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VIII Roman Catholic Burial Customs
Roman Catholic Terminology u. Acolyte-An Alter attendant u. Alter-An elevated place or structure on which sacrifices are offered or at which religious rites are performed • a table upon which the Eucharist or Holy Communion is offered u. Archbishop-The head of an archdiocese u. Archdiocese-A territory under the jurisdiction of an archbishop u. Bishop-Head of the diocese u. Cardinal-Dignity conferred upon Bishops or Priests making them princes of the Church (True spiritual leaders of the Church)
Roman Catholic Terminology u. Celebrant-One who celebrates or leads the mass u. Christian Burial Certificate aka Christian Burial Permit aka Priestly Lines aka Priest Letter • A letter or form from a priest stating the eligibility of the deceased for funeral rites according to the laws of the Roman Catholic Church u. Christian Wake-The prayer service for the Christian wake is a service now often used instead of the Rosary and/or Funeral Mass • May be held in a location other than the church u. Cross-an emblem of the church consisting of 2 plain bars and right angles to each other u. Crucifix-A cross with a Corpus Christi
Roman Catholic Terminology u. Crucifer-A person who carries a crucifix or cross in the Roman Catholic Church u. Deacon-A member of the clerical order (clergy) just below a priest u. Diocese-A geographical grouping of parishes under the jurisdiction of a Bishop u. Eucharist-The consecrated elements of Holy Communion u. Final Commendation aka Libera-The ending portion of the Funeral Mass; i. e. “May the Angels of Heaven lead you to paradise”
Roman Catholic Terminology u. Funeral Mass aka Mass of Christian Burial-The name of the Funeral Service in the Roman Catholic Church u. Funeral Mass for a Child-The term for a Catholic Child’s Funeral u. Genuflect-The act of bending the knee as an indication of reverence or as an act of humility u. Holy Water-Water blessed by a priest for use in anointing the baptismal ceremonies u. IHS-The first 3 letters in the Greek word for Jesus u. INRI-An abbreviation for the Latin term meaning “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews”
Roman Catholic Terminology u Mass-The liturgical celebration of the Eucharist in the Roman Catholic Church u Mass Card-A card on which a person requests the priest to say a mass for the soul of the departed. (Put with Money in an envelope; now it is called a Spiritual Bouquet envelope) u Monsignor-An honorary title conferred upon a priest u Nun or Sister-A woman who is a member of a religious order, especially one bound by vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience u Pall-A symbolic covering placed over the casket during the funeral mass ; called putting on of Christ; means establishing equality before God u Parish-A geographical area over which a priest has jurisdiction
Roman Catholic Terminology u. Parishoners-People who belong to the Catholic Church and belong to a particular Parish u. Paschal Candle aka Sheperd’s Candle-A candle placed near the casket during the funeral mass that signifies the everlasting light of Christ; typically white with symbols on it u. Pope-The head of the Roman Catholic Church; Bishop of Rome u. Prie Dieu (Pra Du) aka Kneeler aka Prayer Rail-A kneeling rail u. Priest-A title conferred by ordination
Roman Catholic Terminology u. Requiem Candles- The 3 candles which are placed to the sides of the casket during the visitation and Rosary services (Nor used by Funeral Homes very often; now they only use the Paschal Candle) • The Paschal Candle should replace the requiem candles u. Ritual of Anointing aka Sacrament of the Sick aka Sacrament of Extreme Unition aka Last Anointing aka Last Rites aka Last Sacrament-A ritual performed for those members of the Roman Catholic Church who are near death or have just died u. Rosary Beads-Beads and a crucifix used as an aid in the recitation of prayers
Roman Catholic Terminology u. Rosary Prayers-Prayers recited in order at a rosary or vigil service u. Rosary Service aka Vigil Service-A prayer service in the Roman Catholic faith usually held in the funeral home some time prior to the Funeral Mass. u. Sacred Heart-A religious picture, usually of Jesus Christ u. Scapular-A piece of cloth or a medal having religious significance usually worn around the neck u. Sign of the Cross-A symbolic sign of the cross made with the hand
