Скачать презентацию Very Fast Containment of Scanning Worms Nicholas Weaver Скачать презентацию Very Fast Containment of Scanning Worms Nicholas Weaver


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Very Fast Containment of Scanning Worms Nicholas Weaver, Stuart Staniford, Vern Paxson Presented by: Very Fast Containment of Scanning Worms Nicholas Weaver, Stuart Staniford, Vern Paxson Presented by: Yi Xian, Chuan Qin 1

Outline v v v Worm containment Scan suppression Hardware implementations Approximate TRW Cooperation Attacking Outline v v v Worm containment Scan suppression Hardware implementations Approximate TRW Cooperation Attacking worm containment 2

Worm Classification According to the ways by which the worms discover new targets to Worm Classification According to the ways by which the worms discover new targets to exploit: Scanning worms v random scanning / subnet scanning Routing worms v BGP information can tell which IP address blocks are allocated Flash worms v Pre-generated Hit list of vulnerable machines, which is determined before worm launch by scanning, is sent with payload v Gives the worm a boost in the slow start phase Topological worms v Use the information stored on compromised hosts to find new targets v E. g. Email worms use email addresses, IM worms use buddy list Meta-server worms v First queries the meta-server in order to determine new targets. v A meta-server keeps a list of servers which are currently active. Passive worms v No active scanning v Either waits for a vulnerable system to contact it or rely on user behavior to discover new targets 3

Scanning Worms v What is scanning worm? Picking “random” addresses and attempting to infect Scanning Worms v What is scanning worm? Picking “random” addresses and attempting to infect them. Code Red & Slammer – fully random; Code Red II & Nimda – subnet scanning; “differentially” picking addresses closer to itself; bias toward local addresses; Blaster – linear scanning; random-start, sequential search Welchia – an attempted good worm to prevent and remove Blaster; random-start, sequential scanning; checking with ICMP whether the IP was live before attempting to infect the address; 4

Scanning Worms v Key properties of scanning worms: Most scanning attempts fails Infected machines Scanning Worms v Key properties of scanning worms: Most scanning attempts fails Infected machines will institute many connection attempts v The spread of worm relies on: The number of initially infected hosts A worm’s scan rate A worm’s hitting probability 5

Scanning Worms v How to mitigate the spread of worms? Prevention Reduce size of Scanning Worms v How to mitigate the spread of worms? Prevention Reduce size of vulnerable population v Insufficient to counter worm threat v Treatment Once a host is infected, clean it up immediately v long time to develop cleanup code, and too slow to have a significant impact v People don’t install patches v Containment 6

Containment v v Protect individual networks and isolate infected hosts Most Promising Solution Can Containment v v Protect individual networks and isolate infected hosts Most Promising Solution Can be completely automated, otherwise, too slow to be useful Containment does not require participation of each host on the internet v Deployment scenarios Ideally, a global deployment is preferable. Otherwise, any uncontained but infected machines will be able to infect other systems. Practically, a global deployment is impossible. May be deploying at the border of ISP networks 7

Worm Containment v Defense against scanning worms Leverage the anomaly of a local host Worm Containment v Defense against scanning worms Leverage the anomaly of a local host attempting to connect to multiple other hosts Works by detecting that a worm is operating in the network v Containment is based on worm behavior, not signatures (content) – be able to stop new scanning worms Then blocking the infected machines from contacting further hosts v Containment by address blocking (blacklisting) v Does not apply to: Hit lists (flash worms) Meta-servers (online list) Topology detectors Contagion worms 8

Worm Containment v Break the network into many cells Within each cell a worm Worm Containment v Break the network into many cells Within each cell a worm can spread unimpeded. Between cells, containment limits further infections by blocking outgoing connections from infected cells. v Must have very low false positive rate. Blocking suspicious machines can cause a Do. S attack if false positive rate is high. v Need for complete deployment within an enterprise Integrated into the network’s outer switches or similar hardware elements, since containment works best when the cells are small. 9

Epidemic threshold v Worm-suppression device must necessarily allow some scanning before it triggers a Epidemic threshold v Worm-suppression device must necessarily allow some scanning before it triggers a response Worm may find a victim during that time v The epidemic threshold depends on The sensitivity of the containment response devices v Low scan threshold T The density of vulnerable machines on the network v E. g. Using NAT and DHCP to distribute potential targets in a larger address space The degree to which the worm is able to target its efforts into the correct network, and even into the current cell 10

