Скачать презентацию Veolia ZNP Meeting Proposal for integrated management of Скачать презентацию Veolia ZNP Meeting Proposal for integrated management of


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Veolia ZNP Meeting Proposal for integrated management of pig farm slurry Zero Nuisance Piggeries Veolia ZNP Meeting Proposal for integrated management of pig farm slurry Zero Nuisance Piggeries (ZNP) Experimental farm of Finistere Chamber of agriculture (29520 St Goazec) (4 October 2007) Project is co-financed by the European Community as part of the LIFE-Environment project 1

Program 11 h 00 – 11 h 30 Welcome 11 h 30 – 11 Program 11 h 00 – 11 h 30 Welcome 11 h 30 – 11 h 40 Open speech Michel DUTANG – Research director of Veolia Environnement 11 h 40 – 11 h 50 Pig slurry – Brittany region (France) Guy RANDON – Technical manager of Veolia Water – Ouest Region (France) 11 h 50 – 12 h 00 Positioning and further actions Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement Hervé SUTY – General manager of Water research center of Veolia Environnement (Anjou Recherche) 12 h 00 – 12 h 20 Problematic and context – ZNP project Jens MEINHOLD – Director of wastewater program (Anjou Recherche) 2

Program Results and final evaluation – ZNP project Juan OCHOA – Project manager (Anjou Program Results and final evaluation – ZNP project Juan OCHOA – Project manager (Anjou Recherche) 13 h 00 – 14 h 00 Buffet 14 h 00 – 14 h 30 Prototype Visit 14 h 30 – 15 h 30 Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement 12 h 20– 13 h 00 Discussion 15 h 30 – 16 h 30 Visit to Finistere Chamber of agriculture 16 h 30– 17 h 30 Cocktail 3 17 h 30 Bus Qimper airport transport

Program 11 h 00 – 11 h 30 Welcome 11 h 30 – 11 Program 11 h 00 – 11 h 30 Welcome 11 h 30 – 11 h 40 Open speech Michel DUTANG – Research director of Veolia Environnement 11 h 40 – 11 h 50 Pig slurry – Brittany region (France) Guy RANDON – Technical manager of Veolia Water – Ouest Region (France) Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement 11 h 50 – 12 h 00 Positioning and further actions Hervé SUTY – General manager of Water research center of Veolia Environnement (Anjou Recherche) 12 h 00 – 12 h 20 Problematic and context – ZNP project Jens MEINHOLD – Director of wastewater program (Anjou Recherche) 4

Program 11 h 00 – 11 h 30 Welcome 11 h 30 – 11 Program 11 h 00 – 11 h 30 Welcome 11 h 30 – 11 h 40 Open speech Michel DUTANG – Research director of Veolia Environnement 11 h 40 – 11 h 50 Pig slurry – Brittany region (France) Guy RANDON – Technical manager of Veolia Water – Ouest Region (France) Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement 11 h 50 – 12 h 00 Positioning and further actions Hervé SUTY – General manager of Water research center of Veolia Environnement (Anjou Recherche) 12 h 00 – 12 h 20 Problematic and context – ZNP project Jens MEINHOLD – Director of wastewater program (Anjou Recherche) 5

Program 11 h 00 – 11 h 30 Welcome 11 h 30 – 11 Program 11 h 00 – 11 h 30 Welcome 11 h 30 – 11 h 40 Open speech Michel DUTANG – Research director of Veolia Environnement 11 h 40 – 11 h 50 Pig slurry – Brittany region (France) Guy RANDON – Technical manager of Veolia Water – Ouest Region (France) Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement 11 h 50 – 12 h 00 Positioning and further actions Hervé SUTY – General manager of Water research center of Veolia Environnement (Anjou Recherche) 12 h 00 – 12 h 20 Problematic and context – ZNP project Jens MEINHOLD – Director of wastewater program (Anjou Recherche) 6

Centre de Recherche sur l’Eau – Anjou recherche Projet Life “Zero Nuisance Piggery” Hervé Centre de Recherche sur l’Eau – Anjou recherche Projet Life “Zero Nuisance Piggery” Hervé SUTY General manager of Water research center of Veolia Environnement (Anjou Recherche) 7

Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement Le porc dans le monde n 42% de Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement Le porc dans le monde n 42% de la consommation mondiale de viande. n Un cheptel d’un milliard de têtes dont 50% en Chine. n Une production annuelle de 2, 5 milliards de m 3 de lisier. 8

Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement Le porc dans le monde 9 Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement Le porc dans le monde 9

Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement Le porc en France (source Ifip) n. Cheptel=15 Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement Le porc en France (source Ifip) n. Cheptel=15 millions de têtes n 72% de la production en Bretagne –Normandie Pays de Loire. n 37 millions de m 3 de lisier/an=185 k. T de N/an 555 k. T de C/an n 56 millions Eq. H/jour 10

Les lisiers un effluent complexe Connaissance des lisiers: la charge n. Les lisiers sont Les lisiers un effluent complexe Connaissance des lisiers: la charge n. Les lisiers sont des effluents complexes chargés en MO et en sels, mais ils représentent aussi une forte valeur agronomique Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement n 10 L par porc/jour environ Forte potentialité de précipitation np. H ≈ 8 n ≈ 32 m. S/cm n. Redox ≈ - 220 m. V n. DCO ≈ 50 g/l n. COT ≈ 13 g/L dont 5, 3 de soluble n. DBO 5 ≈ 15 g/l n. MES ≈ 50 g/l n. NH 4+ ≈ 4 g/L n. Ca. CO 3 ≈ 20 g/L n. S ≈ 210 mg/L 11

Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement Type de solution biologique Type de solution Carbofil® Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement Type de solution biologique Type de solution Carbofil® : - nitrification/dénitrification biologique - Récupération du phosphore par centrifugation - Recirculation de l’eau traitée pour flush : passage de 50 à 25 ppm de NH 3/m 3 d’air…gain de 30 g/j/porc! - Suivi à distance de l’installation proposé par le fournisseur 12

