The Gerund.ppt
- Количество слайдов: 7
Verb Gerund Indefinite Perfect Active Ving Having V 3/ed Passive Being V 3/ed Having been V 3/ed I like reading books. Thanks for having helped me. They continued listening attentively. On/after receiving a telegram we went to the station.
Noun Smoking is harmful. He likes talking to me. Nobody thought of going there. Don’t fear my forgetting you.
Use only Gerund! To suggest To finish To leave off To give up To avoid To enjoy To put off To postpone To delay To go on To keep on Cannot help I can’t help eating sweets. To fancy To mind I postpone doing my homework. To want To need To require The house wants repairing. Busy Like Worth I don’t feel like working. The book is worth reading.
Use Gerund or Infinitive To begin To start To continue To like To prefer To intend To propose To try To refuse To forget They began playing. They began to play. Яка? The habit of TV viewing Який? The intention of saying Writing paper призначення
Complexes with Gerund Don’t fear my forgetting you. Присвійний займенник Gerund They told us of Peter’s coming here. Іменник (присв. відм. ) Gerund I didn’t believe in his plan (its) working. Gerund Іменник (заг. відм. ) Присвійний займенник I remember his sister taking part in the concert. Gerund Іменник (заг. відм. ) I don’t like him going there. Особовий займенник (об. відм. ) Gerund
Verb + Gerund Begin Enjoy Be no use after It’s no use going there now. Thank for Think of Insist on Look forward to Excuse for Be sorry for Be proud of Wait for Object to Dream of Be pleased of Be sure of Be surprised at Instead of She dreams of going to France.
The Gerund.ppt