Sustained Scanning Threshold v If worm scans slower than sustained scanning threshold, the detector Sustained Scanning Threshold v If worm scans slower than sustained scanning threshold, the detector will not trigger So, it is vital to achieve as low a sustained scanning threshold as possible such that humans can notice the problem developing and take additional action. For this implementation, threshold set to 1 scan per minute For an enterprise with 256(2^8) vulnerable machines. v If a worm biases its scanning such that ½ the effort is used to scan the local /16, then on average it will locate another target within the enterprise after 2^9 scans. v threshold = one scan per second, the initial population’s doubling time: 2^9 seconds, that is the population will double once every 8. 5 minutes v threshold = one scan per minute, doubling time: 8. 5 hours, which is slow enough for humans to notice the problem and take actions. v 11

Outline v v v Worm containment Scan suppression Hardware implementations Approximate TRW Cooperation Attacking Outline v v v Worm containment Scan suppression Hardware implementations Approximate TRW Cooperation Attacking worm containment 12

Scan Suppression v Responding to detected portscans by blocking future scanning attempts Portscans – Scan Suppression v Responding to detected portscans by blocking future scanning attempts Portscans – Probe attempts to determine if a service is operating at a target IP address Two basic types v Horizontal – search for identical service on large number of machines v Vertical – examine an individual machine to discover running services v Or, combines these two types 13

Scan Suppression v Goals – Preventing scans coming from “outside” inbound to the “inside”; Scan Suppression v Goals – Preventing scans coming from “outside” inbound to the “inside”; keep worm below epidemic threshold, or slow it down so humans notice Preventing scans from Internet is too hard Protect the enterprise, forget the Internet The enterprise network is “inside” The cell (local area network) is “outside” v v Divide the enterprise network into cells Each cell is guarded by a filter employing the scan detection algorithm 14

Threshold Random Walk v Assumption: benign traffic has a higher probability of success than Threshold Random Walk v Assumption: benign traffic has a higher probability of success than attack traffic v Threshold Random Walk (TRW) detection algorithm Detect failed/succeeded connections v Y_i : outcome of the first connection attempt by a remote source r to the ith distinct local host v if success, Y_i = 0, otherwise, Y_i = 1 Sequential Hypothesis Testing v Two hypothesis: benign (H_0) and scanner (H_1) v Probabilities determined by the equations below v Estimate q 0 and q 1 (The assumption that benign has higher chance of succeeding connection implies: q 0 > q 1 ) 15

Threshold Random Walk Set upper and lower thresholds h 0, h 1 v Where, Threshold Random Walk Set upper and lower thresholds h 0, h 1 v Where, a > false positive rate; b < detection accuracy (the algorithm picks H_1 when H_1 is in fact true) For each test, compute the likelihood ratio: Compare to the thresholds: If L < h 0 then this is benign traffic L > h 1 then this is scan traffic 16

Threshold Random Walk 17 Threshold Random Walk 17

Threshold Random Walk v Problems: Requires a very large amount of state to keep Threshold Random Walk v Problems: Requires a very large amount of state to keep track of which pairs of addresses have already tried to connect, too costly for a line-rate hardware implementation SYN flooding attack with spoofed remote address will exhaust the state Only detect horizontal TCP scans Once benign address being blocked, no chance to communicate again 18

Outline v v v Worm containment Scan suppression Hardware implementations Approximate TRW Cooperation Attacking Outline v v v Worm containment Scan suppression Hardware implementations Approximate TRW Cooperation Attacking worm containment 19

Hardware Implementations v Constraints in hardware implementation Memory access speed Surprisingly significant constraint v Hardware Implementations v Constraints in hardware implementation Memory access speed Surprisingly significant constraint v For duplex gigabit Ethernet, only have time to access DRAM 4 times v Worse for 10 -g networks: DRAM no longer optional, must use SRAM v Independent memory banks Different banks can be access simultaneously v Mitigate the access constraint, but adds the cost v Memory size SRAM only be able to hold a few tens of M v DRAM can deal with G v 20

Hardware Implementations v Design Goals Adopt for both DRAM at 1 g Ethernet and Hardware Implementations v Design Goals Adopt for both DRAM at 1 g Ethernet and SRAM at 10 g Ethernet Access times No more than 4 memory accesses per packet to 2 separate tables v 2 accesses for each, a read and a write to same location v Memory size v Less than 16 MB needed, so SRAM can be optional 21

