Скачать презентацию Victorian Women Daily Life Corinne Mc Clenahan and Скачать презентацию Victorian Women Daily Life Corinne Mc Clenahan and


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Victorian Women: Daily Life Corinne Mc. Clenahan and My Lynn Nguyen Engl 273 Victorian Women: Daily Life Corinne Mc. Clenahan and My Lynn Nguyen Engl 273

Introduction • Around 1848 women in Victorian England were different throughout the various classes. Introduction • Around 1848 women in Victorian England were different throughout the various classes. Society and the economy had a great deal to do with how they dressed, behaved, and the present conceptions of Victorian women • Many women supported themselves and their family with paying jobs, as well as already having the domestic life to return to. • “Sexuality, intellect, and personal satisfaction were not emphasized. ” (Beeton) • “Feminine happiness was the result of faithful execution of domestic duties, making the good bourgeois wife an angel of the house. ” (Beeton) http: //www. bbc. co. uk/staticarchive/efae 17089 cf 8 b 12 fa 582 a 201 c 08

Choose a class Underclass Middle working Upper class http: //www. victorianweb. org/art/illustration/dore/5 a. jpg Choose a class Underclass Middle working Upper class http: //www. victorianweb. org/art/illustration/dore/5 a. jpg http: //www. rarebookschool. org/2005/exhibitions/eyreapparent/img/charlotte_big. jpg http: //www. fashion-era. com/images/Victorians/1895 tailmarb. jpg

UNDERCLASS/LOWERCLASS Lower than the lowest workers, many women resorted to prostitution to take care UNDERCLASS/LOWERCLASS Lower than the lowest workers, many women resorted to prostitution to take care of themselves and their children. The struggling economy and low job availability left unskilled women to face poverty, illness, and disease on the streets, many of who were elderly as well. http: //aljwhite. com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/prostitute 20. gif

 • seamstresses, mill workers • -working on the farm, factories, and mines • • seamstresses, mill workers • -working on the farm, factories, and mines • -wash clothing for upper classes and are servants • -some would prepare and sell fish or make or repair nets http: //2. bp. blogspot. com/_i. P 2 Bw. Ivs. RA/S 8 ku. Tbdxxd. I/AAAABt. Y/XKps. BN 3 nj. U 0/s 400/vintage-woman-sewi

MIDDLE Around the 1840’s women were becoming more and more responsible for themselves and MIDDLE Around the 1840’s women were becoming more and more responsible for themselves and their family. As a result, they began holding occupations including: tradeswomen, attorneys, hoteliers engineers, teachers (school mistresses, governesses). Female writers such as Charlotte Bronte challenged impressions of what is appropriate behavior for women, through creating a prominent heroine character in Jane Eyre (1847) https: //encryptedtbn 1. gstatic. com/images? q=tbn: ANd 9 Gc. QMFABVs. Pk. VQ 47 g 3 R hmg_adk_6 Ejbyv. XXhd. IAumi 4 l. Oi. Pa. Xln. N 8

http: //19 thcenturyhistorian. files. wordpress. com/2013/05/image 142. gif Victorian kitchen. http: //19 thcenturyhistorian. files. wordpress. com/2013/05/image 142. gif Victorian kitchen. " Photos/Illustrations. “Our Life in a Flat, ” in Hellis, Nellie. The Girl's Own Paper February 28, 1885. Daily Life through History. ABC-CLIO, 2014. Web. 2 Dec. 2014. “Needlework and teaching were seen as ‘natural’ professions for women at this time”. (Victorian. Web)

UPPER CLASS • The Uplands and The Lawn - Exclusively for wealthy women, lived UPPER CLASS • The Uplands and The Lawn - Exclusively for wealthy women, lived in these houses that overlooked the sea and gardens - if a woman had a good education then she might become a governess (a woman employed to teach children in a private http: //www. victorianweb. org/gender/wojtczak/pics/lawnthe. jpg household. ) http: //www. victorianweb. org/gender/wojtczak/pics/archers. jpg

if she was born into a wealthy family, then her family would set her if she was born into a wealthy family, then her family would set her up with a school or small business Women of this class usually associated with others of their class. Princess Victoria http: //www. victorianweb. org/gender/wojtczak/pics/victoria. jpg http: //www. victorianweb. org/gender/wojtczak/pics/1863. jpg

http: //www. fashion-era. com/images/Victorians/confmarb 415 x 20. jpg Woman and daughter dusting parlor. http: //www. fashion-era. com/images/Victorians/confmarb 415 x 20. jpg Woman and daughter dusting parlor. " Photos/Illustration Library of Congress. Daily Life through History. ABCCLIO, 2014. Web. 2 Dec. 2014. A fashionable lady in dress and undress" ( 1807). " Daily Life through History. ABC-CLIO, 2014. Web. 2 Dec. 2014.

Thank you http: //womanandhersphere. files. wordpress. com/2012/11/club-picture. jpg Thank you http: //womanandhersphere. files. wordpress. com/2012/11/club-picture. jpg

Work Cited Work Cited "Aspects of the Changing Status of New England Women 17901840. " Teach US History |. N. p. , n. d. Web. 04 Nov. 2014. "Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. " American Scenes of Everyday Life, 1840 1910. N. p. , n. d. Web. 04 Nov. 2014. "Jane Eyre and the 19 th Century Woman. " The British Library. N. p. , n. d. Web. 03 Nov. 2014. "Victorian Occupations: Life and Labor in the Victorian Period. " Victorian Occupations: Life and Labor in the Victorian Period. N. p. , n. d. Web. 03 Nov. 2014. "Miscellaneous Women's Occupations in Hastings, 1850 s 1870 s. " Miscellaneous Women's Occupations in Hastings, 1850 s 1870 s. N. p. , n. d. Web. 04 Nov. 2014.