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Описание презентации Viewpoint1.CriticalThinking.Writinga по слайдам
Viewpoint 1. 1 Critical Thinking. Writing a report SOCIALNETWORKS
Introduction • Whataremostpopularsocialnetworks today? • Socialnetworksstartedin… • Friendshipcircleforprivilegedpeoplewho hadaccessto. Internet. • Firstpopular. SN: My. Space, Tribe, Xing • What’smostimportantforyouin. SN?
Task • Analyze 4 or 5 most popularnetworksofthe currenttime: Facebook, Twitter, My. Space, Fotolog visit, createaprofile, browse • Evaluateandcomparein groupeachofthem • Createtheultimate network.
Process • 2 stages: writeareport createpresentationoftheultimatenetwork
1. Clarifyyourtask 2. Collectandrecordinformation 3. Organizeandplan 4. Engage, reflect, evaluate 5. Writeanoutline 6. Workonyourfirstdraft 7. Finaldraft A 7 -point procedure for writing assignments
Written report includes: • Title • Abstract (overview of your report) • Introduction (what research is about briefly, why it is significant) • Method (how you conducted your research) • Present the results (the data you have gathered) • Conclusions • References (all your sources in alphabetical order)
What makes argumentative writing • Stateapointofvieworopinionandclear lineofreasoningtosupportit • Offerevidenceorexamples • Consideranypossiblearguments • Beabletodemonstrateconvincinglywhy yourargumentorpositionisthebest.
Social Network Evaluation Criteria • Profile(heartandsoulof. SN, allowstobecreative withdesign? ) • Security(abilitytosetprofilestoprivateinsome wayoranother? ) • Networking. Features(musicsections, video uploads, groupsandmore) • Search(commonsearchfunctions) • Help/Support • Legitimate. Friend. Focus(nounsolicitedspam friendrequests)
Useful Links
Resources • Stella. Cottrell(2008), The. Study. Skills Handbook , Palgrave. Macmillan, London • http: //questgarden. com/134/55/1/11110302 4351/tindex. htm • www. 123 rf. com (photos)