Roman Catholic Terminology u. Spiritual Bouquet Cards-Documents similar to mass cards, which indicate that the individual sill say special prayers for the repose of the souls of the deceased or a request that such prayer be said by a priest or missionary u. Superior -A position held by the women in charge of the convent or order of nuns. (Mother Superior) u. Vestments-Ritual garments worm by the clergy • White is the preferable color for Funeral Mass u. Vigil Candles-A set of 2 candles, one placed at the head and one placed at the foot of the casket during visitation
Roman Catholic Terminology u. Wake-An all night vigil • That period from death to the time of the funeral mass u. Wake Service-A prayer or scripture service usually held at the funeral home the evening before the funeral mass
Roman Catholic Paraphernalia u. Holy Water u. Crucifix u. Candles-Paschal or Vigil u. Prie Dieu u. Tray for Mass & Spiritual Bouquet Cards
Roman Catholic Hierarchy u. Pope u. Cardinal u. Arch Bishop u. Bishop • Verbal Title-Bishop • Written Title-The Most Reverend u. Monsignor • Verbal Title-Monsignor • Written Title-The Reverend Monsignor u. Priest • Verbal Title-Father • Written Title-The Reverend
Roman Catholic Customs u. Notification of Clergy • Not required by the church currently • In the past, notification was required to administer the sacrament of anointing the sick u. Removal of Remains • No restrictions upon the removal of the deceased layperson • Restrictions may be enforced for Priests or Nuns u. Preparation of Remains • No restrictions for laymen • Restrictions may be enforced for clergy and nuns – For Nuns; Breasts and Genitalia must be covered up; same for Priests
Roman Catholic Customs u. Dressing and Casketing • Layperson is dressed in clothing selected by the family • A Priest or a nun will be dressed in vestments of the station in the church • Rosary beads are placed in the hands of the deceased • Crucifix may be placed on the outside of the foot of the casket and/or on the inside of the head panel • Sacred heart may be placed in the inside head panel
Roman Catholic Pre Service Considerations u. Wake service is usually held at the funeral home the night before the funeral mass – – – Rosary prayers may be offered Priest usually officiates Flowers may be displayed in the visitation Casket is usually open during visitation Candles are placed near the casket • Paschal, Vigil or Requium Candles – Prie Dieu is placed in from of the casket – Crucifix is placed behind the casket – Place tray for mass cards
Catholic Funeral Mass u. Catholics celebrate a Funeral Mass because it is a glorious occasion to enter Heaven u. NOT held on Sundays or on certain Holy Days u. Family may meet at the Funeral Home for a final prayer service prior to the Funeral Mass u. Casket is covered with a Funeral Pall • In the event a US Flag is on the casket, it should be removed prior to placing the pall on the casket u. Very few flowers are placed in the Catholic Church • On certain Holy Days, no flowers are allowed in the Church u. Family is usually seated on the right side facing the alter
Catholic Funeral Mass u. Funeral Director and Casketbearers carry the casket into the Narthex (Entrance Way) • Be certain to bring the church truck with you u. Priest will meet the casket in the Narthex to give a blessing over the casket u. Pall is placed on the casket at this point by the priest, may require the assistance of the Funeral Director of Casketbearer u. Friends may be seated in the church prior to the arrival of the Cortege u. Service is usually structured but may be altered by the priest
Catholic Funeral Mass u. Processional into the Church • Crucifix – Other Acolytes • Priest aka Celebrant – May include more than 1 Priest • Funeral Director • Casket and Casketbearers • Funeral Director • Family • Friends u. Funeral Directors “push and pull”
Catholic Funeral Mass u. As the procession enter the church, each Catholic will dip fingers into the Holy Water and make the sign of the cross u. As the family reaches the pew, each member will genuflect while facing the crucifix in the front • The act of placing the right knee on the ground in humility u. Casket of the layperson, sister or brother who has not yet been ordained will be processed into church feet first u. Casket of priest or clergy will be processed in head first as if they were facing their congregation u. All caskets should be placed perpendicular to the alter
Catholic Funeral Mass u At the conclusion of the mass, the Priest recites the Final Commendation (Prayers, Sprinkle of Water, and Incense) u Final Commendation is the Funeral Director’s cue that the mass is nearly over, the Funeral Director should be in place at this point in the Funeral. u Final Commendation is a blessing of the casket which includes incense and sprinkling of Holy Water u Casket should be turned to move feet first (head first if Pope, Cardinal, or Bishop) u The recessional out of the church is in the same order as the processional with all exiting feet first u When the recessional reaches the Narthex, the pall is removed by the priest, Funeral Director, or Casketbearers
