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Velkommen Program: 1. Vestforbrænding ? 2. Waste and the" hidden flows” 3. waste as a resources 4. Tour around the incineration plant Per Brix
Vestforbrænding a owned by 19 municipal • Albertslund • Ballerup • Brøndby • Egedal • Frederikssund • Halsnæs • Furesø • Gentofte • Gladsaxe • Glostrup Ca. 865. 000 citizen Ca. 65. 000 companies Ca. 300 employee Non profit Company • Gribskov • Herlev • Hillerød • Høje Taastrup • Ishøj • København (vest) • Lyngby-Taarbæk • Rødovre • Vallensbæk
Waste in Denmark 2006 Total amount: 15, 5 mill tons Recycling: 10, 8 mill tons Incineration: 3, 7 mill tons Deposit: 1, 0 mill tons Hidden flows from our consumption 400 mill tons “waste” all around the world
General situation Households 6% 23% 70% 6% 58% 33%
Waste shall not been seen Wee feel discomfort When vi are confronted whit waste It a part of the welfare state that waste disappear
For the ordinary consumer it all start her.
After a short time it ends her All products has a long story to tell
All Danes hidden flows is 195 kg/day
A Cell phone The weight of a cell phone is 100 g. The hidden flow is 75 kg
Behind a product is a long production process involving a lots of recourse. gold silicium cobber PVC silver
Cell phone 58% plast Indhold <1% Tin Bly (Lead) Tantalum Kobolt Aluminium Tungsten Gold Palladium Antimon Mangan Litium Cr 2 O 3 LC Ru. O 2 Beryllium Phosfor Molybdæn ITO
Environmental Impact of Copper Mine Ok Tedi Mine, Papua New Guinea These images show environmental impact of the mine • 1990: Both the mine and township of Tabubil, are clearly visible • 2004: Raised river beds, forest damage and decline in biodiversity are some impacts
we move the Resources
Landfill Mining 16. 5 millioner tons affald
Urban Mining
you The good story You supermarket The cost of energy is 5% compare whit the production from virgin material Ryomgaard (Denmark) Älmhult (Sweden)
Illustration = X 775 Explanation: If all alu-caps from candles in Sweden were recycled (270 t/year of pure aluminum) the amount of avoided CO 2 would be ~2. 250 t - equivalent to the amount coming from 775 averages cars
Illustration = X 1. 500 Explanation: If all Swedish households recycled just one more glass every month another 7. 200 t would be recycled representing 4. 300 t of avoided CO 2 - equivalent to the amount coming from 1. 500 cars
Illustration = X 22. 500 Explanation: If just 1% of all cables in Sweden not any more in use were recycled every year approximately 120. 000 t of CO 2 would be avoided - equivalent to the amount coming from the heating of 22. 500 households
CO 2 focus is very popular • • • 1 tons recycled aluminium “save” 10 tons CO 2 1 tons glass recycled save 0, 6 tons CO 2 1 tons recycled cobber save about 20 tons CO 2 1 tons recycled paper save 1. 5 tons CO 2 1 tons recycled plastic save 1. 5 -2. 0 tons CO 2 • Source: Återinvindingsindustrierna Återvunnen råvara- en god affär för klimatet, April 2007
A lots of word