Hardware Implementations v Mechanism 1 – Approximate caches A cache for which allow collisions Hardware Implementations v Mechanism 1 – Approximate caches A cache for which allow collisions cause imperfections Fixed memory available When collision occurs, combine or evict data Two results: false positives or false negatives In this scene, false negative is acceptable, false positive should avoid Very simple lookups, vital for high-performance hardware implementation Attacker behaviors v Predicting the hashing algorithm by creating collisions Defense – a keyed hash function v Simply overwhelming the cache by generating a massive amount of “normal” activity to cloak malicious behavior require substantial resources. 22

Hardware Implementations v Mechanism 2 – Efficient small 32 bit block ciphers Equivalent to Hardware Implementations v Mechanism 2 – Efficient small 32 bit block ciphers Equivalent to an 32 -bit keyed permutation Works by permuting the N-bit value with a key Separate the resulting N-bit value into an k-bit index and a tag Superior to using a hash function, since only need (N-k) bits for the tag Prevent attackers from controlling collisions 23

Outline v v v Worm containment Scan suppression Hardware implementations Approximate TRW Cooperation Attacking Outline v v v Worm containment Scan suppression Hardware implementations Approximate TRW Cooperation Attacking worm containment 24

Approximate TRW v Basic Strategies Using approximate caches to track connections and addresses v Approximate TRW v Basic Strategies Using approximate caches to track connections and addresses v Connection cache tracks the direction and the age of each connection v Address cache tracks the “count” of every detected addresses Replace the old addresses and old ports if the corresponding entry has timed out; Track addresses indefinitely as long as we do not have to evict their state from our caches; Detect vertical as well as horizontal TCP scans, and horizontal UDP scans; Implement a “hygiene filter” to thwart some stealthy scanning techniques without causing undue restrictions on normal machines. 25

Connection Cache v v v Using table indexed by hashing inside. IP, outside. IP Connection Cache v v v Using table indexed by hashing inside. IP, outside. IP and inside port (TCP) Recording if we’ve seen a packet in each direction and a age counter Combines entries in the case of aliasing, may turn unidirectional connection into bidirectional or turn failed connection attempt into success (biases to false negative) Age is reset on each forwarded packet Every minute, back ground process purges entries older than Dconn 26

Address Cache v v v Using a 4 -way associative cache to track outside Address Cache v v v Using a 4 -way associative cache to track outside IP Dividing encrypted outside. IP into index /tag, then use index/tag to find an entry The count keeps the difference between successes and failures, the address will be blocked if its count is larger than T Counts are decremented every Dmiss seconds Counts can not larger than Cmax or less than Cmin Evict entries in case of aliasing, among the entries with the same index, the entry with the least count value will be evicted 27

Blocking and Special cases v If an address’s count exceeds T, block it For Blocking and Special cases v If an address’s count exceeds T, block it For packets from blocked address Do not match any existing connection, drop Match an existing good connection v If it is a UDP or TCP SYN, drop v Else, pass v Treat TCP RST, RST+ACK, SYN+ACK, FIN+ACK specially (hygiene filter) Do not correspond to a connection established in the other direction, drop (not block cause they may be benign activity) Else, pass 28

Algorithm Pseudo-code 29 Algorithm Pseudo-code 29

Out In Connection cache Internet A A, X: Out. In - A, *: Out. Out In Connection cache Internet A A, X: Out. In - A, *: Out. In - A, Y: Out. In - A, Z: Out. In - A, B: Out. In In. Out - B Address cache A: 1 max 3 2 C T v UDP Probe: A → X [fwd] A → Y [fwd] v Normal Traffic: A → B [fwd] B → A [fwd, bidir] v Scanning again: A → … [fwd until T] A → Z [blocked] A→B ? [block SYN/UDP, fwd TCP] 30

Parameters and Tuning v Parameters T: miss-hit difference that causes block, vary from site Parameters and Tuning v Parameters T: miss-hit difference that causes block, vary from site to site. Cmin: minimum count to prevent good address turn into bad Cmax: maximum count to allow bad address be connected again Dmiss: decay rate for misses Dconn: decay rate for idle connections Cache size and associativity, fixed 31

