- Количество слайдов: 16
Very Small-Value Procurement Under World Bank/IDA Small Grants, Loans and Credits Zagreb Regional Procurement Training Feb. 27 – March 3, 2006
Very Small-Value Procurement ¡ For a specific project, only those methods and procedures which are considered appropriate for the project are included (or referred to) in the loan/credit or grant agreement. 2
Very Small-Value Procurement Manual Structure ¡ Instructions: ¡ ¡ ¡ Part I - small value procurement below $10, 000 Part II - small value procurement above $10, 000. Attachments - sample forms of ITQs, ¡ RFP, ¡ Evaluation Reports, ¡ Contracts ¡ 3
Part I. Small Value Procurement Below $10, 000 ¡ Operating Manual ¡ ¡ Register (List) of Potential Suppliers, Contractors and Consultants ¡ ¡ referred to in the Loan/Grant Agreement meeting simple benchmark requirements – turnover, staff, references Unit Price Reference Register ¡ to be updated every 6 months 4
Part I. Small Value Procurement Below $10, 000 ¡ ¡ ¡ Comparison of Prices for goods Comparison of Prices for works Selection of consultants Direct Contracting or Sole Sourcing Financing “Operating Costs” 5
Part I. Small Value Procurement Below $10, 000 Direct Contracting or Sole Sourcing if provided in the Loan/Credit/Grant Agreement ¡ ¡ ¡ Procurement of proprietary items, such as licensed materials, Required items available only from the manufacturer, Extension of an existing works contract for additional works (up to 20% of the original contract value), There is only one supplier, contractor or consultant in the grant-funded project area and in the neighboring areas, The justification of this method must be documented and kept on file 6
Part II. Small Value Procurement Above $10, 000 ¡ ¡ Shopping for Goods Shopping for Works Selection of a firm based on Consultant’s Qualification (CQ) Selection of Individual Consultant 7
Shopping for Goods (SG) and Works (SW) ¡ Clause 3. 5 of the Red Guidelines Shopping: l Price quotations obtained from several (min. 3) suppliers / contractors, to assure competitive prices. l Readily available off-the shelf goods or standard specification commodities of small value, or simple civil works of small value. l Requests for quotations shall indicate the description and quantity of the goods or specifications of works, as well as desired delivery (or completion) time and place. l Quotations may be submitted by letter, facsimile or by electronic means. l The evaluation of quotations shall follow the same principles as of open bidding. The terms of the accepted offer shall be incorporated in a purchase order or brief contract. l Bank often verifies if quotations are legitimate. 8
Shopping for Goods ¡ ¡ Invitation to Quote (ITQ) Form of Contract Form of Quotation Evaluation Form 9
Shopping For Works ¡ Invitation To Quote (ITQ) Section 1 – Specifications ¡ Section 2 – Bill of Quantities/Priced Activity Schedule ¡ Section 3 – Drawings ¡ ¡ Form of Contract Form of Quotation Evaluation Form 10
Selection Based on Consultant’s Qualifications (CQ) ¡ Clause 3. 7 of the Green Guidelines Shopping l For small assignments for which the need for preparing and evaluating competitive proposals is not justified. l Select from short list the firm with the most appropriate qualifications and references l The selected firm should be asked to submit a combined technical-financial proposal and then be invited to negotiate the contract l The Borrower shall publish in UNDB and dg. Market the name of the consultant to which the contract was awarded (may be done quarterly in a summarized table) 11
Selection Based on Consultant’s Qualifications (CQ) ¡ ¡ ¡ Sample Format for Request of Expressions of Interest Evaluation Report on Qualifications and Experience of Consultants Request for Proposals (RFP) 12
Request for Proposals (RFP) ¡ ¡ ¡ Request for Proposals Technical Proposal Submission Form Entity’s References ¡ Relevant Services Carried Out in the Last Three Years that Best Illustrate Qualifications ¡ Sample Format of Curriculum Vitae (CV) Cost Estimate of Services and Schedule of Rates Terms of Reference (TORs) 13
Terms of Reference (TORs) ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Background information on the project Objective/s of the assignment Scope of Work Expected Outcomes Qualification requirements and basis for evaluation (evaluation criteria) Duration of the assignment and estimated time input Reporting requirements 14
Selection of Individual Consultant ¡ ¡ Sample Format of CV Evaluation Report 15
Sample Contract for Simple Consulting Services ¡ Small Assignments Time-Based Payments ¡ ¡ ¡ Annex A: Terms of Reference and Scope of Services Annex B: Consultant’s Reporting Obligations Annex C: Cost Estimate of Services, List of Personnel and Schedule of Rates ¡ Small Assignments Lump-Sum Payments ¡ ¡ ¡ Annex A: Terms of Reference and Scope of Services Annex B: Consultant’s Personnel Annex C: Consultant’s Reporting Obligations 16