vice f ad eo piec ve a Gi Подготовила: Студент – практикант 4 курса 072 группы филологического факультета отделения иностранных языков Анисимова Вероника Владимировна
At the lesson we are going to… -check the home task; -learn new words; -make up the dialogues; -work in groups; -listen to the dialogue between Alice and Brett.
Read and repeat: - sharing a room with somebody; -using somebody’s things (to play one’s guitar, to wear one’s dresses); -playing computer games; -not doing home task; -watching TV shows(too much); -chatting on the phone; -going to bed on time(too late); -doing housework;
-washing the dishes; -cleaning your room; -watering the plants; -eating healthy food; -like sandwiches, pizza or chips.
Read and translate: sharing a room with somebody
using somebody’s things (to play one’s guitar, to wear one’s shoes)
Playing computer games
not doing home task
watching TV shows
chatting on the phone
going to bed on time
going to bed too late
washing the dishes
cleaning your room
watering the plants
eating healthy food
like sandwiches, pizza or chips
What have we done at the lesson?
Put your marks to the lesson. The lesson was (interesting/boring), because… I liked (disliked) to answer the questions/ work in pairs.
Home task: Make up 13 sentences with all word combinations. Ex. 145 p. 114 (read and translate the text).