Contexte économique n Cours du porc : 1, 33€/kg en France, entre 1, 22 Contexte économique n Cours du porc : 1, 33€/kg en France, entre 1, 22 (Danemark) et 1, 83 (Grèce) en Europe n Moyenne de coût global du traitement (ex « paysan breton » ) : 8 €/m 3 (mini 7 maxi 19 €/m 3 ex « OFIVAL » ) ou 0, 052 €/kg (mini 0, 023 maxi 0, 09 €/kg dépendamment du traitement mais surtout du volume à traiter) n Traitement biologique (ex « paysan breton » ) : Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement è Investissement de base de l’ordre de 39 €/m 3 soit 4, 62 €/m 3 en amortissement (subventions déduites) è Coût réparti à 60% investissement - 40% fonctionnement è Le coût de fonctionnement est : • • 35% énergie 30% main d’œuvre 10% en Maintenance 25% la gestion du compost n En compostage le coût global serait de 11 €/m 3 (coût de la paille et de transport/manutention) 13

Historique du projet Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement n Forte demande d’un procédé Historique du projet Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement n Forte demande d’un procédé différenciant placé économiquement n Pourquoi le MBR : è Traitement d’un lisier frais plutôt dilué è Faibles débits è Possibilité de recycler l’eau traitée pour des « flushs » fréquents avec limitation des odeurs è Obtention d’une boue valorisable en compost 14

Historique du projet n 2002 premiers essais de faisabilité Budget 2005 K€ 2006 K€ Historique du projet n 2002 premiers essais de faisabilité Budget 2005 K€ 2006 K€ 2007 K€ Charges internes 116 97 43 Charges externes 236 54 114 recettes 36 65 30 Coût net 316 86 127 Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement è 100 k. E de budget (essais mini pilote+analyse) n 2003 montage d’un projet avec l’ENSCR soumis à l’ADEME et non accepté n 2004 montage d ’un projet life toujours avec l’ENSCR accepté n 2005 -2007 programme LIFE ZNP de démonstration avec lancement d’une thèse Coût global du projet ≈ 650 k. E sur 5 ans 15

Traitement des lisiers par MBR – projet ZNP No Odour? ? ? Yes, they Traitement des lisiers par MBR – projet ZNP No Odour? ? ? Yes, they call it innovation n Projet finalisé è Résultats positifs en termes d’efficacité technique Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement n Une solution nouvelle de traitement MBR è Quel positionnement technique (avantages inconvénients) ? è Quel positionnement économique ? è Quelles perspectives d’offres commerciales ? 16

Perspectives R&D : la méthanisation Méthanisation des lisiers: les perturbateurs Conditions inhibitrices lisier p. Perspectives R&D : la méthanisation Méthanisation des lisiers: les perturbateurs Conditions inhibitrices lisier p. H <0, 6 ou p. H > 7, 6 7, 97 > 2 g/l 8, 6 g/l AGV/TAC < 0, 1 ou > 0, 3 0, 51 NH 4+ <1, 5 ou >3 g/l 5, 8 g/l NH 3 <100 ou > 200 mg/l 159 mg/l H 2 S > 100 mg/l 210 mg/l Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement AGV 0, 4 L de méthane / g de COT consommé 17

Perspectives R&D : la méthanisation Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement La méthanisation des Perspectives R&D : la méthanisation Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement La méthanisation des lisiers: éléments de dimensionnement n Type méthaniseur: mélange intégral n TRH: 21 jours soit 630 m 3 pour Qj=30 m 3. j-1 n Température de fonctionnement: 37°C n Production de CH 4 13, 2 kg. COT/m 3 x 30 m 3/j x 0, 4 m 3 CH 4/kg de COT =158 m 3/j n Richesse du biogaz : 65 % de CH 4 n Volume biogaz : 238 m 3/j = 10 m 3/H n Valeur énergétique: 6, 5 k. Wh/m 3 = 65 k. Wh th/H 18

Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement Perspectives R&D : la codigestion n Apport d’une Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement Perspectives R&D : la codigestion n Apport d’une source carbonée extérieure (effluent IAA, graisses, boues de STEP, autres produits d’origine agricole…) n Beaucoup d’informations mais peu de données exploitables ( TRH, T°, variabilité de la charge et des produits…) n A retenir l’étude comparative de l’ADAESO gain énergétique de 143% 19

Perspectives R&D : la codigestion n Les lisiers de porcherie sont des effluents complexes Perspectives R&D : la codigestion n Les lisiers de porcherie sont des effluents complexes dont la valeur énergétique est relativement faible n Nous n’avons pas de bibliothèque de données sur les co substrats (COT, potentiel méthanogène, volumes…) n Nous n’avons pas de recul sur la codigestion des déjections animales avec des effluents urbains et/ ou industriels pour optimiser nos calculs Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement n La vente d’électricité ne finance pas les investissements, ni pour le traitement des lisiers, ni pour une codigestion. n Le vente de l’énergie peut permettre l’autofinancement des centrales de cogénération 20

Perspectives R&D : la codigestion propositions n Créer une bibliothèque de données sur la Perspectives R&D : la codigestion propositions n Créer une bibliothèque de données sur la codigestion et la cogénération adaptées aux volumes traitables Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement n Définir sur banc test pilote : l’incidence de la température sur la méthanisation la valeur des différents coefficients que l’on applique aux équations (COT/CH 4, cp, pertes thermiques…) Les TRH optimaux La cinétique d’hydrolyse des fibres Le comportement des mélanges en codigestion La production de biogaz selon les mélanges n Dimensionner sur des données précises une unité de démonstration et l’exploiter 21

Program 11 h 00 – 11 h 30 Welcome 11 h 30 – 11 Program 11 h 00 – 11 h 30 Welcome 11 h 30 – 11 h 40 Open speech Michel DUTANG – Research director of Veolia Environnement 11 h 40 – 11 h 50 Pig slurry – Brittany region (France) Guy RANDON – Technical manager of Veolia Water – Ouest Region (France) Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement 11 h 50 – 12 h 00 Positioning and further actions Hervé SUTY – General manager of Water research center of Veolia Environnement (Anjou Recherche) 12 h 00 – 12 h 20 Problematic and context – ZNP project Jens MEINHOLD – Director of wastewater program (Anjou Recherche) 22