Roman Catholic Customs u Funeral Cortege • Escort (Lead Car) • Priest and Acolytes • Honorary Casketbearers • Active Casketbearers • Casket Coach – The Priest may choose to ride in the casket coach or in the lead car • Family • Friends
Roman Catholic Customs u. Committal Service • The Priest will usually lead and may be flanked by acolytes with crucifix, incense and/or Holy Water u. Priest should stand at the head of the casket with the casketbearers at the foot u. Priest lines are required for burial in a Catholic Cemetery u. Cremation is allowed if the intention is not to deny the resurrection of the body
IX. Church Architectures u. Protestants: Methodists, Presbyterians, Episcopalians and Lutherans u. Two Types: • Liturgical • Non Liturgical
Liturgical Architecture
Liturgical Architecture u. Traditional architecture is in the shape of a cross u. Contains center aisle u. Focal point is a cross or crucifix located on or near the alter u. Communion rail u. Contains • • • Pulpit Lectern Gospel Side Epistle Side Transepts
Parts of the Liturgical Church u Gospel Side-Left side of the Church as you face the alter u Epistle Side-Right side of the Church as you face the alter u Transepts-The wings of the main part of the church, which may serve as small chapels for baptisms, weddings, and even small funeral services u Narthex aka Lobby aka Vestibule aka Foyer-The entry way into a church or Funeral Home u Sanctuary-The part of the church about the alter inside the chancel u Chancel-Place about the alter of the church, usually enclosing the clergy and other officials u Nave-The main body of the church where seating is provided
Non Liturgical Architecture
Non Liturgical Architecture u. Contains center seating with side aisles u. Contains 1 center pulpit instead of a pulpit and a lectern u. Contains communion table instead of a rail u. Usually contains choir loft and/or Baptistery u. No prescribed focal point in the church u. Nave u. Narthex ui. e. Baptist
X. Protestant Funeral Rites u. Broken into Liturgical and Non Liturgical
General Protestant Funeral Rites u. Considerations • • • Look at seating before you arrive Know Custodial arrangements Will church allow viewing of remains? Where do we place flowers? Recession-do they file by or does casket and family leave first Honorariums – Check with clergy – Who do people make checks out to? – Sometimes depends upon whether they’re church members • Denominations-Will have own customs • Denominations-An organized group of congregation with similar religious beliefs
Protestant Funeral Cortege u. Escort car aka Lead car • Funeral Director and/or Clergy u. Honorary Casketbearer u. Active Casketbearer u. Casket Coach u. Family • Nothing should be between family & casket coach u. Friends
Protestant Funeral Rites u. Liturgical Protestant Funeral Services aka Eucharist Centered Worship-A prescribed order or form of worship specific to a particular denomination which will include Eucharist or Holy Communication as its central element • Uses rubrics-stated directions in prayer book for order of service • Methodist, Lutheran, Episcopal u. Non Liturgical Protestant Funeral Services aka Scripture Centered Worship- A form or order of worship which uses scriptures as its central element • Baptist
Liturgical Funeral Rites
Liturgical Funeral Rites u. Lutheran-Synod-Branches of the Lutheran Church u. Episcopal • Bishop is the Chief Pastor – Confers Holy Orders • Priest aka Rector-Ministers to the People (Where the word Rectory comes from) • Deacon assists the Priest u. Methodist • Liturgical in Architecture • Non Lit. in Service Lutheran Non Liturgical in Architecture Lit. in Service
Liturgical Funeral Rites u. Notification of Clergy • Required for Episcopal funerals in the past, check with Episcopal Priest • Not required for Lutheran or other Liturgical Churches u. Removal of Remains • There are no religious restrictions u. Preparation of Remains • There are no religious restrictions
Liturgical Funeral Rites u. Dressing and Casketing • Layperson-Family chooses clothing • Ecclesiastical aka Clergy-Use vestments and cleric collars u. Pre Service Considerations • Visitation is usually held the night before the funeral at funeral home – If visitation is held at the church prior to the service the same day, the casket should lay in state in the Narthex until the processional • Check with clergy regarding the use and placement of flowers in the church – Episcopal church usually prohibits flowers in the church
