- Количество слайдов: 6
Video: Tab-less Thursdays Please watch this 4 minute video from The Atlantic Monthly: “Single-Tasking is the New Multi-Tasking” (copy and paste the link into your browser if it doesn’t play here for you): http: //www. theatlantic. com/video/index/373027/singletasking-is-the-new-multitasking/
Mind. Map Assignment & Technology Check • The next slide shows an example of what is called a Mind. Map, or a concept map. This one centers around the concept of “How to Focus in the Age of Distraction” as related to the Single-Tasking video. • Please revise and/or expand on this to personalize it with some of your own intentions to keep your life in balance so that you may succeed in your coursework. • Hand writing a summary in your own words is an effective memory technique! If you earned an A on the first exam, I might accept computer-created homework, otherwise I expect hand written answers for homework.
A template of a Mind. Map for any concept (i. e. , course content) or situation:
2 points, required homework. Due one week from first day of class 1) Hand draw a Mind. Map for yourself for your own success in this class. 2) THEN convert it to a PDF. It is the creation of a pdf that you are getting credit for! All homework in this class will be required to be in PDF form before uploading to Bb Learn. KNOW all Three of these Ways to convert to a PDF: 1 st way: Take a phone picture of a your hand drawing and email it to your self. Open on your computer in FREE Adobe Reader. Under the File tab, choose Export As… use the dropdown to choose PDF, Save to your desktop or where you can find it again. 2 nd way: Scan in your hand drawing using a scanner/printer/copier at home or on the SRC, 2 nd floor, southeast help desk. Open in FREE Adobe Reader, File, Export As… use the dropdown to choose PDF then Save to your computer or a flash drive, somewhere you can find it again. 3 rd way: Drag or copy-and-paste your picture into any document software, such as Word, and then choose Export As… using the dropdown for “PDF” then Save to your computer or flashdrive. Finally, MOST IMPORTANT: Upload this and all homework to the Bb Learn course page ONLY in PDF form & only using Firefox! Go to Learning Modules, click on the assignment title, Browse My Computer, choose your PDF, Submit. If this takes longer than 5 minutes, email me with screen shots of error msg’s, or go to next slide.
Most Common Problems, & easy to solve! 1. Update your Firefox browser every few months. Firefox is the only browser that works consistently with Bb and the only browser that I as your instructor will accept. Safari and Chrome work sometimes, but not always. Firefox is FREE. Go to BOTH https: //support. mozilla. org/en-US/kb/update-firefox-latest-version AND https: //www. mozilla. org/en-US/plugincheck/ to find out if you have the most current Firefox version and Firefox plugins on your computer. 2. Update Adobe Reader every few months. If you receive a message saying you have to purchase it you are at the wrong place, backtrack or ask for help! https: //get. adobe. com/reader/ 3. Don’t use a mobile device to access Bb! Bb does not always present properly from many mobile devices. Computer centers are on all campuses if needed. 4. Where is Blackboard “Embanet” Help? From our Learn course page, scroll down to find a link at the left that says “Embanet 24/7 Bb Help”. Their “Live Support” is available 24 hours around the clock, 7 days a week! Yes, even at 3 am the night before your homework is due! 5. Where is CNM Distance Learning Help? Email dl@cnm. edu and cc instructor. 6. Where is the CNM Technology Help desk? From your My. CNM Home. Page, find “CNM Learn Support”, phone availability during CNM business hours.