- Количество слайдов: 30
Victorian England
Britain: 1850 -1870 s * The most prosperous period in British history. * BUT, Britain’s prosperity didn’t do away w/ political discontent!
The Two “Great Men”
Benjamin Disraeli (1804 -1881)
The 2 nd Reform Bill - 1867
William Gladstone (1809 -1898)
Ballot Act of 1872
Education Act of 1870
New Groups Emerge
Fabianism/Fabian Society
The British Labour Party
1905 -1920 Liberal Party Reforms
The Parliament Act of 1911 * Most significant political reform during Liberal Party rule * Eliminated significant powers of House of Lords * House of Commons was now the center of national power
Emmeline Pankhurst * 1858 -1928. * Her husband & children were all involved in the suffrage movement. * They became militants & were arrested & imprisoned.
Representation of the People Act (1918)
The Irish Question 1890 -1914
Home Rule for Ireland? ? Gladstone debates Home Rule in Commons.
Irish Home Rule
Victorian England: Foreign Policy
The Foreign Policy Debate * Gladstone. * Liberal Party. * England must invest in her own people at home. * Try negotiations, rather than costly military solutions. “Little England” Policy * Disraeli * Conservative Party * England must be the greatest colonial power. * Spend £ on supporting the empire. “Big England” Policy
Big Idea Activity