Integrated management of pig farm slurry Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement Context – Integrated management of pig farm slurry Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement Context – the ZNP project Jens MEINHOLD R&D Manager, Biological Processes & Waste. Water Treatment Water Research Center, VE 23

The Project - origin The underlying idea: n Develop for VE a new concept The Project - origin The underlying idea: n Develop for VE a new concept representing an alternative to existing solution on the “pig manure market”. Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement Zero Nuisance Piggery : n Integrated livestock management aiming at an improved manure treatment, reduced odor emissions and at acceptable costs. è Covering liquid, solid and gaseous emissions No Odour? ? ? Yes, they call it innovation 28

The Project - origin Leading to a: Demonstration Project co-financed by the European Commission The Project - origin Leading to a: Demonstration Project co-financed by the European Commission (LIFE-Environnement). n Steps è Pilot plant construction on-site è 24 months of experimental work Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement n Deliverables è è Design parameters Achievable technical performance; Economic evaluation ( Investment and operational costs). Monitoring the fate of antibiotics 29

Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement The Project – the construction phase 30 Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement The Project – the construction phase 30

Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement 31 Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement 31

Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD HO MEIN Jens CHOA Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD HO MEIN Jens CHOA O Juan 1 Project Leader Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement Jens MEINHOLD Juan OCHOA R&D Manager, Waste. Water Treatment Water Research Center Project Manager Municipal Waste. Water & Sludges Departement Water Research Center 32

Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD HO MEIN Jens CHOA Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD HO MEIN Jens CHOA O Juan ners rt 2. Pa u he ea ent) herc e rec vironnem ntr 1. Ce eolia En (V au t) olia E 2. Ve ion Oues (Rég Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement lture gricu e d’A am b r 3. Chetagne e de Br rieur Supé al s ation e ole N Renn 4. Ec imie de h C 2 Partners Project co-financed by European community by LIFE ENVIRONNEMNT program Water Research Center (Veolia environnement) Expertise in processing liquid effluent Veolia Water (Ouest Region) Technical support Ecole National Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes Expertise in the processing and analysis of gaseous effluent Chambre d’Agriculture du Finistère Monitoring of compost and aspects relating to animal breeding 33

Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD HO MEIN Jens CHOA Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD HO MEIN Jens CHOA O Juan ners rt 2. Pa u he ea ent) herc e rec vironnem ntr 1. Ce eolia En (V 2 Partners Water Team au t) olia E 2. Ve ion Oues (Rég Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement lture gricu e d’A am b r 3. Chetagne e de Br rieur Supé al s ation e ole N Renn 4. Ec imie de h C 34

Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD HO MEIN Jens CHOA Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD HO MEIN Jens CHOA O Juan ners rt 2. Pa u he ea ent) herc e rec vironnem ntr 1. Ce eolia En (V 2 Partners Water Team Compost Team au t) olia E 2. Ve ion Oues (Rég Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement lture gricu e d’A am b r 3. Chetagne e de Br rieur Supé al s ation e ole N Renn 4. Ec imie de h C 35

Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD HO MEIN Jens CHOA Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD HO MEIN Jens CHOA O Juan ners rt 2. Pa u he ea ent) herc e rec vironnem ntr 1. Ce eolia En (V au t) olia E 2. Ve ion Oues (Rég 2 Partners Water Team Compost Team Air Team Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement lture gricu e d’A am b r 3. Chetagne e de Br rieur Supé al s ation e ole N Renn 4. Ec imie de h C 36

Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD HO MEIN Jens CHOA Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD HO MEIN Jens CHOA O Juan ners rt 2. Pa u he ea ent) herc e rec vironnem ntr 1. Ce eolia En (V au t) olia E 2. Ve ion Oues (Rég Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement lture gricu e d’A am b r 3. Chetagne e de Br rieur Supé al s ation e ole N Renn 4. Ec imie de h C 2 Partners Water Team Compost Team Air Team Technical Team 37

Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD HO MEIN Jens CHOA Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD HO MEIN Jens CHOA O Juan ners rt 2. Pa 3 Partner budget allocation Total budget € 890 K u he ea ent) herc e rec vironnem ntr 1. Ce eolia En (V au t) olia E 2. Ve ion Oues (Rég lture gricu e d’A am b r 3. Chetagne e de Br rieur Supé al s ation e ole N Renn 4. Ec imie de h C Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement dget 3. Bu K € 890 27% of initial budget financed by the European Community 38

Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD HO MEIN Jens CHOA Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD HO MEIN Jens CHOA O Juan ners rt 2. Pa u he ea ent) herc e rec vironnem ntr 1. Ce eolia En (V au t) olia E 2. Ve ion Oues (Rég lture gricu e d’A am b r 3. Chetagne e de Br rieur Supé al s ation e ole N Renn 4. Ec imie de h C dget K € 890 3. Bu Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement ation. Dur 4 s onth 24 m 4 Duration EC Project Task Veolia financement 5 5 6 6 7 5 6 4 05 5 6 6 7 5 6 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 t 0 t 0 t 0 0 il 0 ec Fév vr juin Aoû Oc Dec Fév Avr juin Aoû D A Mangement and reporting to EC 1 Desing, conception and construction of the installations 2 Operation and optimisation of the whole system 3 Follow-up of the gaseous effluent 4 Holistic evaluation of environmental impacts of the optimised installation effluent 5 Dissemination 6 39

Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD HO MEIN Jens CHOA Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD HO MEIN Jens CHOA O Juan 5 Prototype implantation ners rt 2. Pa u he ea ent) herc e rec vironnem ntr 1. Ce eolia En (V au t) olia E 2. Ve ion Oues (Rég lture gricu e d’A am b r 3. Chetagne e de Br rieur Supé al s ation e ole N Renn 4. Ec imie de h C dget K € 890 3. Bu Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement ation. Dur 4 s onth 24 m tion lanta p 5. Im re inistè F Experimental pork farm - Finistere chambre of agriculture (FCA) Responsible: Bigitte LANDRAIN Place : 29520 St GOAZEC - Public association dedicated to the orientation, co-ordination, control and also direct execution of developing actions linked to animal farming. - The station of Guernévez is dedicated to pork farming and hence represents the optimal experimental site for the ZNP project 3200 porc per year 40

Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD 6 HO MEIN Jens Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD 6 HO MEIN Jens CHOA O Juan ners rt 2. Pa u he ea ent) herc e rec vironnem ntr 1. Ce eolia En (V au t) olia E 2. Ve ion Oues (Rég lture gricu e d’A am b r 3. Chetagne e de Br rieur Supé al s ation e ole N Renn 4. Ec imie de h C dget K € 890 3. Bu Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement ation. Dur 4 s onth 24 m tion lanta p 5. Im re inistè F tion 6. Co nica mmu Communication Patent 1 EP 1466870 – Procédé et installation de traitement de déjections animales - Accepted for France - Under evaluation for Europe 41

Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD 6 HO MEIN Jens Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD 6 HO MEIN Jens CHOA O Juan ners rt 2. Pa u he ea ent) herc e rec vironnem ntr 1. Ce eolia En (V au t) olia E 2. Ve ion Oues (Rég re cultu ’Agri ed am b r 3. Chetagne Br e de rieur upé nal S Natio ennes ole R 4. Ec imie de Ch ation. Dur 4 s onth 24 m tion lanta p 5. Im re inistè F Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement Conferences 1 International Symposium on Environmental biotechnology Leipzig. July 9 -13, 2006: “Swine wastewater global management: nitrogen, phosphorus and organic matter accumulation and degradation through a membrane bioreactor including reuse of treated water” 2 Les journées de la Recherche Porcine – Paris 2006. January 31 dget 3. Bu K € 890 tion nica mmu 6. Co Communication 2006: “Le lisier frais: évacuation fréquente des lisiers des porcheries. Faisibilité technique et conséquences environnementales” 3 Desalination and the Environment Halkidiki – Grece 2007: “Long terme performances of MBR (membrane bioreactor) for dilute swine wastewater treatment using submerged membrane in semiindustrial-scale”. 42

Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD 6 HO MEIN Jens Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD 6 HO MEIN Jens CHOA O Juan ners rt 2. Pa Conferences u he ea ent) herc e rec vironnem ntr 1. Ce eolia En (V 4 1 er Congrès International de Génie Chimique appliqué aux au t) olia E 2. Ve ion Oues (Rég procédés “propres”, GPE 2007 – Toulouse - France: April 24 -26. “Long term performance of membrane bioreactor for dilute swine wastewater treatment using submerged membrane in semi-industrial scale” re cultu ’Agri e de rieur upé nal S Natio ennes ole R 4. Ec imie de Ch dget 3. Bu K € 890 Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement ation. Dur 4 s onth 24 m tion lanta p 5. Im re inistè F tion 6. Co nica mmu Oral presentation accepted ed am b r 3. Chetagne Br Communication 5 Société Francaise de génie de Procédés SFGP 2007. Saint Etienne - France: October 9 -11. “Gestion intégrée des effluents de porcheries par Bioreacteur à Membrane: impact sur la pollution atmosphérique” 6 7ème Congrès international du GRUTTEE – PAU –France: October 29 -31. “Contamination par des antibiotiques d’un reacteur à membrane semi-industriel traitant du lisier – Transport et devenir de ces contaminants” 43

Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD 6 HO MEIN Jens Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD 6 HO MEIN Jens CHOA O Juan ners rt 2. Pa u he ea ent) herc e rec vironnem ntr 1. Ce eolia En (V au t) olia E 2. Ve ion Oues (Rég re cultu ’Agri ed am b r 3. Chetagne Br e de rieur upé nal S Natio ennes ole R 4. Ec imie de Ch dget K € 890 ation. Dur 4 s onth 24 m tion lanta p 5. Im re inistè F Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement Publications 1 International journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering. “Long term performance of membrane bioreactor for dilute swine wastewater treatment using submerged membrane in semi-industrial scale” 2 Publications in work… 3. Bu tion nica mmu 6. Co Communication - Tetracycline: validation of quantification method – Talanta journal - Global COD and Nitrogen performances – Water Research - … more to come 44

Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD 6 HO MEIN Jens Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD 6 HO MEIN Jens CHOA O Juan ners rt 2. Pa u he ea ent) herc e rec vironnem ntr 1. Ce eolia En (V au t) olia E 2. Ve ion Oues (Rég e de rieur upé nal S Natio ennes ole R 4. Ec imie de Ch dget K € 890 3. Bu Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement 1 Ouest-France, Friday 2, June 2006 2 Atout Porc Bretagne – Septembre 2005 “Le lisier frais: un nouveau procédé pour épurer le liquide chasse d’eau” 3 Atout Porc Bretagne – Mars 2007 ation. Dur 4 s onth 24 m tion lanta p 5. Im re inistè F tion nica mmu 6. Co Specialised journals and newspaper “On teste une porcherie zéro nuissance” re cultu ’Agri ed am b r 3. Chetagne Br Communication “Préserver la qualité de l’air dedans comme dehors: Le lisier frais à Guernevez” 4 Porc Magazine – Juillet/aout 2006 “Porcherie Zéro Nuisance : On en rêve, Veolia y croit” 5 Techni-Porc, Vol 30 N° 2 – 2007 (209 -218) “Evacuer fréquement les lissiers des porcheries avec la technique du lisier frais” 45

Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD 6 HO MEIN Jens Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD 6 HO MEIN Jens CHOA O Juan ners rt 2. Pa u he ea ent) herc e rec vironnem ntr 1. Ce eolia En (V au t) olia E 2. Ve ion Oues (Rég Others… 1 Set-Up of a permanent exhibition on the project at the experimental station of Finistere Chamber of Agriculture (FCA). re cultu ’Agri ed am b r 3. Chetagne Br Communication e de rieur upé nal S Natio ennes ole R 4. Ec imie de Ch dget K € 890 3. Bu Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement ation. Dur 4 s onth 24 m tion lanta p 5. Im re inistè F tion 6. Co nica mmu 46

Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD 6 HO MEIN Jens Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD 6 HO MEIN Jens CHOA O Juan ners rt 2. Pa u he ea ent) herc e rec vironnem ntr 1. Ce eolia En (V au t) olia E 2. Ve ion Oues (Rég Others… 1 Set-Up of a permanent exhibition on the project at the experimental station of Finistere Chamber of Agriculture (FCA). re cultu ’Agri ed am b r 3. Chetagne Br Communication e de rieur upé nal S Natio ennes ole R 4. Ec imie de Ch 2 Open house on the experimental site : June 1, 2006 150 participants student, researchers, swine producers and their partners. dget K € 890 3. Bu Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement ation. Dur 4 s onth 24 m tion lanta p 5. Im re inistè F tion 6. Co nica mmu 47

Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD 6 HO MEIN Jens Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD 6 HO MEIN Jens CHOA O Juan ners rt 2. Pa u he ea ent) herc e rec vironnem ntr 1. Ce eolia En (V au t) olia E 2. Ve ion Oues (Rég e de rieur upé nal S Natio ennes ole R 4. Ec imie de Ch dget K € 890 2 Open house on the experimental site : June 1, 2006 3 Exceptional visit of M. Nicolas SARCOZY (October 6, 2006) and M. Christian ESTROSI (February 13, 2006) ation. Dur 4 s onth 24 m tion lanta p 5. Im re inistè F Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement 1 Set-Up of a permanent exhibition on the project at the 150 participants student, researchers, pig breeders and their partners. 3. Bu tion nica mmu 6. Co Others… experimental station of Finistere Chamber of Agriculture (FCA). re cultu ’Agri ed am b r 3. Chetagne Br Communication 48

Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD 6 HO MEIN Jens Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD 6 HO MEIN Jens CHOA O Juan ners rt 2. Pa u he ea ent) herc e rec vironnem ntr 1. Ce eolia En (V au t) olia E 2. Ve ion Oues (Rég re cultu ’Agri ed am b r 3. Chetagne Br e de rieur upé nal S Natio ennes ole R 4. Ec imie de Ch 1 COPAGRI : Interested by filtration module used for tertiary treatment system. Date: 06/07/06 Veolia contact: M. LANGE (DMI VE Ouest). global ZNP management. ation. Dur 4 s onth 24 m tion lanta p 5. Im re inistè F Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement Technical visits 2 AGROKOR (Croatia) : Interested in biological treatment and dget 3. Bu K € 890 tion nica mmu 6. Co Communication - Director of projetcs : Kresimir KUTEROVAC - General manger : Zalto TOMIC Date: 28/09/06 Veolia contact: G. BACQUET (Bussines Development Director Central & Eastern Europe – Veolia Water). 3 Visit of 25 peoples (research and pig breeder) from Canada 49

Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD 6 HO MEIN Jens Global Project Presentation r eade ject l 1. Pro LD 6 HO MEIN Jens CHOA O Juan ners rt 2. Pa u he ea ent) herc e rec vironnem ntr 1. Ce eolia En (V au t) olia E 2. Ve ion Oues (Rég WEB Site Activation in November 2007 re cultu ’Agri ed am b r 3. Chetagne Br Communication e de rieur upé nal S Natio ennes ole R 4. Ec imie de Ch Project description Results Publications and global brochures available dget K € 890 3. Bu Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement ation. Dur 4 s onth 24 m tion lanta p 5. Im re inistè F tion 6. Co nica mmu 50

Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement WEB Site 51 Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement WEB Site 51

Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement WEB Site 52 Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement WEB Site 52

Program Results and final evaluation – ZNP project Juan OCHOA – Project manager (Anjou Program Results and final evaluation – ZNP project Juan OCHOA – Project manager (Anjou Recherche) 13 h 00 – 14 h 00 Buffet 14 h 00 – 14 h 30 Prototype Visit 14 h 30 – 15 h 30 Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement 12 h 20– 13 h 00 Discussion 15 h 30 – 16 h 30 Visit to Finistere Chamber of agriculture 16 h 30– 17 h 30 Cocktail 53 17 h 30 Bus Qimper airport transport

Proposal for integrated management of pig farm slurry Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement Proposal for integrated management of pig farm slurry Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement Prototype, results and final evaluation ZNP project Juan OCHOA Project Manager Municipal Waste. Water & Sludges Departement Water Research Center 54

ZNP Principle type oto he pr 1. T e ipl Princ 1 Principle Document ZNP Principle type oto he pr 1. T e ipl Princ 1 Principle Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement The principle of operation is to combined several existing techniques into a single system for the management and processing of pig slurry. Four techniques are used: 55

ZNP Principle type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ PIGGERY Flush system Raw ZNP Principle type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ PIGGERY Flush system Raw slurry storage tank Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement To physical and biological treatment 56 Competitor Flush system….

ZNP Principle type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ PIGGERY Flush system Raw ZNP Principle type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ PIGGERY Flush system Raw slurry storage tanks To physical and biological treatment Fresh slurry management and piggery characteristics: Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement - Flushing out the slurry several times daily: Flushing volume and frequency. - 72 pig fattening unit 30 to 120 kg (120 days) : Control pig unit 72 pigs. Flush system objective 1 2 Prevent an anaerobic decomposition of the manure in the building and hence the major odour source. Improve working conditions and animal living conditions. 57

ZNP Principle type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ PRETREATMENT SYSTEM PIGGERY Flush ZNP Principle type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ PRETREATMENT SYSTEM PIGGERY Flush system Raw slurry storage tanks Centrifuge Composting Pretreatment task Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement 1 Separation efficiency (odour emissions) 2 Mass balance (Organic matter, Nitrogen, Phosporous, Siccity) 3 Polymer addition : quantification 58

ZNP Principle type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ PRETREATMENT SYSTEM PIGGERY Raw ZNP Principle type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ PRETREATMENT SYSTEM PIGGERY Raw slurry storage tanks Flush system Centrifuge Composting BIOLOGICAL SYSTEM (BIOSEP®) Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement Membrane module Effluent Aerobic Tank Anoxic Tank Online sensors Air Membrane plane TORAY 27 m 2 0. 45µm Air Sludge to pretreatment 59

ZNP Principle type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ PRETREATMENT SYSTEM PIGGERY Biological ZNP Principle type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ PRETREATMENT SYSTEM PIGGERY Biological treatment task Raw slurry storage tanks Flush system Centrifuge 1 Optimisation of the functional parameters (HRT, SRT, etc…) 2 Membrane behaviour (Cleaning procedure and frequency) 3 Nitrogen and organic elimination Composting BIOLOGICAL SYSTEM (BIOSEP®) Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement Membrane module Effluent Aerobic Tank Anoxic Tank Online sensors Air Sludge to pretreatment 60

