- Количество слайдов: 8
Verbs with infinitives (2 verb phrases)
2 verb phrases In Spanish, just like English, you DO conjugate the 1 st verb but you DON’T conjugate the 2 nd verb in a 2 -verb phrase. Example: I want to read a book. Yo quiero leer un libro.
2 verb phrases Gustar + infinitive (to like to do something) A Chinche le gusta trabajar. Encantar + infinitive (to love to do something) A Chinche le encanta bailar. Remember that gustar and encantar only have 2 forms: Gusta/gustan Encanta/encantan.
Poder + infinitive (to be able to do something) Chinche puede cantar bien. Deber + infinitive (should do something) Chinche debe limpiar la casa. Preferir + infinitive (to prefer to do something) Chinche prefiere mirar una película.
Querer + infinitive (to want to do something) Chinche quiere comer una galleta. Pensar + infinitive (to think about doing something) Chinche piensa dormir. Necesitar + infinitive (to need to do something. Chinche necesita hacer la tarea.
These 3 have a little something extra Tener que + infinitive (to have to do something) Chinche tiene que hacer ejercicio. Ir a + infinitive (to be going to do something) Chinche va a ganar el partido. Acabar de + infinitive (to have just done something) Chinche acaba de leer un poema.
1. I like to run in the mornings 2. Juan wants to go to the gym 3. I would like to dance in the restaurant 4. Juan has to do his homework 5. We can speak Spanish 6. You need to read your book 7. My mom and I should cook the cookies 8. I want to sleep in my house 9. He can go to his school tomorrow 10. I need to ski with my friends
I like to run in the mornings Me gusta correr en la mañana. Juan wants to go to the gym Juan quiere ir al gimnasio. I would like to dance in the restaurant Me gustaría bailar en el restaurante. Juan has to do his homework Juan tiene que hacer la tarea. We can speak Spanish Podemos hablar Español. You need to read your book Tú necesitas leer tu libro. My mom and I should cook the cookies. Mí mamá y yo debemos cocinar las galletas. I want to sleep in my house. Yo quiero dormir en mí casa. He can go to his school tomorrow Él puede ir a su escuela mañana. I need to ski with my friends Yo necesito esquiar con mis amigos.