Liturgical Funeral Rites u Funeral Service • Casket is usually closed and covered with a pall • Casket is moved feet first • Priest meets the casket as it enter the church • The Casket is placed parallel to the alter • Candelabrum may be used – A candle holder designed to hold multiple candles
Liturgical Funeral Rites u Processional • Crucifer or Crossbearer • Officiant usually wears Vestments • Funeral Director • Casket with Casketbearer flanking casket • Funeral Director • Family
Liturgical Funeral Rites u. Order of Service • Scripture and prayer form the lectern or the alter • Musical selection from the lectern (Person sings from the lectern) • Eulogy or obituary from the pulpit – Eulogy-An oration praising an individual after their death • Funeral Sermon from the pulpit • Musical selection form the lectern • Benediction from the lectern • Optional: Communion • Follow the Rubrics
Liturgical Funeral Rites u Committal Service • Commendation of the body to earth – Priest sprinkles sand, earth of flower petals over casket in the shape of a cross • The Lord’s prayer • Final prayer by the Priest • Conclusion: Blessing from the Priest
Non Liturgical Funeral Rites
Non Liturgical Funeral Rites u. Order of Service • No set order • Consult Clergy or Clergy preference form • May include a recitation of the “Affirmation of Faith” (Methodist or Presbyterian) u. Committal Service • Brief Service with Scripture and Prayer (23 Psalm) • May include auxiliary service (Masonic Eastern Star) u. Architecture • Casket is Parallel in Church
Eastern Orthodox (Traditional) Burial Rites
Eastern Orthodox (Traditional) Burial Rites u. Eastern Orthodox aka Greek Orthodox u. Cantor-Singer which assists the priest in the Greek Orthodox Funeral Rites • Priest is the officiant of the Greek Orthodox Church • Incense and Chanting are usually part fo the service u. Icon-Holy picture usually mosaic or painted wood u. Iconostasis-Partition that extends across the front of the church separating the sanctuary from the Solea u. Solea-Open area before the alter
Eastern Orthodox (Traditional) Burial Rites u. Trisagion-3 short services or blessings that are part of the Funeral Rite • First service is the night before the funeral • Second service is the day of the funeral before going to the church • Third is the committal service u. No religious restrictions for the following: • • Notification Removal Preparation Dressing & Casketing
Eastern Orthodox (Traditional) Burial Rites u. Pre Service Considerations • • Visitation-Priest will be present during the first viewing Candles may flank each side of the casket Icon may be placed near the casket Orthodox cross may be placed near casket u. No funerals on Sunday or certain religious holidays u. Casket piece may be the only floral in the church u. Casket placed in the Solea with feet toward the alter u. Candles may be placed at each end of the casket
Eastern Orthodox (Traditional) Burial Rites u. Last portion of funeral service is the Eulogy u. Following Eulogy, casket is turned so that is is parallel to the Iconostasis u. Following the funeral, family and friends pass by the casket and kiss the Icon u. Priests make the sign of the cross on the chest of the deceased with olive oil and sand u. After the priest makes the cross on th deceased, the casket is closed never to be opened again u. Priest leads the recessional from church to the casket coach
Eastern Orthodox (Traditional) Burial Rites u. Procession is the normal cortege u. Committal Service (Brief) • Readings • Short Prayers u. Suicide gets normal funeral service u. Cremation is forbidden since it is the deliberate destruction of the body
Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints u. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints aka Mormons u. Started by Joseph Smith in 1830 u. Moved to Salt Lake City by Brigham Young in 1874 u. There are no religious restrictions for the following: • Notification of the death • Transfer of the remains • Preparation of deceased
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints u. Casket is the choice of the family with no restrictions u. Dressing is the choice of the family if the deceased had not gone through Temple Ordinances u. If the deceased had gone through Temple Ordinances, the deceased will wear clothing provided by the church u. Pre Service Considerations • Members of the Mormon Church will not use tobacco, coffee, tea or caffeinated soft drinks during visitation • Service room should be plain with no religious objects