ZNP Principle type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ PRETREATMENT SYSTEM PIGGERY Raw ZNP Principle type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ PRETREATMENT SYSTEM PIGGERY Raw slurry storage tanks Flush system Centrifuge Composting BIOLOGICAL SYSTEM (BIOSEP®) Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement Membrane module Aerobic Tank Anoxic Tank Online sensors Air Sludge to pretreatment 61

ZNP Principle type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ PRETREATMENT SYSTEM Raw slurry ZNP Principle type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ PRETREATMENT SYSTEM Raw slurry storage tanks Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement Sludge from biological reactor Centrifuge Composting Compost system 1 Parameters Monitoring (temperature, humidity…) 2 Final quality composition 62

ZNP Principle ype otot he pr 1. T ZNP SYSTEM iple Princ Document commercial ZNP Principle ype otot he pr 1. T ZNP SYSTEM iple Princ Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement The overriding principle is containment of water within the system, so that the water output from de Biosep® treatment is used for the fresh slurry flushing. by this mean, economy of water is achieved, along with reduction of gaseous emissions from the pig unit. 63 Results

Results type oto he pr 1. T e ipl Princ nal eratio 2. Op Results type oto he pr 1. T e ipl Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions it cond 2 Operational conditions EC Project Task Veolia financement 7 5 6 5 4 05 5 7 05 06 06 il 06 06 07 r 07 0 05 0 06 0 0 t 0 0 0 ût ct ec év r ril in in in v ec Fév oû A ju ju ju F F D D D A Av Av Ao O Buildings Optimized conditions Kg Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement 120 30 30 60 90 120 Time (d) 64

The prototype oto he pr 1. T e ipl Princ nal eratio 2. Op The prototype oto he pr 1. T e ipl Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions it cond 2 Operational conditions 1. Flush characteristics Volume de chasse ≈ 400 l Fréquence ≈ 6 times/d Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement 2. Biosep® characteristics SRT Voxic Vanoxic ≈ 20 d ≈ 8 m 3 ≈ 4 m 3 65

The prototype oto he pr 1. T e ipl Princ nal eratio 2. Op The prototype oto he pr 1. T e ipl Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions it cond 2. 1 Flow balance PRETREATMENT SYSTEM PIGGERY 400 Lx 6=2400 L/d Centrifuge 2688 L/d 2907 L/d 2988 L/d 4 Lx 72=288 L/d 90 kg/d (23%) 81 L/d BIOLOGICAL SYSTEM (BIOSEP®) Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement Membrane module Aerobic Tank Anoxic Tank 2607 L/d 2907 L/d Online sensors 2400 l/d 66 Air 207 L/d Measured = 117 L/d Air 300 L/d Difference = 90 L/d Evaporation and water loses (0, 5% of total volume)

The prototype oto he pr 1. T e ipl Princ nal eratio 2. Op The prototype oto he pr 1. T e ipl Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions it cond 2. 1 Flow balance PIGGERY PRETREATMENT SYSTEM 3 Air quality Centrifuge 4 Compost quality 1 Slurry characteristics 2 BIOLOGICAL SYSTEM (BIOSEP®) Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement Membrane module Aerobic Tank Anoxic Tank Mass balance Online sensors 67 Air

Results type oto he pr 1. T e ipl Princ nal eratio 2. Op Results type oto he pr 1. T e ipl Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions it cond sults 3. R e Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement ry - Slur cteristics ara ch 3. 1 Slurry Characteristics T-COD S-COD ≈ 14. 2 g/l ≈ 3. 01 g/l SS PO 4 Nt NH 4 NO 3 ≈ 8 -9 g/l ≈ 0. 3 g/l ≈ 1. 1 g/l < 0. 01 g/l 68

Results type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions Results type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions it cond sults 3. R e ry - Slur cteristics chara ent reatm urry t - Sl 3. 1 Fresh slurry treatment Suspended solids (SS) Fresh slurry SS = 7 -8 g/l After centrifugation After biological treatment SS = 0. 9 - 0. 95 g/l SS = 0 g/l Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement Pretreatment Biological treatment 88 -90 % Polymer 7 -10 kg/ton 100 % Sludge from biological reactor 100 -110 kg/d (23 -24% siccity) 69

Results type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions Results type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions it cond 3. 2 Fresh slurry treatment Total Chemical oxygen demand (COD) Fresh slurry After centrifugation sults 3. R e ry - Slur cteristics chara ent reatm urry t - Sl Total COD = 12 -14 g/l Total COD = 4 -7 g/l After biological treatment Total COD= 0. 31 g/l Biological treatment 60 -70 % Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement Pretreatment 95 % 70

Results type oto he pr 1. T e ipl Princ nal eratio 2. Op Results type oto he pr 1. T e ipl Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions it cond 3. 3 Fresh slurry treatment Chemical oxygen demand: Soluble (0, 45µm) Fresh slurry After centrifugation sults 3. R e ry - Slur cteristics ara t ch atmen rry tre - Slu S-COD= 3. 9 g/l S-COD= 3. 7 g/l Pretreatment Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement S-COD = 0. 3 g/l Biological treatment ± 90 -100 kg/d (24% siccity) After biological treatment 92 % ± 92 % 71

Results type oto he pr 1. T e ipl Princ 3. 3 COD problematic Results type oto he pr 1. T e ipl Princ 3. 3 COD problematic TOTAL COD 98% nal eratio 2. Op ions it cond SOLUBLE COD 92% very good but… sults 3. R e ry - Slur cteristics ara t ch atmen rry tre - Slu Reuse water Accumulation of non biodegradable COD fraction 300 mg. COD/l after 120 days of operation Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement S-COD (mg/L) 80 -90 mg. COD/L/month 40 -60 mg. COD/L/month 300 mg. COD/l 300 30 60 90 120 Time (d) 72

