Скачать презентацию VET for REFUGEES 14 03 2017 1 Скачать презентацию VET for REFUGEES 14 03 2017 1


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 «VET for REFUGEES» 14. 03. 2017 1 «VET for REFUGEES» 14. 03. 2017 1

UDI – foreign Ministry l Asylm seekers applies to UDI for refugee status l UDI – foreign Ministry l Asylm seekers applies to UDI for refugee status l Average time for application process is 7 -8 months l In between asylmn seekers lives in reception centers l Yes: IMDi takes over No: they can appeal the desicion to UNE l 2 Velg Vis – Maler – Lysbildemal for å endre denne teksten

IMDi : The Directorate of Integration and Diversity l Works for equality and diversity IMDi : The Directorate of Integration and Diversity l Works for equality and diversity through employment, integration and participation. l Settlement in municipalities l Coopration with municipalities l Economy: financial grants from 1 -5 year 3 Velg Vis – Maler – Lysbildemal for å endre denne teksten

UNE l l l 4 Utlendingsnemnda (UNE) is an independent quasijudicial Appeals Board that UNE l l l 4 Utlendingsnemnda (UNE) is an independent quasijudicial Appeals Board that handles appeals of rejections by the Directorate of Immigration (UDI) pursuant to the Immigration Act. Administratively, UNE sorts under the Ministry of justice and public security, as IMDi. Although the Ministry can instruct the Board through legislation, regulations, budget and general priorities. Velg Vis – Maler – Lysbildemal for å endre denne teksten

Introduction act § 1 The purpose of this Act is to increase the possibility Introduction act § 1 The purpose of this Act is to increase the possibility of newly arrived immigrants participating in working and social life and to increase their financial independence. 5 Velg Vis – Maler – Lysbildemal for å endre denne teksten

Introductory programme l Refugees and their families who have been granted a residence permit Introductory programme l Refugees and their families who have been granted a residence permit in Norway have the right to are obliged to complete an introductory programme. l All municipalities that settle refugees are obliged to offer the programme. l Income: 2 G- 200 000 nok 6 Velg Vis – Maler – Lysbildemal for å endre denne teksten

Integration and diversity Verdal kommune l Establishet July 2016 as a new depertment : Integration and diversity Verdal kommune l Establishet July 2016 as a new depertment : to unit work and cooperation for refugees. l l 7 Used to be fragmented «Nobodys» responsibilty Velg Vis – Maler – Lysbildemal for å endre denne teksten

Integration and diverstity department l l l 8 Manager Integration coordinator Program adviser, Couch Integration and diverstity department l l l 8 Manager Integration coordinator Program adviser, Couch Adult education Secretary I&D are subject to the manager of community developemnt Velg Vis – Maler – Lysbildemal for å endre denne teksten

A good settlement This is done through a collaboration between the municipalities and the A good settlement This is done through a collaboration between the municipalities and the directorate. 9 Velg Vis – Maler – Lysbildemal for å endre denne teksten

l l The directorate “seeks out” refugees The municipalities decides on different challanges – l l The directorate “seeks out” refugees The municipalities decides on different challanges – – 10 Capasaty Available house/ apartment Health care, school, kindergarten We find a date for settlement and send to the reseption center Velg Vis – Maler – Lysbildemal for å endre denne teksten

Need - 11 Home Food Furniture Money I&M decides identify what is the need Need - 11 Home Food Furniture Money I&M decides identify what is the need for each refugee Conversation Guidance Velg Vis – Maler – Lysbildemal for å endre denne teksten

Norwegian and social studies tuition l Situated closed to I&D l The right and Norwegian and social studies tuition l Situated closed to I&D l The right and obligation to participate in an introduction programme shall apply to newly arrived foreign nationals between 18 and 55 years of age who need to obtain basic qualifications and who have been granted asylum The introduction programme shall be designed for persons who need to obtain basic qualifications. l 12 Velg Vis – Maler – Lysbildemal for å endre denne teksten

l An individually adapted plan shall be drawn up for any person who is l An individually adapted plan shall be drawn up for any person who is to participate in an introduction programme. l It shall be formulated on the basis of an identification of the training needs of the person concerned and of the measures that may be useful to the person concerned. 13 Velg Vis – Maler – Lysbildemal for å endre denne teksten

How we succsed l l l 14 Learn norwegian language Get a job and How we succsed l l l 14 Learn norwegian language Get a job and become financial independent Participate in community Velg Vis – Maler – Lysbildemal for å endre denne teksten

Cooperation is a keyword School Kindergarten Veksttorget Business 15 Volunteers Health services Intergration and Cooperation is a keyword School Kindergarten Veksttorget Business 15 Volunteers Health services Intergration and diversity Library NAV Culture Velg Vis – Maler – Lysbildemal for å endre denne teksten

Ongoing Projects l l 16 Obtain elemetary school Men in healthcare http: //mennihelse. no/ Ongoing Projects l l 16 Obtain elemetary school Men in healthcare http: //mennihelse. no/ - certificated Healty food Stekke cafe Velg Vis – Maler – Lysbildemal for å endre denne teksten

Du. Kan Learning Norwegian through practical work Illiterate Learning by doing - production - Du. Kan Learning Norwegian through practical work Illiterate Learning by doing - production - second-hand - sale of products 17 Velg Vis – Maler – Lysbildemal for å endre denne teksten

l l 18 Research Circulars- revision Act Legislation changes Velg Vis – Maler – l l 18 Research Circulars- revision Act Legislation changes Velg Vis – Maler – Lysbildemal for å endre denne teksten

l Our goal is to make – – good solutions good and expedient inclusion l Our goal is to make – – good solutions good and expedient inclusion and integration Inclusion: participate, development, affiliation Integration: basic qualifications, work, community Make the refugees thrive and feel good IMDi’s goal is to contribute to greater equality in living conditions through work, integration and participation. 19 Velg Vis – Maler – Lysbildemal for å endre denne teksten

Statistics Verdal 2016 6, 6 % of the population are immigrants q q Most Statistics Verdal 2016 6, 6 % of the population are immigrants q q Most of the immigrants comes from European countries 46, 6 % are working. . Still a way to q q q Most men in work and education Women is priority 20 Velg Vis – Maler – Lysbildemal for å endre denne teksten

Population 21 Velg Vis – Maler – Lysbildemal for å endre denne teksten Population 21 Velg Vis – Maler – Lysbildemal for å endre denne teksten

Adult education 2012 22 Velg Vis – Maler – Lysbildemal for å endre denne Adult education 2012 22 Velg Vis – Maler – Lysbildemal for å endre denne teksten

Level of education 30 -55 23 Velg Vis – Maler – Lysbildemal for å Level of education 30 -55 23 Velg Vis – Maler – Lysbildemal for å endre denne teksten

24 Velg Vis – Maler – Lysbildemal for å endre denne teksten 24 Velg Vis – Maler – Lysbildemal for å endre denne teksten

Thank you for your attention. Enjoy your stay here in Verdal. 25 Velg Vis Thank you for your attention. Enjoy your stay here in Verdal. 25 Velg Vis – Maler – Lysbildemal for å endre denne teksten