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints u. Mormon Burial Clothing • Male – White Robe – White Shirt – White Tie – White Socks – White Moccasins – White Cap – External Green Apron Female -White Slip -White Hose -White Moccasins -White Robe -White Sash -White Veil -External Green Apron
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints u. Funeral may be held at funeral home, cemetery or ward (small, side chapel) u. Funeral not held in Temple u. Order of Service • • Prelude Invocation Eulogy/Obituary Musical Selection Speaker Benediction Postlude
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints u. Procession is normal cortege u. Committal Service (Brief) • • Prefer Earth Burial Permit Entombment Prohibit Cremation Scripture then Prayer
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints u. Ward-Local church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints under the guidance & direction of the Bishops and 3 counselors u. Stake-Geographic groupings of wards of the church u. Mission-Geographic grouping of staff’s of the church u. Bishop of the Ward is the officiant for the funeral rite u. At no time should the Bishop be offered an honorarium
Church of the Christian Scientist
Church of the Christian Scientist Burial Rites u. Started by Mary Baker Eddy in 1866 u. Bible or Holy Scriptures: “Science & Health with Keys to the Scriptures” u. Church does not use ordained ministers instead laypersons are used u. Reader-One authorized to read the lesson and scriptures in the Church of Christ Scientist faith u. Prefer the Phrase “passed on” to died or death u. Notification of Death • Since they do not use physicians, medical examiner must be notified to sign the death certificate
Church of the Christian Scientist Burial Rites u. No religious restrictions for the following: • • • Removal Preparation of the body Dressing and Casketing Pre Service Considerations Procession u. Funeral is not held at church and usually closed casket
Church of the Christian Scientist Burial Rites u. Order of Service: • • • Prayer Music Scripture Readings Eulogy Closing Prayer u. Committal Service • Lead by the Reader
Fraternal Burial Rites u. Fraternal-Belonging to Brotherhood u. Masonic Rites aka Free and Accepted Masons • Master of the Lodge • Deceased should have a lambskin apron • Sprig of Evergreen-Everlasting Life u. Order of Eastern Star • Most Worthy Matron • Female relatives of masons who are master degree mason or higher • 5 Carnations placed in Casket – Red, Green, Blue, Yellow and White
US Burial Flag Uses
US Burial Flag Uses u. Cover casket with the Flag • Field of Blue should be over the heart of the deceased (Over left shoulder) u. Flag may have tri-fold over foot panel of casket • Field of blue to the rear of the casket u. Fold into triangle and place on the corner of casket or in the head panel u. Held waist high during committal service u. Never lowered into the grave u. Never touch the ground
US Burial Flag Uses u. Never cover anything for an unveiling u. Should be privately destroyed by burning u. Ideal flag fold is 5 stars on one side and 6 on the other u. Each branch has their own details u. Protocol officer will usually be involved to ensure no breach of protocol
Military Burial Rites
Military Burial Rites u. Military Procession • Military Band • Escort – Firing Squad and Commander of the Firing Squad – Bugler • Colors and Color Guards – US Flag & the Flag of the Branch of Service of the deceased • Clergy • Caisson (Military Wagon) with casketed remains on top – Casketbearers flank casket (Caisson) • • • Honorary Casketbearers Family Chaplain of Clergy 21 Gun Salute-May be 3 of 21 volleys Taps
Military Burial Rites u. Folding and Presenting of the US Flag to the family u. Optional rites for high ranking officials u. Fly over in missing man formation u. Riderless horse with boots turned backward in stirrups
American Legion Funeral Rites
American Legion Funeral Rite u. Requires 21 people for the Full Funeral Rite • • Chaplain-Clerical Person 1 Bugler (Sometimes 2, one is an echo) 2 Color Bearers (Flag Bearers) 2 Color Guards – Flags are called colors, 2 Flags: US and Am. Leg. Post 1 Post Commander 7 Honor Guard Firing Squad 1 Commander of Firing Squad 6 Pall Bearers or Casket Bearers
American Legion Funeral Rites u. Procession • • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Colors with Guards and Bearers Chaplain, Commander of Post, Bugler-if in Procession Casket Bearers Firing Squad with Commander Family Post Members Friends
American Legion Funeral Rites u. Order (Following the words by the Chaplain) • Firing Squad (Either 21 gun salute of 3 volleys by 7 gunmen) • Taps • Presentation of the Flag u. Taps words: • • Day is Done Gone the Sun From the Lakes From the Hills From the Sky All is well Safely rest God is nigh