Results type oto he pr 1. T e ipl Princ nal eratio 2. Op Results type oto he pr 1. T e ipl Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions it cond 3. 3 COD problematic Flow balance PRETREATMENT SYSTEM PIGGERY 400 Lx 6=2400 L/d 2688 L/d Centrifuge 2907 L/d 2988 L/d lts su 3. R e ry - Slur cteristics ara t ch atmen rry tre - Slu 4 Lx 72=288 L/d 105 kg/d (23%) 81 L/d BIOLOGICAL SYSTEM (BIOSEP®) Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement Membrane module Aerobic Tank Anoxic Tank 2607 L/d 2907 L/d Online sensors 2400 l/d 73 Air 207 L/d Measured = 117 L/d Air 300 L/d Difference = 90 L/d Evaporation and water loses (0, 5% of total volume)

Results type oto he pr 1. T e ipl Princ 3. 3 COD problematic Results type oto he pr 1. T e ipl Princ 3. 3 COD problematic TOTAL COD 98% nal eratio 2. Op ions it cond SOLUBLE COD 92% very good but… sults 3. R e ry - Slur cteristics ara t ch atmen rry tre - Slu Reuse water Accumulation of non biodegradable COD fraction S-COD (mg/L) 80 -90 mg. COD/L/month 40 -60 mg. COD/L/month 300 mg. COD/l 300 Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement 120 mg. COD/l 30 60 90 120 Time (d) Directive on protecting surface water directive, the surface water in question must not contain a concentration of COD exceeding 120 mg/l 74

Results type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ 3. 3 COD problematic TOTAL Results type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ 3. 3 COD problematic TOTAL COD 98% nal eratio 2. Op ions it cond sults 3. R e ry - Slur cteristics hara c ent reatm urry t - Sl SOLUBLE COD 92% S-COD (mg/L) 300 6 m 3 very good but… 6 m 3 300 mg. COD/l Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement 120 mg. COD/l S-COD (mg/L) 300 30 6 m 3 90 6 m 3 Time (d) 120 6 m 3 300 mg. COD/l 120 mg. COD/l 30 60 90 120 Time (d) 75

Results type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions Results type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions it cond sults 3. R e Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement ry - Slur cteristics hara c ent reatm urry t - Sl 3. 3 COD problematic TOTAL COD 98% SOLUBLE COD 92% very good but… 36 m 3 water tap (0. 17 m 3/d x 120 d) = 20 m 3 treated water 36 m 3 water tap 56 m 3 35 m 3 of pig slurry 76

Results type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions Results type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions it cond 3. 4 Fresh slurry treatment Nitrogen elimination Fresh slurry After centrifugation T-N= 1. 3 g/l T-N= 1. 1 g/l sults 3. R e ry - Slur cteristics hara c ent reatm urry t - Sl T-N = 0. 08 g/l Pretreatment Biological treatment 17 % 94 % ± Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement After biological treatment 1 Residual concentration of nitrates after treatment is less than 5 mg. N/L 2 Residual concentration of nitrites after treatment is less than 1 mg. N/L 77

Results type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions Results type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions it cond 3. 5 Fresh slurry treatment Phosphorous elimination (TOTAL) After centrifugation After biological treatment 0. 05 g P/l Fresh slurry 0. 025 g. P/l sults 3. R e ry - Slur cteristics hara c ent reatm urry t - Sl 0. 3 g P/l Pretreatment Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement ± 80% Biological treatment 50 % ± 92 % 78

Results type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions Results type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions it cond sults 3. R e Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement ry - Slur cteristics hara c ent reatm urry t - Sl ent reatm - Air t 3. 5 Air treatment ZNP pig unit 0. 3 kg Ammonia/pig/year 0. 05 kg N 2 O/pig/year Control pig unit 0. 75 kg Ammonia/pig/year 0. 125 kg N 2 O/pig/year Reduction in the range of 60 and 70% in the outflow of nitrogen protoxide, compared to control pig unit The ZNP integrated slurry management system contributes to a noticeable reduction in the gaseous output of malodorous substances 79

Results type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions Results type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions it cond sults 3. R e Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement ry - Slur cteristics hara c ent reatm urry t - Sl ent reatm - Air t cal chhni Zoote eters param 3 Zootechnical parameters Stress Noise levels of flushing water are low and do not affect the behaviour of the pigs in the unit. Performance Average weight gain of animals in both control and treated pig units is comparable (715 g/day). Average losses are approximately 6% without significant difference between the two buildings. Average CMC* is 60%. Lung abd nose analysis Very good results but, no significant difference between the two pig units. * Carcass muscle content For similar air quality and pig fattening performance, the extraction air flow in control pig unit has increase in 2 factor compared to ZNP pig unit. 80

Results type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ 3 Compost performances nal eratio Results type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ 3 Compost performances nal eratio 2. Op ions it cond sults 3. R e Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement ry - Slur cteristics hara c ent reatm urry t - Sl ent reatm - Air t cal chhni Zoote eters param Composting scheme: temperature monitoring Probe at depth 30 cm Probe at depth 60 cm Average pile Maximum aerobic degradation (65 to 70°C) reached after 7 days. Maturity after 8 weeks Final product compliant to Standard AFNOR U 44 A-N 7 (Organic soil improvers and crop growth enhancers) 81

EVALUATION type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions EVALUATION type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions it cond sults 3. R e Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement ry - Slur cteristics hara c ent reatm urry t - Sl ent reatm - Air t cal chhni Zoote eters param n io aluat 4. Ev 1 Technical Performances COD 100% elimination of SS 97% elimination of T-COD 92% elimination of S-COD Membrane Very high performances at 16 and 18 l/h/m 2 1 Maintenance Cleaning 1 Curative washing Zootechnical For similar air quality and pig fattening performance, the extraction air flow in control pig unit has increase in 2 factor compared to ZNP pig unit. N Total nitrification Total denitrification No nitrite accumulation Nitrate <5 mg/l Air Reduction of 60 and 70% (NH 3 and N 2 O) No VFA produced in Biosep® No ammoniac stripping in Biosep® No adorous substances in treated liquid Compost Final product compliant to Standard AFNOR U 44 A-N 7 (Organic soil improvers and crop growth enhancers) 82

