. B. C. D. A little smart Smarter TOO SMART! • D. TOO SMART!
Special thanks to… Spotswood’s Social Studies Classes! Editing: Pam Moyers Sandy Gustafson 2001 -2002