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Village The Memory of the Paris Commune.pptx

  • Количество слайдов: 8

Village Pamyat Parizhskoy Kommuny The project prepared and presented students in grade 11: Tcherezov Village Pamyat Parizhskoy Kommuny The project prepared and presented students in grade 11: Tcherezov Nikita Mary Malysheva Evgeny Borzheev Ilya Shalaev

Introduction There is a place in Russia, which is hidden from prying eyes. She Introduction There is a place in Russia, which is hidden from prying eyes. She lives alone and especially not suffer from this. This is not a city and not a village, but it took place in the very best of both of them. And the name of this place: Pamyat Parizhskoy Communy

Geographical location and additional information Village Pamyat Parizhskoy Kommuny The memory of the Paris Geographical location and additional information Village Pamyat Parizhskoy Kommuny The memory of the Paris Commune - a village in the Сountry Russia urban district of Bor Nizhny Novgorod region. Federal subject Nizhny Novgorod region, , Borough Bor Jetty on the left bank of the Volga River, 51 km Coordinates: 56 "with. below the city Bora. dockyard° 29'42 "to. °d 06'21 (O) (I) sh. 44 (G) From 1932 tozone had the status UTCurban of +4 Time 2004, Dialing +7 83159 settlement. code Postcode 606 488 Vehicle code 52, 152 Code OKATO 22211842001

A bit of history • In 1869, the land bought merchant Milutin 4000 BC A bit of history • In 1869, the land bought merchant Milutin 4000 BC in the village of ancient people lived. One million years ago, the territory of our region was in 1500 the XX century, scientists have This is in 80 of silver rubles. of the primitive sea. found covered by the waters • In the same sites the first mussels, discovered indicated srenim Ages therestone of the repair by more than 30 year, of ancient man. The oldest of Closer to by fossil clams and lived Finno-Ugric shop. archaeologists onfounding of Nizhny Novgorod them are in the southern part of Volga. tribes. After the banks of the our settlement. • In 1886 began the construction of houses (1221) begins with the development of these lands and the settlement was given the name of Slavs. Zaton Zhukovsky. In the XVII century begins active colonization of • In 1923, Zhukovsky's Creek was renamed the area Old Believers, because of persecution of backwater Pamyat Parizskoy Commune. the church. • In 1932, the memory of the Commune Parizskoy given the status settlement

Infrastructure of the village The village has all the infrastructure to people's lives: ü Infrastructure of the village The village has all the infrastructure to people's lives: ü Hospital; ü Policlinic; ü School; ü Kindergarten; ü Tire; ü Charge; ü Shops; ü House of Culture; ü Church; ü Firehouse; ü Sports Club.

Charming Nature Most of the nature of our country determines the proximity of the Charming Nature Most of the nature of our country determines the proximity of the river Volga. Steep sandy slopes and hills.

Charming Nature Also, along the border between the village and the river, as well Charming Nature Also, along the border between the village and the river, as well as a few kilometers along the border location of many pure and beautiful oxbow lakes like.

In conclusion We do not have the Eiffel Tower, we do not have the In conclusion We do not have the Eiffel Tower, we do not have the Champs Elysees and other delights. Our backwater of leash is called Paris and is in the Russian outback. But people are drawn here because it is a nice place!