EVALUATION type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions EVALUATION type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions it cond lts su 3. R e Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement ry - Slur cteristics hara c ent reatm urry t - Sl ent reatm - Air t cal chhni Zoote eters param 4. tion valua E 2 Economics – first analysis approach Biosep® 5000 m 3/an (non subvention) Ammortissement 10 years - (3. 5%) - Inversion : example 1 Centrifuge (+annex: polymer, pumps…) = K€ 60 = K€ 8/year BSP (1/2 cassette, non standard) = K€ 120 Bacs (Bio + others) = K€ 70 = K€ 16/year = K€ 9/year Equipment + instrumentation = K€ 45 = K€ 6/year Electrical budget = K€ 29. 5 = K€ 4/year Piping budget = K€ 29. 5 = K€ 4/year Starting budget Engineering budget = K€ 10 = K€ 29. 5 = K€ 1/year Gross cost = K€ 393. 5 = K€ 4/year = K€ 53. 1/year 83

EVALUATION type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions EVALUATION type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions it cond Biosep® 5000 m 3/an (non subvention) Ammortissement 10 years - (3. 5%) - Inversion: example 2 Centrifuge (+annex: polymer, pumps…) = K€ 60 lts su 3. R e ry - Slur cteristics hara c ent reatm urry t - Sl ent reatm - Air t cal chhni Zoote eters param Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement 2 Economics n io aluat 4. Ev = K€ 8/year BSP (1/2 cassette, non standard) = K€ 120 Bacs (Bio + others) = K€ 70 = K€ 16/year = K€ 9/year Equipment + instrumentation = K€ 30 = K€ 4/year = K€ 50 = K€ 6. 5/year Electrical budget Piping budget Starting budget Engineering budget Gross cost = K€ 330 Material inversion Gross cost example 1 K€ 393. 5 = K€ 42. 9/year example 2 -16% K€ 330 84

EVALUATION type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions EVALUATION type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions it cond 3 ults. Res Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement ry - Slur cteristics hara c ent reatm urry t - Sl ent reatm - Air t cal chhni Zoote eters param 4. tion valua E 2 Economics Biosep® 5000 m 3/an (non subvention) Gross cost - Inversion K€ 330 K€ 42. 9/year - Upkeep cost (per year) Membrane (400 m² € 90/m² = K€ 3. 6/year Polymer (7 -10 kg/T) 2 500 k/year x € 3/kg = K€ 7. 50/year Electricity (75 000 k. W/h/year x € 0. 07/Kwh = K€ 5. 25/year Staff Cost (1 day/week € 24. 5/h/7/52) = K€ 9/year TOTAL = K€ 25. 3/year 85

EVALUATION type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions EVALUATION type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions it cond 3 ults. Res Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement ry - Slur cteristics hara c ent reatm urry t - Sl ent reatm - Air t cal chhni Zoote eters param 4 2 Economics Biosep® 5000 m 3/an (non subvention) Gross cost - Inversion K€ 330 K€ 42. 9/year - Upkeep cost K€ 25. 3/year - By-product management Evacuation (400 T MS/year x € 36. 5/T) K€ 9. 2/year TOTAL K€ 77. 4/year n luatio. Eva TOTAL € 15. 48/m 3 + Irrigation cost + k€ 0. 46/m 3 86 (+12– 13 % using example 1) TOTAL € 15. 94/m 3

EVALUATION type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions EVALUATION type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions it cond sults 3. R e Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement ry - Slur cteristics hara c ent reatm urry t - Sl ent reatm - Air t cal chhni Zoote eters param 4. tion valua E 2 Economics ZNP Biosep® 5000 m 3/an (non subvention) Gross cost TOTAL € 15. 94/m 3 20% subvention TOTAL € 14. 22/m 3 Classical treatment (Biological) Comment: 1 Subvention : (20 to 30%) reduction between 10 and 12% 2 Farm size is a critical parameter Centralised treatment? 87

2008… type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions 2008… type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions it cond sults 3. R e Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement ry - Slur cteristics hara c ent reatm urry t - Sl ent reatm - Air t cal chhni Zoote eters param 4. tion valua E Veolia ZNP Work team 1 DMI, DT and AR Final economic evaluation at industrial scale 2 Confirmation Air mass balance Compost (mass balance, bacteriology…) (Compost ZNP Work team; AR, CRee. D and Chambre d’Agriculture Finistère) Antibiotics 3 Project validation in Brittany AR, Cemagref and Water Agency 5 ions nclus. Co 88

FINAL CONLCUSION type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ nal eratio 2. Op FINAL CONLCUSION type oto he pr 1. T iple Princ nal eratio 2. Op ions it cond 1 The ZNP system contributes to a noticeable reduction in the gaseous output of malodorous substances 2 Process mitigates the effect of the pig rearing environment on human health and well-being lts su 3. R e ry - Slur cteristics hara c ent reatm urry t - Sl ent reatm - Air t cal chhni Zoote eters param Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement Integrated management of pig farm slurry Effect – Membrane filtration 1 Very compact installations. 2 Water reuse (different piggeries) 3 Water standard quality n io aluat 4. Ev 5 ions nclus. Co Economic feasibility 1 First economic evaluation revealed a price between 15. 94 and 19. 6 euro/m 3 of manure, depending on the operating services included in the offer. 89

Program Results and final evaluation – ZNP project Juan OCHOA – Project manager (Anjou Program Results and final evaluation – ZNP project Juan OCHOA – Project manager (Anjou Recherche) 13 h 00 – 14 h 00 Buffet 14 h 00 – 14 h 30 Prototype Visit 14 h 30 – 15 h 30 Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement 12 h 20– 13 h 00 Discussion 15 h 30 – 16 h 30 Visit to Finistere Chamber of agriculture 16 h 30– 17 h 30 Cocktail 90 17 h 30 Bus Qimper airport transport

Veolia ZNP Meeting Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement Proposal for integrated management of Veolia ZNP Meeting Document commercial non contractuel –Veolia Environnement Proposal for integrated management of pig farm slurry Zero Nuisance Piggeries (ZNP) 91 Project is co-financed by the European Community as part of the LIFE-Environment project