Evaluation All outbound connections over a threshold of 5 were flagged by the algorithm Evaluation All outbound connections over a threshold of 5 were flagged by the algorithm v v v Connection cache = 1 MB, Address cache = 4 MB T = 5, Cmin = -20, Cmax = infinity, Dmiss = 1 minute, Dconn = 10 minutes During test, 20% of connection cache is full, mean 20% false negative rate 32

Evaluation Additional alerts on the outbound traffic generated when sensitivity was increased v v Evaluation Additional alerts on the outbound traffic generated when sensitivity was increased v v Set the parameters for maximum sensitivity Connection cache = 4 MB, Cmin = -5, Dmiss = infinity 33

Williamson implementation v v Williamson’s algorithm uses a small cache of previously-allowed destinations For Williamson implementation v v Williamson’s algorithm uses a small cache of previously-allowed destinations For all SYNs and UDP packets, if the destination found in cache, forward. If not, record and forward. But if the source has sent to a new destination, add the packet to a delay queue. Packet in delay queue forward by one destination per second, block will be trigger if the delay queue is too long 34

Outline v v v Worm containment Scan suppression Hardware implementations Approximate TRW Cooperation Attacking Outline v v v Worm containment Scan suppression Hardware implementations Approximate TRW Cooperation Attacking worm containment 35

Cooperation v v Divide enterprise into small cells Connect all cells via low-latency channel Cooperation v v Divide enterprise into small cells Connect all cells via low-latency channel A cell’s detector notifies others when it blocks an address (“kill message”) Blocking threshold dynamically adapts to number of blocks in enterprise: T’ = T(1 – θ)X, for very small θ, where θ controls how aggressively to reduce T and X is the number of other blocks in place Changing θ does not change epidemic threshold, but reduces infection density 36

Cooperation – Effect of θ 37 Cooperation – Effect of θ 37

Cooperation v Questions: Should a complete shutdown be possible? How to connect cells (practically)? Cooperation v Questions: Should a complete shutdown be possible? How to connect cells (practically)? 38

Outline v v v Worm containment Scan suppression Hardware implementations Approximate TRW Cooperation Attacking Outline v v v Worm containment Scan suppression Hardware implementations Approximate TRW Cooperation Attacking worm containment 39

Attacking worm containment v False positives Unidirectional control flow Forge packets (though this does Attacking worm containment v False positives Unidirectional control flow Forge packets (though this does not prevent inside systems from initiating connections) v False negatives Use a non-scanning technique (topological, meta-server, passive and hit-list) Scan under detection threshold Use a white-listed port to test for liveness before scanning 40

Attacking Cooperation v v v Attempt to outrace containment if initial threshold is highly Attacking Cooperation v v v Attempt to outrace containment if initial threshold is highly permissive Flood cooperation channels Cooperative collapse False positives high enough to cause lowered thresholds Lowered thresholds cause more false positives which further reduce threshold Feedback causes collapse of network 41

Attacking Worm Containment v Detecting the presence of containment Try to contact already infected Attacking Worm Containment v Detecting the presence of containment Try to contact already infected hosts Go stealthy if containment is detected v Circumventing containment Embed scan in storm of spoofed packets (cause trash in address cache, and pollute the connection cache with many half-open connections) Two-sided evasion: v Inside and outside host initiate normal connections to counter penalty of scanning v Can modify algorithm to prevent by excluding port informantion, but lose vertical scan detection 42

Conclusion v v v Develop containment algorithms suitable for deployment in high-speed, low-cost network Conclusion v v v Develop containment algorithms suitable for deployment in high-speed, low-cost network hardware Able to detect scanning for fewer than 10 attempts for a highly sensitive machine and for a normal machine in 30 attempts Devise the mechanisms for cooperation that enable multiple containment devices to more effectively detect and respond to an emerging infection. 43

Additional References [1] Mark Shaneck. Worms: Taxonomy and Detection. [2] Weaver, Paxson, Staniford, Cunningham. Additional References [1] Mark Shaneck. Worms: Taxonomy and Detection. [2] Weaver, Paxson, Staniford, Cunningham. A Taxonomy of Computer Worms, ACM Workshop on Rapid Malcode, 2003. [3] Jaeyeon Jung, Vern Paxson, Arthur W. Berger, Hari Balakrishnan, Fast Portscan Detection Using Sequential Hypothesis Testing. 44

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